WaPo Attacks Sarah Sanders For Her Faith- Her Answer Made Every Christian Proud! (Video)
The left supports anything or anyone who is vile and ungodly. In an effort to discredit people who support Presidential Donald Trump, Washington Post published an article titled, How Sarah Huckabee sees the world. WAPO has lost all “journalistic integrity” The purpose of this article was to show the American public what White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is like beyond the press briefings.
Via Resist MSM BS: “Five of the first six paragraphs of the Post’s profile of her use the terms Southern Baptist, Christians, and religious conservatives to describe her.
In a supposedly serious analysis of Huckabee Sanders, the Post even resorted to referencing a Saturday Night Live “spoof of her on its season opener the weekend before last, with faux Sanders telling President Trump that her success lies in the fact that “I’m no-nonsense, but I’m all nonsense.”
The Post then suggests that perhaps evangelical women have no place in politics:
“Since she assumed the job of press secretary in July, Sanders has triggered discussions about, among other things, the place of religious conservative women in power politics (she’s the first mom in that job, and just the third woman), and whether her presence helps or hurts the evangelical witness.”
The Post didn’t stop with criticizing Huckabee Sanders and President Trump. They had to go after evangelicals living in the heartland in what is a clear attempt to separate them from those giving voice to them:
“When she was appointed, many anti-abortion leaders from big groups such as the Susan B. Anthony List and Concerned Women for America celebrated — even as evangelicals in the heartland would be likely to raise eyebrows about a mother of young children taking such a high-powered, round-the-clock job.
The Left – and the WaPo is the most strident propaganda arm of the Left – cannot abide the risk of fracturing their delicate coalition of ethnic and gender groups if those people ever start thinking as Americans rather than remaining convinced they are somehow victims.
That is exactly what Ms. Sanders said in her epic response that would heal our divisions instead of dousing them with gasoline, as the atheist left seems to do with glee:
“If someone says something about another faith, particularly liberals come to their defense in a raging motion, but if someone attacks a Christian, it’s perfectly fine. At some point, we became a culture that said that was okay.
“As a person of faith, I think we all have one perfect role model. And when I’m asked that question, I point to God. I point to my faith. And that’s where I always tell my kids to look.”
Sarah always does an AWESOME job no matter what these MSM idiots throw at her!
I adore and admire everything about her. God gives her the poise and strength to stand against these sick democrats. She is forthright, honest, totally mentally prepared for all questions, and has no fear of the press. She makes our President and our wonderful country, and our faithful God looks so good. She definitely is Mike Huckabee’s daughter.
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Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a “constitutional conservative”.
Sarah Sanders does an excellent job with the press duties. She has remarkable control, not showing annoyances, no flares of anger, no flickers of amusement….. just the business at hand. She doesn’t allow them to sucker her into repetitive questions, looking for discrepancies in her replies. She lets them know politely but firmly when enough is enough. I’ve been amazed at her total professionalism and expertise. She has really become quite an asset to the administration. You GO, Sarah!
God Bless America!!!!! I believe!!!!
Well Surprise, surprise, surprise. https://youtu.be/6zAkKS_OI40 This video is unavailable.