Spike Lee Insults Gold Star Parents, But The Father Drops Truth Bomb That Shut Lee Up For Good!

Spike Lee is an uneducated artist! In other words, he is perfect for CNN! He is yet another famous idiot who needs to stick to making movies, making records, and quit insulting military and cops.

Who do they think work/die every day to keep us safe?

Vincent and Diana Bonacasa are the parents of Louis Michael Bonacasa, who was killed by a suicide bomber while on his fourth tour in the Middle East. confronted Spike Lee and explained to him that when these NFL players kneel for the national anthem, it’s slap in the face to military families.

“Last Sunday our community had a celebration for Gold Star parents,” Vincent Bonacasa said, “it was a very humbling ceremony. But it brought us back to the day we lost our son. It was a very empty feeling.

“We came home, turned on the TV, and there it was the NFL players on their knees, that was a slap in the face to us,” he explained.

“So my question was, how do you support these multi-millionaires on their knees and don’t support what the fallen heroes died for?”

To this Lee responded: “Sir, I’m very sorry for your loss, but the narrative that you spoke about is not true.”

“All these players have said, many many times,” Lee said. “that they respect the armed forces. They respect the flag. And they respect America. And this narrative that when they take a knee, it’s insulting your son who is no longer here, is not true. They’ve said that again, and again, and again.”

This is when Anderson Cooper interjected: “But there’s a lot of people who look at this as disrespectful.”

“Excuse me I have one other question,” said Vincent Bonacasa. “When North Korea aims a missile at us,” he said, “are these football players gonna be on their knees? Or are they gonna support our veterans?”

This question took Spike Lee by surprise so he tried to avoid the question by directing the conversation to Trump and insulting our President.

“Sir, I’m worried just as much about Donald Trump as that crazy guy in North Korea. And he has a nuclear code. I’m worried about that,” Lee said.

Of course he changed the subject. He has no actual answer to the statement. He is just a big bag of wind. Spike Lee is missing the point! We do not CARE why they are bending their knees for. Doing so is an insult to our nation, our flag and our military! They know it is an insult and they just do not care!

But, to minimize, marginalize and diminish the sacrifice our fallen heroes made for our country is unconscionable. To demean their families and loved ones is reprehensible. Spike Lee, the racist is a MAJOR disgrace, as is the ignorant “panel”, the applauding audience, the RIDICULOUS moderator, Anderson Cooper, and, CNN. They all need to be relegated to irrelevant obscurity.

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Natalie Washington

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a "constitutional conservative".

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Brenda Stilwell
Brenda Stilwell
7 years ago

well…what other answer do you expect from a gay man that never served in the armed forces.

2 years ago

I didn’t know Spike Lee was gay, that explains a lot

old farta
old farta
1 year ago

It has become harder to tell the morons from those expect change via education jibberish.

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