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Pickup Truck Driver Goes Through Durham County Jail Protesters

Most people learned by now that they need to stay out of the street or they will get hurt… But not liberal protestants. This video below shows how more and more FED UP Americans are dealing with protestors who think it’s OK to block traffic.

There were some intense moments on Monday, as protesters were blocking traffic outside the Durham County Jail without a permit when the truck began approaching them.

A video shows the vehicle was moving slowly before protesters began hitting it with their signs and jumping in front of it in an apparent effort to make it stop.

Even though the protesters did not have a permit to protest, organizers are blaming the driver – and asking why police did not get involved — for causing a scene.

“There were kids there and people with different mobilities that were not able to pick up and move,” said Christine Hawn, a safety marshal with the protesters according to ABC11. — who were blocking the road to traffic outside the Durham County Jail without a permit – attempted to stop the truck from driving down South Mangum Street.

However the whole incident was caught on camera, and the footage of the incident directly contradicts this, showing apparently well and able protesters placing themselves in the truck’s way.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9kvPk6n_dI]

The driver’s identity is not known. Durham Police say they were nearby watching, allowing the demonstrators to protest peacefully. Luckily, no one was hurt.

The message is simple – stand in our way, get run over.

Protestors belong on the sidewalks and if they refuse to do that, book them into the nearest jail with a big fat fine and community service indictment.
That’s why I would not call them protestors. Protestors stand on the sidewalk holding signs and are a little inconvenient. The people are rioters. The block roads and illegally detain others.

What right do the people have to disrupt traffic? Hit your windshield with a stick and see how that works for you. You have a bunch of people around your vehicle screaming, intimidating and approaching you get out of dodge and step on the gas.


Natalie Washington

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a "constitutional conservative".

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7 years ago

run these nazis over.

7 years ago
Reply to  joe

If they are stupid enough to stand in the road I would do the same thing this guy or gal did good job

fred freestone
fred freestone
7 years ago

the police should take control of such situations and fine and jail people for putting themselves and others in danger.

Marsha Cholewinski
7 years ago
Reply to  fred freestone

the police have tried to take control, but thats when you open up another whole new set of problems. They start getting run over, then the idiots will stop playing in the streets

7 years ago

good job more people need to do this but you did go a little to slow I mean they did have a chance to step aside!!lol

7 years ago

Too bad some didn’t fall underneath the wheels. That would have served the idiots right.

7 years ago

Shouldn’t they be charged with holding the driver hostage

7 years ago

NOT PEACEFUL protest police do your job

7 years ago

There are rules for protesting and blocking streets is not an area they have the right to abuse. They should be orderly and on the sidewalks or else they are breaking the law. Now police don’t enforce the rules so these people think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. It is getting very weary of seeing these people do whatever and think their freedom overrides everyone else’s.

John Griffis
John Griffis
7 years ago

The Police should have arrested the protestards , for public nuisance! I would have done the same thing as th e truck driver , it would be like the old Alice Cooper song (Under my Wheels)

dave balch
dave balch
7 years ago

Danggggg, Id be in jail because Id mow them over like the complete scum under my tires they deserve to be. sigh……………………this might be why I avoid it like the plague #howtosurviveportlandOR

7 years ago

They should be arrested for damages to his truck

7 years ago

run the assholes over.

Terrace Raaymakers
Terrace Raaymakers
7 years ago

If the protesters did not have a permit, they should have been arrested!

John H
John H
7 years ago

Easy to fix. Get some extra-loud horns and lay on them. They’ll move. Get a “Dixie” song gizmo and play it as you leave them behind!

7 years ago

Protesters are Nothing but TERRORIST that are attempting to KIDNAP People AGAINST their WILL and SHOULD BE LEGAL to be able to run them down to ESCAPE from being HELD.

7 years ago

The police should have acted to prevent such a situation from occurring.

Label this group as a TERRORIST organization, put them in jail, then ship them to gitmo. Let them sit there for a few years before they go to trial. That’s what they deserve. That or, just hurry it up and put them in front of a firing squad.

7 years ago

They get what they get they are destroying his truck I would run them over too. Where do they get off thinking its ok to damage someone else’s property. They need to be held accountable.

bruce gamble
bruce gamble
7 years ago

there lucky the driver was a nice person, my thought was what is the speed limit.

Lori Pounds
Lori Pounds
7 years ago

Too sweet. It’s a shame that not one of those liberals care enough about their little “cause” to have been squashed by that truck. Thank you, so much for sharing this!

7 years ago

Keep standing in the road you loser morons. I wouldn’t stop either even if I had to run over one of you low lives. You’re wasting your time. Go get a job.

7 years ago

No permit to protest, and no protest at all, has the right to unlawfully detain anyone, be it walking the sidewalk or driving on the road. that being said, I promise i will drive through or over anyone who chooses to try to detain me unlawfully!

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