Karen Pence Had Her Private Email Address Published In An Article By The AP.

While I hate to sink to the level of questioning people’s character, it would seem America has sunk to an all time low where a character is concerned.

This is such an act of lack of regard for someone’s privacy as to be beyond reprehensible. It’s purely disgusting. Hang in there, Ms. Pence. There are people, believe it or not, on both sides of the aisle (and in the center) who feel that attacks on family members are disgraceful.

Karen Pence, had her private email address published in an article by the AP.

Her private email address was published Friday, contained within 29 pages of old AOL emails that were released to the public by the Indianapolis Star, who obtained them through an open records request.

Mike Pence sent out two tweets addressing the publication, the first staying that his wife’s privacy had been violated, and another with a photo of a letter from his attorney requesting that the AP remove the email address and issue an apology. They apparently refused when initially asked to remove her email from their story.

The publication of Mrs. Pence’s active private email address to millions of your readers has subjected her to vitriolic and malicious emails and raised serious security concerns,” Mark Paoletta, Counsel to the Vice President wrote in the letter.

“There was absolutely no reason to publish this private email address, and you should be ashamed of your reprehensible conduct.”

What possible purpose is there to do this other than to encourage angry people to send Mrs. Pence hate mail. Incredibly low blow by the AP, they must be angry because they just lost their last shred of journalistic decency. 

Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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7 years ago

Well there is one thing to say who ever have done that should be punished.Thank you Mr.Vicepresident to stand up then the people have now no respect and dignity for anyone .Please dont let them get away with it.

Robert smith
Robert smith
7 years ago

This is all works of dishonest Demoncrats. It’s about time Americans should get together on next election to vote Republicans. Let the Demoncrats know that American citizens has enough of all their corruption and incompetence.

7 years ago

The AP is a fascist news network. They have zero integrity. They should be punished. As stated in the article: “What possible purpose is there to do this other than to encourage angry people to send Mrs. Pence hate mail. Incredibly low blow by the AP, they must be angry because they just lost their last shred of journalistic decency.” Most likely the AP is trying to cause harm to befall Mrs. Pence because of this weeks elections all going to the Republicans. The AP has no moral compass.

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