American CulturePatriot Videos

Watch:NFL Kneelers Will Go Crazy After Seeing This Maple Donuts Anti-Kneeling Billboard (VIDEO)

What does it look like to the rest of the world when we turn our backs against our countries values? Does it look like a weak, demoralized society? A society that is left wide open for attack? An attack against our religious, justice, military, family, community, government, American values. NFL made America a national embarrassment when they kneeled for the American flag while overseas in London but then stood for UK’s national anthem. When you dishonor the American Flag, you are dishonoring American values. American values were and are hard to fight for. Millions have died to try to defend, protect and preserve our countries values. When we turn our backs against our values, our Flag, we are leaving ourselves wide open for the enemy to attack.

Maple Donuts is known for delicious sweet treats, but the company’s latest choice in advertising is sour for some customers.

Maple Donuts, based in York, Pa., published advertisements along the US Route 30 corridor that read “Maple Donuts takes a stand, not a knee.” Watch the video below!

Via Fox News Insider:

While a number of people in the moderately conservative rural region appreciated the message, not all were pleased.

“I wish the owner of Maple Donuts wouldn’t use race as a wedge issue,” one critic wrote on social media, the network reported.

But, a manager for one of Maple Donuts’ locations said the message is meant to be “100 percent patriotic.”

Jim Nelson said that Maple Donuts president Charlie Burnside’s “personality is coming out in those billboards.”

Thank you for supporting those of us who believe it a privilege to salute the flag of the United States of America while listening to the anthem.

The NFL and the team owners make their choices, WE make ours, and you make yours.

God Bless America, and you and your company, and its employees!

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Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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Rosemary Hackney
Rosemary Hackney
7 years ago

How is that racist? How is that divisive. It is his opinion and he has every right to express it.

7 years ago

There is absolutely nothing about race in that billboard but there is 100% Patriotism.

7 years ago

Glad to see more and more companies and Americans stand up against the anti America priviladged.

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