Patriot Videos

WATCH! Man Who Lit Patriot’s Front Porch US Flag on Fire Learns Why You Don’t Do That To a Patriot!

If you don’t love and respect this country, if you don’t love to see our country’s flag flying in the breeze and know what was sacrificed so we can live in the best country in the world then leave!

26-year-old Andrew Rosas turned himself at Richmond Police headquarters on Wednesday after his face appeared all over the news thanks to the homeowner’s security camera. Roson was caught on video setting fire to an American flag hung outside a Richmond home. For this crimeRosas has been charged with arson, according to WTVR-TV in Richmond.

The homeowner James Tanner obviously irate over the act of vandalism said that Rosas disregarded the safety of everyone in his home as well as what the American flag represents. Tanner’s neighbors called the incident troubling.

Tanner’s neighbor Joseph Lawson said: “The whole front porch could have caught on fire. Now, knowing it was one of my neighbors, my house could have caught on fire. So it could have been a really bad situation. You got to know how controversial that is, whether he’s trying to make a protest or not.”

But, unfortunately for Rosas, he may have made one big miscalculation in what he might have felt was a minor act of vandalism. WTVR-TV explained:

In Virginia, burning a flag with malice is against the law and can result in a misdemeanor criminal charge.

The charred flag pole was still attached to the home Wednesday afternoon, and CBS 6 legal analyst Todd Stone said that detail could result in a felony charge.

“That makes it a much more serious offense because it could catch the house on fire and cause risk to the people inside.”

When did our flag become unwanted and despised in our Country? I don’t understand what would drive an American-born person to burn the flag in public. I guess that’s the only way these people can get attention.
But, this just ain’t right. It’s a shame he has no respect for the country he lives in. Burning the flag of the country that gives you the rights to live however you chose…it is beyond sad!

Throw the book at him and make sure the result is widely known. It’s time for this intolerance ends. If it takes harsh sentences and prison terms, so are it.

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Natalie Washington

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a "constitutional conservative".

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Brenda Stilwell
Brenda Stilwell
7 years ago

This guy does not look American born. I wear a shirt that says; ( IF you don’t like this flag I’ll help you pack.) Anyone burning or stomping a flag belongs being sent to a arabian country…see if they can burn the flag of one of those countries and just get sent to jail?

Victoria James
7 years ago

in todays world how can you even think to say someone does not look american born? I am all about no illegals but stupid talk just muddies the waters Go work for a fake news channel

Alej Marcos
Alej Marcos
2 years ago
Reply to  Victoria James

America has been mongrelized since the 1950s.. That’s how he can say that.

mike Gunslinger
mike Gunslinger
7 years ago

My Flag patch on my leather say’s try burning this one asshole. “Good luck with that” I assure you a bullet to the head. This piece of human trash needs charged with attempted murder as well. People sleeping could have been killed. Fire the DA get someone with some balls.

Bob Rubin
Bob Rubin
7 years ago

Stop the democratic revolt, for they do not know what there trying to do
This 4th of July speach may go down as the best by a U.S. President

Carol Rose
7 years ago

Not quite sure, in this country, how you can tell if someone is American born by the way they look. We have so many different ethnicities in this country who are all American born, that your statement is a bit odd. The fact that he burned the flag does not mean he is not American born. There are many idiotic Americans doing that these days.

7 years ago

Why are these d!ps#Its always carrying backpacks? What’s in there? It obviously cannot be books.

Billy Burton
Billy Burton
7 years ago

Put him in jail for a long time and give him an American education!

7 years ago

He should flag the veterans graves on Memorial Day and Vetrans Day

7 years ago

I was a little bummed out with this video. The headline was a little misleading I thought it said that this guy was dealt with instant Justice. I was hoping that the owner would come out of the house and then shoot him right between the eyes but then again I only feel that way because I am very kind-hearted. Cuz if I had been in the owner shoes I wouldn’t have killed him instantly I would have tortured him and then killed him.

Bob Botelho
Bob Botelho
7 years ago
Reply to  Kram

Probably fake news or staged . Who knows ? If it’s true , throw the book at him and make an example of him .

7 years ago

Imagine an American setting fire to another country’s flag (say Mexico or Russia) while in their country. Imagine the consequences.

Karl Karlsen
Karl Karlsen
7 years ago
Reply to  flackjacket5

Like, say, North Korea.

Manny Macias
Manny Macias
7 years ago

Kids dont want to do the Pledge of alligeince anymore , they dont want to stand for the National Anthem , they talk back to authority figures , we seem to have raised a generation of Ungrateful Brats ! I believe all this “Pollitcally Correctness” has done more harm than good and , this is an example of that disrespectful attidudes !

7 years ago

Let him pick out the middle eastern country he wants to be deported to…just saying.

Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam
7 years ago

Should have been charged with not only Arson, but with a hate crime also….

Karl Karlsen
Karl Karlsen
7 years ago
Reply to  Uncle Sam

He’s the wrong color for that.

Bob Rubin
Bob Rubin
7 years ago

Penalties for stepping on my flag , burning etc. Must be Harsh. Get rid of all hate groups. Harass hate groups. Push the muslem cities until they crush. Do it now. Look at what islam wants and imagine you and your family being a part of that group. This is scarier than any scary movie, as it’s real.

7 years ago

If an American citizen burns our flag, this person should lose their citizenship and deported to a third world country. If a non-citizen burns our flag, they and their entire family should
be deported to the country of their origin.

Aisen jeffry Williams
Aisen jeffry Williams
7 years ago

Get that fucker out of that country,,as a presedent for every body

Loyd Washburn
Loyd Washburn
7 years ago

He should have had the hand he lit the flag with shot off at time he was lighting the flagand I would like to have been doing the shooting

7 years ago

Multiple counts of attempted murder…one count for each person in the house, plus aggravated arson with malicous intent to do harm….that would be justified charges

Monty Hylton
Monty Hylton
7 years ago

Multiple counts of attempted murder, one for each person in the home. Plus aggravated arson with malicious intent to do harm…justifiable charges

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