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Sheriff’s Office Is Training Florida’s University To Carry Concealed Weapons For Self-Defense

It’s about time we finally have a sheriff with brains! One college made a great choice to protect the lives of the students. At the end of the day, that is the most important thing- the safety of those who are our future.

Even though Florida forbids carrying concealed guns on college and university campuses, the state’s ban allows law enforcement–including sheriff’s deputies–to carry on campus. That is why a historic private college has teamed with a local sheriff in a first of its kind program to arm faculty. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office is training faculty of Lakeland Florida’s Southeastern University to carry concealed weapons for self-defense.

It was reported that what the local sheriff and the college did is the first of its kind and one that comes in the wake of the heinous attack on Republican lawmakers in Alexandria, Virginia.

The subject of campus carry in Florida has been contentious with both concealed and open carry banned by law with exceptions in place only for law enforcement. Lawmakers have repeatedly attempted to pass legislation to allow some form of legal carry since 2010 but, but their attempts have been unsuccessful, even though there was a shooting on the campus of Florida State University almost three years ago.
Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said he “will swear in the staff as special deputies, giving them the authorities [to possess firearms] when every second count.”

Sheriff Judd added: “I’m not going to sit on my hands, here in this office, while people die if I can prevent it with special deputy sheriffs; instructors and staff that are highly trained and ready to save lives.”

Southeastern University Exec. V.P. Chris Owen said: “The number one question asked by parents, when visiting our university, was about safety. Every year, every time, they asked: ‘What are you doing to keep our students safe when they come?’ You take those questions mixed the newsreels that keep coming in of the senseless violence [and] this was a no-brainer for us.”

You have to love Polk County, Sheriff Grady Judd! He’s nearly a legend in the law enforcement community. When one of his deputies was executed and another wounded by an escaped felon, other cops caught up to the guy and ended his rampage. Asked by the media why they shot the guy 68 times, Judd said: “That’s all the bullets we had.”

It is nice to see a common sense in the schools again. Way to go Sheriff Judd. Your example should be followed at other campuses. Thank you for the job you were taking to heart.

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Natalie Washington

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a "constitutional conservative".

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Brenda Stilwell
Brenda Stilwell
7 years ago

Hope to never hear from the democraps about outlawing guns. It about time someone is doing the right thing. Gun training should be mandatory. This way everyone will be armed and NOT JUST THE CRIMINALS.

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