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Guns Save Lives – Doorbell Cam Captures The Moment This Man Outdraws And Shoots His Attacker

The freedom to carry a gun in this country is a privilege I refuse to take for granted. It is arguably one of the most valuable freedoms we have been blessed with in this nation, and I will defend it with every ounce of my being. Despite what we are being told by the media and the leaders of this country, one thing remains true: guns save lives.

From a young age, my parents taught my sisters and I the value of the Second Amendment and how to be responsible gun owners. When my mom’s car was broken into while she was at work, I was never more grateful that she had her gun to protect her had the criminals still been in the parking garage when she got off work.

I am so grateful for the lessons my parents taught me regarding the Second Amendment. It showed me the importance of being able to protect myself and those that I love from those who would wish to do harm.

As a young woman, I don’t think there are very many things more empowering than knowing I can protect myself and level the playing field against attackers who would most likely be much bigger and stronger than I am.

And let’s not forget criminals that can came into you home armed and ready to kill you if needed.

Well, one video that arrived on my email this morning and had a tittle “Guns Save Lives”, and it really shows why the second amendment is important.

Little is known about this video but the sender said that it’s becomng viral on Reddit and Facebook. It is not yet known where this happened but the video depicts a man entering his apartment when he notices another man sneaking up behind him.

The man behind seems to be wearing a ski mask. As the man in the mask reaches for his weapon, the other man, whose weapon was already drawn, aims and shoots, hitting the suspect in the head.

WATCH (warning: graphic video)

Video below:

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

We will fill in the details once we have more info.

It is estimated that 1,029,615 individuals use guns every year in self-defense, excluding those in the police force and the military.

Of those people, 162,000 said they “almost certainly would have been killed” without their firearm to protect them.

To put it in perspective, the average homicide gun-related death per year is 11,208.

The right to self-defense in this nation should never be put in question. Guns save more lives than they take by a staggering amount.

Our nation does not have a gun problem. It has a heart problem. Without God, evil reigns. Whether guns are legal or not, those intent on harming others will find a way to do it. When have criminals ever obeyed the laws of the land?

OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author’s opinion

Natalie Washington

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a "constitutional conservative".

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3 years ago

Keep up the good work Natalie! I wish I met someone like you in college.

Mark Hooton
Mark Hooton
3 years ago

Something about this seems odd to me. The person who shoots first, definitely is waiting for the other guy to come in view and both have their guns out. I cant hear the conversation, but the hooded person does not look nervous at all, almost as if he is expecting the guy to make trouble. Most people are scared to death to have to pull a gun on someone, and this guy just stands there calm. I would have gone in the door and waited, while calling 911.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mark Hooton

And you’d more than likely be DEAD!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Mark Hooton

oh gee, you wouldn’t ask the nice man to hold your other belongings while you call 911 ?
I see you’re going to inherit this earth for many years to come.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mark Hooton

And that is one difference between you and that young man whom the article told us, knew the soon to be dead punk was following him.

3 years ago

Regardless of current division by the left. Clearly, in this video an honest citizen carrying a weapon in a holster, (not in the waist band like a thug) upholsters it in advance and properly/tactically drops the dude with a head shot! Awesome. What AMAZES me, is the every day armed citizen that does Not pre-draw in anticipation and then gets shot. One can always pre-draw and keep it out of site until needed or not needed, re-holster it.

Jury Nullification
Jury Nullification
3 years ago
Reply to  Michaels

Probably worried about a brandishing charge.

3 years ago

Regardless of current division by the left. Clearly, in this video an honest citizen carrying a weapon in a holster, (not in the waist band like a thug) unholsters it in advance and properly/tactically drops the dude with a head shot! Awesome. What AMAZES me, is the every day armed citizen that does Not pre-draw in anticipation and then gets shot. One can always pre-draw and keep it out of site until needed or not needed, re-holster it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Michaels

That was a great analysis of the situation. I appreciate the fact that you didn’t speculate without a understanding of the back story. This man did what needed to be done. He is alive. The bad man is dead.

3 years ago

Good shootin!!!Give that man a cigar?

3 years ago

The freedom to carry a gun in this country is a  ̶p̶r̶i̶v̶i̶l̶e̶g̶e̶ right I refuse to take for granted.  Fixed it for you!!!!!

Flannigan McGaffigan
Flannigan McGaffigan
3 years ago

Green New Deal libs can appreciate his using one bullet and leaving a smaller carbon footprint.

3 years ago

I am guessing this happened in a still free, open carry State, like Arizona.

3 years ago
Reply to  HolyBegeebers!

that apartment complex & wearing joggers & hoodies with slides looks like classic Florida to me.

3 years ago

It is a right Not a privilege Major diff.

Greg the American
Greg the American
3 years ago

Yeah, I’m not sure I buy it’s authenticity either, but the article still stands.

I would add one correction, however. A picky one on its surface but it has meaning as deep as the ocean, and among the thoughts pondered by the clever men who made the 2nd amendment in the first place.

At the start of the article, it mentions gun ownership as a “privilege”. It is not. It is a God given right. As true as you are born and have ownership of you own mind and soul, you have an absolute right to defend yourself from evil-doers using a gun, or whatever. The 2nd amendment merely restricts the useless politicians from infringing on your ownership of your life. It is no more a privilege than it’s a privilege for black American to be free of slavery. Does anyone walk around telling folks it’s a privilege to not be a slave? Of course not, nor should they. A privilege can be revoked, like letting the kids eat a piece of Halloween candy if they behave. Our rights came with us when we were born, given to us by God, it’s a part of the nature of what we are, it is immutable.

John C
John C
3 years ago

Well the bad guy won’t do that again.

3 years ago

Where will BLM create a monument to celebrate that dead black man who had his whole life ahead of him, such a promising future stolen from him by the murderer who selfishly saved his own life by taking the innocent dead black man’s life. He could have shot the poor dead guy’s gun from his hand and just given him a good talking-to. But no! Whhhhhyyyy? Hey, anyone know when Biden or Krapolla and Al Sharpton will be visiting his broken, weeping mama?

3 years ago

Good shooting. Keep up the vigilance.

Last edited 3 years ago by poosala
Keith Smith
Keith Smith
3 years ago

NO! The freedom to carry a gun is a basic human right to self defense. Do not mislead people with that trupe.

3 years ago

BLACK oLIVES MATTER errrrrrrrrrrrrr never mind.

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