Jimmy Kimmel Asked The Crowd To Stand For Meryl Streep, After She Slammed Trump At The Golden Globes
Kimmel took things one step further. He asked the crowd to stand for Meryl Streep, who memorably slammed Trump at the Golden Globes.
He then told the crowd, “Some of you get to come on this stage and make a speech that the President of the United States will tweet about in all caps during his 5 a.m. bowel movement.”
Oscar host, Jimmy Kimmel claimed that he wasn’t the person to bring a politically divided nation together. But he did bring the crowd in the Dolby Theatre together to honor a totally “uninspired and overrated” actress, Meryl Streep.
Nominated for a record 20th statue for Florence Foster Jenkins, Streep caused a stir at last month’s Golden Globes ceremony, where she delivered an impassioned speech knocking then-President-elect Donald Trump.
She was interrupted by frequent applause, but Trump himself proved a more severe critic, tweeting the next day, “Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn’t know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes.”
Following his stated interest in finding common ground with people he disagreed with, Kimmel didn’t initially dispute Trump’s characterization of the Hollywood icon.
“We are here tonight to honor great actors, but we’re also here to honor the actors who seem great, but actually really aren’t,” he began with tongue firmly in cheek. “
Of all the great actors here in Hollywood, one, in particular, has stood the test of time for her many uninspired and overrated performances….
Meryl Streep has phoned it in for more than 50 films over the course of her lackluster career.
My personal opinion is that Jimmy asks the audience to give a standing ovation to Meryl Streep for one simple reason! To make fun of president Trump!

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
It was rude and uncalled for to bring up that subject at the Oscars.
Samozrejme ! bez diskusii, ale zrejme zdieľajú veľký zápas so svojim inteligenčným kvocientom; treba ju za to iba poľutovať , prípadne jej dať otázku, kde mala v kritickom čase rozum .
Why do we consider it okay to ridicule the President of the United States. It is wrong by all accounts. He won and respect is deserved for the office. Just because your candidate didn’t win doesn’t give anyone the right to disregard the people that voted for him and to disrespect our President or our country and what it was built on which is Freedom for all and not just some. Actors are just that they make a lot if money to entertain but they don’t deserve the right to tell people that they are undeserving because we don’t follow like sheep and hang on their every word like it us the spoken law by Hollywood. Our freedoms was earned on the backs of people who fought for the very freedoms that we enjoy as a whole when we try to divide those freedoms we become no better than the very people who are watching our childish behavior and waiting to step in and destroy it all. So instead of fighting between us we need to fight for us as a whole, only then will we be strong together as one
those people just keep adding fuel to the fire,things will not settle down with this much hate ,and it’s the whole country that suffers because of this unessary display of hate for our PRESIDENT.It’s a sad world we live in
They all Stink actually.
Meryl Streeps false teeth look terrible. I’m sure the Clintons and Obama’s gave her enough money to have paid a dentist to do a better job on making her implants. Just awful. She should really keep her mouth shut.
I pray for all these people that their minds could be clear to really understand what is happening to our Country…
Jimmy and Meryl are just f&$$en idiots. What can you do.
What a shocking spectacle. This should not be allowed to happen, whatever you think of the president it is a public lack of respect. She has just made herself look worse than before. He won, can that be the end of it, so sick and tired of all the juvenile actions of so called celebrities. Grow up and respect your president!!! What a let down.
This are all stupid, self centered celebrities and I hope people should stop watching their movies.
Am DONE with Movies, award shows, celebrities & actors. I will read a book or take a walk. Why do they think we give a Darn what they think. They are Making themselves look stupid. Just DONE