Official! He Is Back, Colin Kaepernick To Return To The NFL, Here’s Which Teams Are Vying Sign Him
What a great way for a team to lose even more fans and followers. Just sign Kaepernick!
Everybody knows that Colin Kaepernick’s polarizing decision to protest the national anthem was a stupid thing to do! Honoring and respect the flag of our nation is also paying respect for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice to keep of nation safe and free.
Bleacher Reported reported that Colin Kaepernick’s attorney, Mark Geragos, explained on Tuesday that he expects his client to be signed within the next 10 days. Geragos appeared on The Adam Carolla Show and when it was requested that he give his own prediction about what would be happening in Kaepernick’s future, he stated “I think within the next 10 days somebody will sign him. I think somebody’s gonna sign him. I think the NFL has to come to their senses, and realize every day that goes by just proves the collusion case even more.”
While there is nothing concrete about Geragos’s statement, we are left wondering if Kaepernick will truly be signed to a team within the next week and a half. This guy doesn’t deserve to be earning millions of dollars while disrespecting our entire country, our flag, and the men and women who fight for our freedom.
There have been rumors of a few different teams that may possibly be thinking about signing the former 49ers quarterback. Rumors have included the Arizona Cardinals, the Cleveland Browns, the Indianapolis Colts, among a few others.
The NFL is in a bit of trouble. Go ahead, hire this clown and drive the last nail into your coffin. You can have him. But you will be sorry after cancer spreads in your locker room. This POS still needs to apologize to all of America for his selfishness and acting like a drama queen!
However, if they think the Bengals are in trouble now, watch the attendance and revenue DROP dramatically. We the American patriots aren’t going to put up with this disrespect and anti-American bull c**p.
So sad that he might be playing again! I personally do NOT think he is that great of a player !!! I will continue NOT to watch any game !!!
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Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
i can only pray that if someone hires him it wont be the saints.. that asshole should be made an example of by disgracing our military and police.. i say SCREW HIM
my comment probably wont be posted cause this snowflake and his crap … liberals i think love him for his disgrateful act.
Why would any team take a chance on kripplenic , he’s been out of the game almost a year! When he was still with the 49er’s he only played in two or three games the last two seasons, he had one good season and it was a fluke ! If any team out there thinks , that he is going to save their season ? More like sink the team for the next 10 seasons, those teams should already be planning their vacation and possibly their retirement!
Stupid n gg r….
Racism wasn’t an issue until obama pulled this bullshit BLM crap ! There own race is making them look like fools. U ever watch COPS, NEXT 48 HRS, LOCK UP, there’s more ! 95% are blacks ! There are more blk on blk deaths then in the Iraq war. These are ! I have a lot of good black friends.
Expecting to be signed and being signed is two different things. What else would you expect from a sponge.
Great, I would like to see that. His coming back would be the last nail in the coffin . Boycott the NFL and its sponsors into nonexistent and beyond.
His lack of an offer – AFTER he turned down an offer – is due to his lack of skill. He wasn’t put in to play often while with the 49ers because of his lack of skill. Get the message, yet? To give him this POLITICAL position is not fair to the players who earn their way. However, the NFL has a habit of keeping players with horrid backgrounds (i.e. domestic violence, jail time, drug issues, racketeering, etc).
Think about this – our innocent children look up to the sports’ personel, and way to many are worthless as role models.
Players have been fined for celebrating in the end zone, and wearing personalized cleats until this year….but apparently taking a knee and wearing socks with police portrayed as pigs is acceptable in the NFL
If people are already boycotting the NFL and sponsors are pulling out their sponsorship, what makes the NFL believe that putting the idiot that started all of this disrespect to our country, our flag, and our Armed Forces back on a football team will help their situation in any way?