Legendary Hockey Announcer Hammers Media On Kneeling Double Standard! Do You Agree With Him?

aYou can love or hate Trump, but what he says about media 100% correct!

They lie and have such propaganda machine running. Mainstream media can’t even see what harm they are doing to the Nation! Unless it’s on purpose of course.

We need more truth tellers, people who are not afraid to stand up to power. One of them is legendary hockey announcer Don Cherry. He thinks there is a double standard in the media when it comes to kneeling.

According to The Daily Caller:

Cherry used the media’s disdain of Tim Tebow as an example of a double standard.

He released a statement on Twitter Wednesday that read in part:

The left-wing media are true to form. When Tim Tebow the former quarterback of the Denver Broncos went to his knees to thank the Lord, the lefties in the media said he was wrong and it was the wrong thing to do. The late-night leftie talk shows made fun of Tim.

No other religion you can make fun of and ridicule…only Christianity. If you are Christian you are open.

Tebow used to kneel on the sidelines after big plays or to just pray during the course of the game. It’s not exactly the same as kneeling during the national anthem, but he certainly has a point to a degree about the media being very harsh on Tebow.

Of course, he’s right. Media hypocrites believe in free speech when it is the free speech they want to hear. Ahead of his time: He was calling Liberals mentally ill before a majority of people realized they were.

I suspect it’s not so much a double standard. As their hate-filled obsession to harm President Trump and the people that support him. The media no longer has any standards. Just their hate.

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Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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Brenda Stilwell
Brenda Stilwell
7 years ago

i agree. this is why we stopped watching nbc, cbs. abc, cnn, hln msnbc and all the other nitwit news channels. only listen to fox. they are the reason with what is wrong for this country not. they must be members of the kkk. they are demorat and the kkk started the demorat party. wouldn’t vote for a demorat if they paid me. prople need to start reading true history. not these bull crap false stories that is being taught in our schools today. because of ovomit the muslin religion is being taught in the california schools and around this country. they need to listen to the old reporters. walter c roncite, and all the rest. they may learn something because the truth is more important than as lie.

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