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Video: Man Pulls Out Knife On Undercover Cop During Road Rage Incident – Screams Out For Mommy Moments Later

This was the wild scene during a road rage incident in which a man comes charging out of an apartment complex to confront a man he says didn’t stop at a stop sign.

The driver asks if he’s a cop and to mind his own business, which seems to escalate things.

After the man from the apartments makes some threats about sticking something where the sun doesn’t shine, the driver gives him the double ‘let’s go Brandon’ salute.

The apartment guy then pulls a knife at which point the driver, which we now know is an undercover cop pulls a gun and tells the suspect to get on his knees.

The knife wielder then starts to scream for his mom to save him. The mother and girlfriend of the man enter the chat room as the wife stands in front of the officer and walks her man inside as the mother gets in the cop’s face.

The cop, who identifies as NYPD, then explains what happened to the two women.

The video cuts off there. It is not known if any arrested were made.

Video below:

Threatening to stab someone as you walk towards them while pulling a knife. This resulted in no shots being fired just an off-duty cop attempting a citizen’s arrest until on-duty officers showed up. I didn’t see him do anything wrong at all.

It was a mutual argument at that point, the cop didn’t really break the law yet. The cop had the right to pull the gun after the other guy pulled the knife.

Also, he was undercover so the tough guy also was interfering into an active investigation.

Natalie Washington

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a "constitutional conservative".

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2 years ago

I wonder if that office knows how to de-escalate. The other guy is an ass to be sure, but maybe we really do have a problem with some police officers. I can think of many other ways of handling this – least preferred is what was shown.

2 years ago

The idiot could be dead. The officer held back and did de-escalated it. Now if it had been a “gang-banger” the idiot would have been dead.

2 years ago

This cop is a nut and should be fired.

Jury Nullification
Jury Nullification
2 years ago

Wouldn’t interfering with an investigation require intent to be an arrestable offense?

Chesty Puller
Chesty Puller
2 years ago

A fing duck is smarter than him but only about 1 IQ point separates the two.

Bunson Honeydew
Bunson Honeydew
2 years ago

Bang! Ooops!

2 years ago

I saw a LOT the so-called undercover cop did wrong! He apparently pursued the knife guy all the way into the parking lot of his apartment–angry over a supposedly TRAFFIC VIOLATION? Then he calls names, so knife guy calls names, COP THREATENED, so knife guy pulls a knife–cop pulls a gun, so knife guy retreats. COP PURSUES knife guy after threat is over! WHY? Puts knife guy on his knees, hands on head. Woman interferes, knife guy LEAVES–YET COP IS STILL IN PURSUIT, out of view of video? I’m frightened that that so-called “cop” is allowed to carry a weapon; he was out of control, obviously baiting the knife guy, WANTING an excuse to draw his firearm. Wonder how many complaints of assault he’s gotten? Excessive Force? Wrongful shootings? Wrongful deaths?

Undercover cop needs an unpaid suspension and some anger management courses. Only an out-of-control maniac FOLLOWS SOMEONE ALL THE WAY TO THEIR HOME OVER A TRAFFIC VIOLATION! Then once there, WHY NOT LEAVE HIM ALONE WHEN THE THREAT IS OVER?!!! There’d have been no threat at all if road-raged cop hadn’t instigated the violence with following him home with his loud potty mouth.

BTW, cop yelled to call 911 TO PROTECT HIMSELF, not for the danger; knife guy was no danger to the cop–knife guy was in danger FROM the cop. He is REQUIRED to have a legal excuse whenever he draws his weapon. He didn’t know he was being recorded on video and shown to be the INSTIGATOR of the entire incident. Hope his superiors got a copy of this video.

Cop’s ego needs to shrink down a few notches–and if he WAS undercover, he isn’t anymore. Now he’s the famous road-raging asshole cop on the internet! Hope his Nazi career is totally over and his right to carry firearms taken from him.

Happy Man
Happy Man
2 years ago

Just shoot. When its time to talk talk, when its time to shoot- shoot!

2 years ago

The guy was stupid but it’s easy to see why because his mommy is stupid and raised him that way.Now he gets to be arrested for pulling a knife and threatening to use it while she gets arrested for obstruction of justice. The other woman was a little smarter or her friend/mother was about to assault him. “He’s having a bad day” does not give you the right to be a A$$hole and threaten to stab people. Unless you are a cop, call the cops to handle these things or you easily could end updead. Is running a stop sign worth dieing for?

2 years ago
Reply to  Freeland_Dave

Can you tell me why road-raging cop FOLLOWED THE KNIFE GUY TO HIS HOME? The out of control cop started ALL of it!

2 years ago

Dude, that cop baited him. Cop probably did run the stop sign but doesn’t think anyone has the right to fuck with him, so he baited him. He could have walked away. He almost ended up putting himself in a situation where he’d have to shoot the other guy, and he could have avoided it by simply saying, “sorry dude, I didn’t mean to run the stop-sign, I believe in protecting children as well, now have a nice day,” and walking away.

2 years ago

Liberals always prove themselves to be no-dik shivering cowards when confronted by a REAL man. lol

2 years ago

They’re both at fault.

2 years ago
Reply to  Devon

Yes, but the cop is held to a higher standard which he clearly fails to do. He’s a terrible cop.

What the Hell?
What the Hell?
2 years ago

Guy pulled a knife on what he perceived to be an unarmed and non-threatening person. The off-duty (or undercover–we really don’t know status) pulled his legal weapon. He didn’t shoot because the perp ran. The perp however had committed a felony crime (pulling the knife: assault with a deadly weapon), so the cop pursued him in an attempt to take him into custody. The two women also committed a criminal offense: Interfering with the attempted arrest. If the PD pushes this, all three could/may be arrested, and legally so.

A judge might go easy, or even drop the charges, because the cop simply could have ignored the ignorant mouth and moved on.

The perp is/was stupid. The cop has an ego problem. The two women, well, were simply being women, allowing emotions to override common sense, protecting their helpless baby, be it a real child, their useless son/husband, or a “my baby” useless dog.

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