Woman Trash Store Before Driving Over Employee
This is exactly why the black community gets a bad name and find it hard to overcome this stereotype, they just prove to us every time that the stereotype is true… I’m not saying all blacks are this way, I know a lot of hard working and contributing black members of society, and they are great people, but 60-70% them being this way makes it very hard to break out of their stereotype.
Surveillance camera video shows three women damaging a Kentwood party store moments before a store employee was run over in the parking lot, seriously injuring her. Workers at T & J Party store, say they want to identify the women and have released the surveillance video and still images of them.
Watch the video below:
WXMI reports, around 1:30 a.m., employee Jose was working with a 57-year-old woman named Kristina. Jose thinks the women got mad because Kristina shut the window on them, so they came inside.
“Kristina came out and they started arguing about how she got disrespected or something like that. The customer said she did everything right, but she was complaining about the prices,” Jose said.
He asked the women to leave, but they said they wouldn’t leave without an apology and then began trashing the store.
“Then one of the two girls that came in after said, ‘Well we’ll give her something to get mad about,” and they started pulling down the shelves of the snacks things over there, the chips and everything. They pulled the shelves and that’s when Kristina started chasing them cause they started running,” Jose said.
But when the store owner reached the women’s vehicle, they suddenly shifted it into reverse and knocked her to the ground, running over her.
“I found her on the ground, she was laying there,” Jose said. “If it would’ve been a few inches further they would’ve run over her stomach, so it was lucky that it wasn’t and it was just the legs otherwise it would’ve been worse.”
The real problem here is there is a small portion of the black community that doesn’t recognize or wants to accept the fact there is a problem. Until they do there will always be discrimination. No one can change these people, they have to change themselves.
Hopefully, they will be punished for their actions!! This type of bad behavior should be taught by parents as for how NOT to act!! Shame on them, the girls and the justice system if it fails to prosecute. Hitting someone with a car IS attempted murder!!! This should also be considered a hate crime, they are black she is white. It is time to turn the tables bring these actions to light and make them address their racism.
Lock them up and throw away the key this type of people deserve to be incarcerated. Then maybe they will have some respect for other people but I doubt it.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
WTF? So we’re these sub-humans caught? That’s what readers want to know.