Nicole Kidman Shocked Her Liberal Hollywood Friends With Her Recent Comments About President Trump
In a surprising development, one of the leading stars of our time, Nicole Kidman has come out to support Donald Trump’s presidency and is encouraging America to get behind him.
Born in Hawaii but raised in Australia, Nicole has never been one to generally air her political feelings either for her U.S. or her Aussie homes, but in a recent interview with the BBC she’s broken with her tradition of political silence.
Nicole Kidman shocked her liberal Hollywood friends with her recent comments about President Trump.
Unlike other Holywood celebrities
Nicole. said,
“I just say, Trump’s now elected, and we as a country need to support whoever’s the president because that’s what the country’s based on.”
“I’m always reticent to start commenting politically, I’ve never done it in terms of America or Australia. I’m issue based. I’m very, very committed to women’s issues.”
She then went on to say she wished for more children,
“I would have liked probably two or three more children.”
“I love, love children. I love raising children … they make me feel good and I love being around and I love the ups and downs, and I love watching them grow and the things they say and teach.”
With Tennessee voting for Trump in a huge landslide, giving him 61.1% of the vote over Hilary, it is clear that most of Kidman and Urban’s neighbors were more than likely Trump supporters.
Whether this influenced their votes, however, remains to be seen. Bellow you can view a photo of her on election day from her Instagram!
What do you think about this? Will other celebrities follow her example?
Share this article if you support Nicole and her decision to support our new president!
Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
You are making a mistake! We have never had this situation before! He is a con artist & has conned his way into out government! Impeachment will happen soon! We must get rid of him, he is bad for the country! He is a sicko sex addict and that is all he cares about!
Joan Aprea! They do make drugs to help people cope, I hated Obama not for the man but for his lack of respect for the AMERICAN people, if anybody you should be against is oDumma. You haven’t given Trump a chance, look what has gone on since Nov 9th, companies are moving back in Donald is making this happen. So what did Obama do besides to make America racist, he didn’t even help his own kind.
So was Bill Clinton but no one cared about it. Bill was a good president in spite of his desire to flash his privates to women and ask fo blow jobs.
You need to wake up and smell what you are shoveling!!!!!
And you know that because?
They probably won’t. The American people”s vote doesn’t count like Hollywood votes at least that is the way it comes across I can’stand Hollywood celebrities I wish they would shut their mouths We really can think for ourselves.
Nicole you are first class! Thanks for standing up for what is right for this country/
Wishing for Trump to do poorly is like hoping your Pilot can’t fly the plane. Let’s give him a chance. All Americans should hope their president is successful for the sake of the country. JMO
She is right! A true friend and fan would not treat a person differently just because they made a statement to get behind our president!
No most Hollywood celebrities are the pathetic sniveling whiner kind who refuse to accept that Trump is our president and they will never get with the program. They are beyond pathetic and un-american!!
She is not saying that she is standing up for Trump, she is saying that she is standing up for her country….something that we all should do….stand united….United we stand, divided we fall…all this bickering back and forth will get us nowhere. Whether we like whoever is POTUS or not, we must stand behind him….at least give him a chance…if we don’t, then we will fail because we are part of the problem!
Everything is about race. If Trump say’s anything to a black person they scream he is racist. The only people during this election who have been racist is black people. Trump is for all men and women who are American working class. He is about bringing jobs back to our country. Yes, he wants to know where rvery Muslim refugee is living that Obama has allowed into our country in the last 2 years. I agree at this time in the world i c do not want Muslims coming ibto our country
No bull! Hollywood is full of many, many ignorant people who are pretty or handsome. Remember, brains do not matter in Tinsel town! Only looks pretty much gets you there with some talent. TALENT DOES NOT EQUAL INTELLIGENCE! So keep on listening to these fools while our country gets the rug pulled out from under us!
There has been more police killed in the line of duty in Obama’s administration more than any other American president that I have seen. More shootings like Pulse nightclub, Ohio State College, Ft. Lauderdale Airport, etc……. That’s only a small listing of all the public shootings that has happened in the last year, and I did not even name them all, because too many has just happened. To think Obama wanted all guns turned in with all this going on…pffft… I use to think Bush was the worst president ever. That is why I voted for Obama in 2008, now, I am embarrassed and ashamed that I was fooled by his lies.
Hollywood like most people who seek to be trendy , scoff at our President elect Trump because it is cool. You are looked up to like high school kids who want pier approval. Many remarks made against the president are built like a shaking building on a loose foundation. One word becomes a litany of false news and accusations. You are adults (perhaps) give true perspectives and unbiased. All I hear is Russia had a great deal to do with Hillary losing because of her revealed e-mails , not absolutely proven. Our justice system says innocent until proven guilty. But the rules change when it comes to Republican Conservatives. No he will not be impeached, stop deluding yourselves, it’s a waste of wishful thinking. My only conundrum is that no one has said the e-mails leaked were false. Hillary said what she said destructive as it was, mean spirited and like Pelosi elitist. The leaks were true. No one denies that. I am glad that they did come out through WikiLeaks , or else we would have had a demagogue who is a socialist, trying to take guns away and being a puppet for George Soros. The Nazi who hid his Jewish identity. Related to Hillary through Chelsea’s marriage incredibly dangerous man. He had a stake in our country. Looked to destroy us . President Trump unlike Obama who got a free pass because he was black, will be lauded in history as the greatest president yet. Wait and see. Obama will be the greatest hoax .
I always thought Nicole Kidman was an intelligent woman. Now she’s proved it.