Border Wall: The Final Models Were Displayed Today
Despite the critics from the opponents of the construction of the wall, who were saying that President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall would be fiscally irresponsible, a new study from Steven A. Camarota, the director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies has found that President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall only has to stop about nine to 12 percent of all illegal crossing in order to pay for itself over the next 10 years.
This is the reason why many American politicians started to support building the border wall!
With that problem solved we can now concentrate on some other stuff like the look of the Border Wall!
CBP Acting Deputy Commissioner Ronald Vitiello said his agency will issue contracts to being building prototypes to between four and eight companies. The companies will each have 30 days to build their section, Fox News reported Tuesday.
Vendors began lining up to build prototype sections of the walls which will stretch along parts of the southwestern border between Mexico and the U.S., Breitbart Texas reported. Nearly 300 companies signed up for the bidding processing in the first few days.
Some companies expressed concerns about security both in dealing with protesters and drug cartels. “There will be a lot of different activity – protests, prayer vigils – on both sides of the wall,” Enrique Morones, executive director of Border Angels, an open border advocacy group, told the Daily Mail. “We pray and hope that they’re peaceful.”
Below you can view the video:
Build that wall Mr.President the USA is not a melting pot anymore. We cannot, and should not be supporting the world population. Take care of our people first.
Drain the swamp!
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Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
Great idea,keep illegals out and be solar panels to sell energy to Mexico. Gotta love what potus is doing.
Lol lol lol lol
I could get over it.
This is genius, the idea of the green wall, and as for the other presidents(bustards) should learn how to take care of their people like Mr. Trump does, and stop laying their miseries on some one else, or the people should dumb their politicians and stop being a fucking sheeps. Don’t care whichever country including mine, they better learn from Trump. I like.
The idiot has added too the swamp, he has no intention of draining it, the man is a disgrace and an embarrassment to the country
As are your libertard democrap asses
U must have an agenda that will B foiled by the Presidents actions which R to protect our country’s citizens , our sovereignty , just as all other sovereign nations do . And they R allowed to do so without being vilified by the world because that is exactly what they R expected to do . In fact , their leaders would be skewered if they failed to round up illegal intruders and deport them forthwith and in Latin countries relieve them of any valuables in the process ,
But of course billions of people from around the world R not trying to get in to any other country as they R America ” THE LAND OF THE BIG PX ” . So , due to the Democratic Parties need to create new blocks of voters they don’t want to protect our citizenry or our sovereignty .
So sir i am guessing that U R one of the above mentioned.
u R the idiot that disgraces our country , not our President . He is our last saving grace , thank God ,
Lol the mind boggles on the gullibility
Ya but Oboma is no longer the prez so were good now
if you could see what is going on you would not think the way you do. just think what it would be like if it was all muslin. GOOD BY your freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brilliant idea. Having a consortium of private companies fund and build the SPW and contract with the Feds to pay back the investment. This would not cost the tax payer any money and in the long run could also start to defray the cost of border protection.
It gets my vote
Where do you think the Feds will get the money to pay for this, if not US taxpayers?
Don’t forget to electrify the top portion! Make it as effective to illegals as the electric fly shatter is to flies and mosquitos!
and you could have industry on both sides of the wall producing the solar components
I’ll believe it when I see it. The only wall Trump will ever build is between himself and the American People.
If they want to get in, they will find a way to get into this country. tRump opened up his hole about a wall expecting that Mexico would pay for it. Mexico saw tRump and his wall for the idiocy that it is.
How about the studies that day it will be an ecological disaster or the fact that it’s going to end up putting a lot of Americans on the wrong side of the wall? You think illegals might find out how to use boats or dig tunnels?
Complete joke and waste of money. If you want to build solar panels for sustainable energy, that’s one thing, but ask Georgia how restricting the “flow” of undocumented workers impacted their economy.
California’s solar boom is growing so fast and with such intensity that utility regulators are frequently paying neighboring states to absorb surplus production.
its a dam good idea! sap um
Any security from vandalism?
Any security for vandalism?