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Jim Caviezel Says That Hollywood’s Rejection Didn’t Put Him Off His Faith

Actor Jim Caviezel has claimed his Hollywood career was wrecked by playing Jesus.
He said he was ‘rejected in my own industry’ after taking on the lead role in Mel Gibson’s controversial movie ‘The Passion of the Christ’.

I think it time to fight back (not literally, but figuratively) against these Liberals who assume their word is law everywhere.

It’s not, and someone needs to make that transparently clear to them. They appear to have a problem with comprehension and learning to get along with others.

Hollywood was accused of being under the control of communists years back, which they quickly covered up. I’m thinking they’re back again, but in a much more forceful way this time.

As long as you allow them to get away with this, they will continue until they take total control.

In a recent interview Jim said:

“All of a sudden I stopped being one of five most popular actors in the studio, and I hadn’t done anything wrong. I just played Jesus,” Caviezel told Polish film critic Lukasz Adamski.

Caviezel said he didn’t believe it was a coincidence that he played the role when he was 33, the same age as Jesus Christ was, and that his initials were the same.

Don’t you tell me it was a coincidence!” he said. “There are no coincidences. I keep hearing about ‘accidents’ and ‘strokes of luck.’ Secularization affects the entire world, including the USA. Only atheists believe in coincidence.”

He continued, and affirmed his faith by calling out naysayers who are of the world, and not just in this world. “There are no coincidences for God,” he said. “Even when God resurrects the dead, they will say it happened by accident.”

But Caviezel said that Hollywood’s rejection didn’t put him off his faith. Just the opposite, he said, it made it stronger.

“I’ve never forgotten that the name of Jesus is above all else,” he said. “It is also the most controversial name of all times. Love is controversial and he impersonates love. Jesus was telling the Romans about love and they killed him because of that. ‘Who is that man to tell me what kind of person I’m supposed to be?’ – they asked arrogantly. He was betrayed by his own people and abandoned by everyone. My duty was not only to show it all on the screen. My real duty is to live in accordance with the gospel every day and to give witness to the truth.”

Here’s Caviezel talking about his experience on the film and what it meant to him.

He isn’t pushing his faith on anyone he lives his life. He believes in his faith. And yet so many want to take that right from him wanting him to have faith in nothing. Why ? Why is his own beliefs such a threat? When did he even harm someone by just personally believing? Where has be brought hate?
Instead, you see the hate and anger towards him.

Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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7 years ago

We are boycotting movies. We have had it with Hollywood shoving their warped ideology down our throats. We are voting with our wallets.

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