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WATCH: Sarah Sanders Rips Unhinged Crank April Ryan For Asking If Trump White House Supports Slavery (VIDEO)

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders is a strong woman who is not afraid to speak the truth. She is not that kind of a girl who will just stand there and listen to the liberal media constant attacks! No, she did something that made us all proud of her!

Sarah Huckabee Sanders took CNN contributor April Ryan to task on Wednesday after the reporter asked if the Trump administration supports slavery.

Ryan is a White House correspondent and bureau chief for American Urban Radio. She appears regularly on CNN. Watch the video below!

Via The Gateway Pundit:

Ryan asked Sanders “what is the definition of compromise as it related to slavery and the civil war?”

The Press Secretary told Ryan that it’s wasn’t necessary to rehash civil war history, especially since an answer to the same question was given yesterday.

The CNN reporter ignored Sanders’ answer, posing the question a second time.

“Does this administration believe that slavery is wrong?” asked Ryan.

Ryan went on to rehash Civil War history, recounting how the North won.

Sanders, clearly fed up with Ryan suggesting the Trump administration supports slavery, ripped the reporter saying, “I think it is disgusting and absurd to suggest that anyone inside of this building would support slavery.”

Sanders then moved on to take a question from NBC News’ Peter Alexander.

Sarah is one tough, sensible, and patriotic woman. She is appropriate and stands up for this nation’s values and principles. She is truly an asset to the Trump team. She takes no crap and always has an intelligent answer.

That fat reporter 15 minutes of fame has run out, what’s kind of stupid effing question is that. Why are we rehashing crap that happened 150 years ago? Hell, ask Sarah her thoughts on the Spanish Inquisition while you’re at it, every day they try to paint Trump as some knuckle-dragging racist, he’s been in the public eye for over 30 years something would have popped up by now. The DNC would found it or even better fabricated it last year if it existed.

Great job, keeping them in line Sarah.

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Michelle McKennie

Michelle is American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm.

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