Video: Forgotten Hero – Football Coach Stopped A Mass Shooting With A Hug And Most Americans Never Heard Of It
A video has recently been released by an Oregon prosecutor of a student planning to commit a mass shooting, but then being stopped by former Oregon WR Keanon Lowe.
Lowe, a football & track coach at the high school, is now a community hero but he is widely ignored by the mainstream media as he doesn’t fit in their narrative.
Keanon Lowe was in a classroom when the young man entered with a loaded shotgun in his hands. Lowe then had the courage to jump up and grab the gun from the student and follow him as he left the room.
The video was released recently and not one media decided to report about it!
The heartbreaking video can be seen below:
Lowe then described the moment being with the student after the two of them left the classroom, “Then it was just me and that student. It was a real emotional time.”
“A pretty crazy situation… “My instincts just took over. I lunged for the gun, put two hands on the gun. I’m just making sure the barrel of the gun isn’t toward me, the students. I was able to wrestle it away.”
“I can’t thank the man enough who got the gun away from that boy,” mom Desiree told KOIN. “To save my child as well as all these others.”
“I felt compassion for him. A lot of times, especially when you’re young, you don’t realize what you’re doing until it’s over.”
The two then walked outside together to wait for the police to arrive and take the student away in handcuffs.
Police spokesman Sgt. Brad Yakots said a firearm was recovered at the scene. The school was evacuated and a nearby middle school was on lockdown for several hours as the investigation unfolded.
The school was searched methodically, room by room, KOIN reports. Students were not allowed to have access to their personal items for a time.
The outcome was “the best-case scenario, absolutely,” Yakots said. “The staff member did an excellent job by all accounts, (and) our officers arrived within minutes and went right in.”
School officials told KOIN the suspect was exhibiting “concerning behavior” that led two fellow students to report him to school staff.
The incident took place a few years ago but on October 10th after pleading guilty to one count of an unlawful possession of a loaded firearm in public, the student, Angel Granados-Diaz was sentenced to 3-years’ probation and is getting treatment for mental health and substance abuse issues.
This hero was not seen by many Americans up until now!
I’m shrewd, passionate, learned and energetic, God-fearing and patriotic. I’ve done a fine job reintroducing good old American conservatism to a new generation of Americans. I’ve earned the love and friendship of many, the hatred of some, but the respect of all.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Mr. Lowe was prepared to do that but thankfully did not have to. It took great courage and compassion to do what he did. I hope whatever demons the young man has within him, that he can be healed, and that the healing has already started with the love the coach showed.
Blocked by FB, pathetic.
You still use Facebook???
Incredible! That kid needed that hug, clearly. What a brave man that teacher was and how smart to take the kid in his arms like a son and settle him down and let him know he cared. Brings tears!