Photos: Her Husband Fell Off His Bicycle, But Jill Looks Like She’s Enduring More Agony Than Joe While Riding Her Bike

79-year-old Joe Biden fell off his bike while riding near his home in Rehoboth Beach on Saturday morning.

Secret Service agents swarmed the fallen commander-in-chief as he needed help in getting back up.

He didn’t fall while he was riding it, as most people do…

He literally was standing still, and he tipped right over.

Videos and photos below:

Biden on Saturday evening attended church after he crashed his bike.

A reporter caught Joe Biden walking out of church later Saturday evening and asked him how he was feeling.

Biden hopped a few times to ‘prove’ he’s not injured from his bike crash.

Video below:

Well, we all heard about his incident and we all know about Joe’s fragile health!

But Jill isn’t exactly looking like the picture of “fit and tidy” health, herself.

Photographers captured a photo of Jill before Joe kissed the pavement and she looks like she’s been through the wringer… so much so that her helmet is actually turned sideways.

She looks like a loon on a bike… as if she’s just gone through hell and sort of made it back.

Photos below:




Here’s what people online are saying:

“She does not look like she’s having fun.”

“I actually busted out laughing, she looks like she’s having the most stressed-out day ever”

“She looks like this is pure torture for her LOL”

“That entourage is such a waste of tax money…. Billions being squandered to “protect” an unelected turd and his disheveled wife”

“By the look on Jill’s face there’s a good chance her hemorrhoids are acting up.”

“I’ve never seen someone look so FRAZZLED on a bike ride LOL”

“She’s worried Joe will fall, and he did LOL”

Bruce Hoenshell

Bruce Hoenshell is a military historian, he is one of the most prolific conservative writers today, often churning out multiple columns per week. His writings tend to focus on international themes, modern warfare. Style Sampling: “ It is not that we need social networking and Internet searches more than food and fuel, but rather that we have the impression that cool zillionaires in flip-flops are good while uncool ones in wingtips are quite bad.”

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2 years ago

The silly photo-op bike ride went terrible wrong.

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
2 years ago

When will Jill, the adulteress, answer for allowing her perverted husband Dementia Joe shower with their daughter? She allowed this child abuse and now is engaging in elder abuse with Dementia Joe, who should be in a home.

Ray Van Dune
Ray Van Dune
2 years ago

No toe clips.

2 years ago

I have been riding a Gary Fisher bike since the 1990’s. Most riders can tell you that when you are in the process of a dead stop, it is very easy to disembark and possibly slip/fall. Especially, since most riders have the seat high and must step up/down when on the frame. Sorry, much ado about nothing as a clumsy old man lost it. Surprised, that he can still ride and at least tries to keep himself healthy.

Nicolas P Cignetti
Nicolas P Cignetti
2 years ago

Stupidity gone to seed!!!!!

2 years ago

Stumbles and falls going up the steps to AF1, falls off of his bike. Yeah, we have a real leader here.

2 years ago

If you go back and look at all of Joe’s falls and stumbles, it’s the right foot that takes him down every time. The problem could be anywhere and everywhere along the right leg, but the right foot is what always fails to operate properly, leading to trouble. If you watch him walk, the right leg moves oddly and his steps have gotten shorter lately.

As for Jill, everyone may be misreading her reaction. I think she was just really, really liking the bike seat.

Old Vet
Old Vet
2 years ago

i thought that was the carnival coming to town and then I spotted old Joe and Jill as he proceeded to take his spill. Bedraggled, she pushed on though, not caring about the geriatrics condition……

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