Melania Trump Reacts to Librarian’s Rejection of Book Donation With A Stunning Statement That Will Make Liberals Go Crazy
When the liberal agenda comes before your children: when liberal teachers put politics ahead of your children; when teachers indoctrinate your children into liberal ” group think”, it’s time to start handing out pink slips.
In honor of National Read a Book Day, our First lady Melania Trump decided to donate Dr. Seuss books to schools across the country with programs that achieve “high standards of excellence”.
Sadly, some people will do anything for a 5-minute fane! One elementary school librarian decided she won’t allow this so she put her politic views before her students’ needs. She refused the donation of books made by our First Lady.
Liz Phipps Soeiro, a librarian at Cambridgeport Elementary School in Massachusetts, reject the donation from our first lady. Not only this! She did something disgraceful by insulting Melania Trump in a letter, implying that her choice of books were “racist”.
Melania Trump has responded after a librarian at a Boston elementary school wrote publicly about rejecting books the first lady sent to schools across the country for National Read a Book Day.
“Mrs. Trump intends to use her platform as the first lady to help as many children as she can,” Stephanie Grisham, the first lady’s spokesperson said. “She has demonstrated this in both actions and words since her husband took office, and sending books to schools across the country is but one example.”
“Turning the gesture of sending young school children books into something divisive is unfortunate, but the first lady remains committed to her efforts on behalf of children everywhere,” Grisham said.
Trump included a letter with the ten Dr. Seuss books she sent to schools that told the children how important their education is and then shared her personal experience with the author’s books:
“As I was thinking about your return to school, I wanted to send you a special gift,” Trump wrote. “Dr. Seuss’s Oh the Places You’ll Go is a book my son and I have read over and over again, and one that we want to share with all of you.”
“Remember, the key to achieving your dreams begins with learning to read,” Trump wrote. “Find what you enjoy, anything that interests you, and read about it. Every page will take you on an exciting journey.”
I am sure the Liberals were expecting some furious answer from Melania but she is not that kind!
Many liberal media remained stunned by this wonderful response from our FLOTUS!
First Lady Melania Trump doesn’t give up your kindness and love for this kids devil always will be in the way of those who want to do what’s right!!
She should have been fired as it is shown, the children do not matter as much as her hate filled political agenda does. She is a great disappointment. As a child, the library was the only place where I had access to books. The librarian and books she suggested made my world grow and expand.
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Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
To our First Lady:
Thank you for rising above all the rhetoric and nonsense by mindless and inappropriate individuals. YOU HAVE CLASS!!