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A Pedophile Priest With HIV Won’t Face Any Criminal Charges

FORGIVENESS is essential, but PAYING for your crimes is also essential. The forgiveness is for the SOUL, and the criminal punishment is for the BODY. They are two DIFFERENT things.

However, a Mexican pedophile priest named Jose Ataulfo Garcia who admitted to raping 30 young girls between the ages of 5 and 10 years old, was cleared of any wrong-doing and won’t face any criminal charges by the Roman Catholic Church and will not face criminal charges.

Ataulfo has admitted to sexually assaulting indigenous young girls from Oaxaca, a state in southern Mexico known for its large indigenous population. But, what is even worse about this is that the pedophile priest was infected with HIV.

The decision of forgiving the priest comes in the light of an announcement by Pope Francis that the church would aim to be “more merciful” by reducing penalties for pedophile priests. Their way of doing this is by relocating the priests to a different church and offering them support rather than punishing them.

Sadly, this in no way make the church more merciful! This priest is a criminal and should prosecuted to the fullest extent.

According to the reports, the mother of one of the victims asked to meet with Pope Francis in Rome to discuss about this case, but she was rebuffed by the Vatican with a letter stating that the matter is closed. Also, neither the State of Mexico or any organization defending the rights of children has spoken about this case, most probably due to the respect that the Catholic Church inspires in indigenous areas.

Forgiven by the Church or not this man needs to be prosecuted for his crimes. Wearing the garb of a priest doesn’t make him above the law. I do not think that even the Church wants a pedophile to “go free”.

Even though the church might have forgiven him but the families of the children never will. So he better be worried when judgement day comes amd has to face the Lord!!

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Natalie Washington

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a "constitutional conservative".

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Brenda Stilwell
Brenda Stilwell
7 years ago

The shame of the Catholic Church. He needs to be in jail no matter what. Think of all those young women. Another lawsuit for the church.

7 years ago

not even “women” these were little children he should be burned at the stake & buried in the desert

7 years ago
Reply to  jean

He should be left in the desert to die!

Wiley Hamby
Wiley Hamby
7 years ago

If he is HIV positive; he has sentenced all those children to death; as if the gravity of raping them was not enough. He needs to be in prison at hard labor for the rest of his life. It is astonishing that the catholic church would support this vile pedophile!!!

Kathryn Coady-Wright
Kathryn Coady-Wright
7 years ago
Reply to  Wiley Hamby

And this man sits in judgement of us in confession. Absolutely ludicrous. He should have a rope around his neck not a collar. His behavior of raping children with the disease of H.I.V. is nothing shot of murder.

7 years ago

The Catholic church should have every seat empty and the good people should see to it they stay empty. Yahshua will judge them and it won’t be pretty.You have to truely be sorry for any sin and stop doing it. Not get caught then be sent to a new church where people don’t know what you do where there are more children to be victims. Their history from the beginning smells.

Rhonda Kay Thurman
Rhonda Kay Thurman
7 years ago

Why is this man above the law? There is one less Catholic as it happened in Dubuque, Iowa without HIV. I pity the young girls And their family. The Pope is not God.

7 years ago

He should be forgiven, placed in prison, and the church should be sued. The victims and their families will have a lifetime to medications and complication from the HIV the priest spread. The priest should be placed on trial for rape, and murder since he has sentenced his victims to a life with HIV.

Maria Stitzinger
Maria Stitzinger
7 years ago

That guy needs to be punished. He belongs in prison cause he ruined so many innocent lives.

Dan Schneider
Dan Schneider
7 years ago

What ???? The guy ADMITTED to it, so how can he be declared innocent of any wrong doing? I thought the “Church” prided themselves in setting the highest standards of morality. Sick Sick Sick.

Lisa Thomas
Lisa Thomas
7 years ago

I’m ashamed to hear this and the Pope looks the other way!!! I’m Catholic and I will NOT give money to our church again !!! I’m disgusted with this Priest shit getting away with this!!!! You just can’t trust in the church again!!!!

Catherine Mammana
Catherine Mammana
7 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Thomas

Giving money to your parish helps your parish pay its bills. The money you give, you give for God’s work, not to support these policies. Remember, we are the church, not the pope and the Vatican. You can be light in a dark world by being Christ to those in your community. Don’t let your heart be hardened by this.

Corinne Kaiser
Corinne Kaiser
7 years ago

I agree with what you say. Why is the reaction always to with hold money?we are the Church.
Many articles we see are not truthful concerning our Pope. We need to be careful about what we read. Research the truths before we pass judgement.

M Swirsky
M Swirsky
7 years ago

Disgusting!!! How can one trust in the church when it harbors criminals and supports rapists and pedofiles? To add insult to injury. The priests are then transferred to another parrish What is that?? Poof. They’re perfect and can be trusted? What? They’re reborn of no proclivity and no sin? Give me a break. This is just another sweeping crime under the rug so ” the boys” get a free pass because they wear a collar. The church had become a joke

Sally Montagur
Sally Montagur
7 years ago

He needs to be punished like a regular person!!!

7 years ago

The Devil will be holding the gate to Hell open for him to enter when the time comes.The Devil will also be laughing as he slams the gate closed behind him.

Catherine Mammana
Catherine Mammana
7 years ago
Reply to  jtas

That is not something to celebrate. Hopefully, he will repent and spend time in Purgatory.

7 years ago

I don’t think men like this should be prosecuted. It’s very simple fix, he should just be shown to the guillotine. Prosecuting would just lead to a waste of money and man hours. They must have used Photoshop to remove this man’s horns he is definitely a soldier of Satan.

7 years ago

Apparently this guy may not even exist. But at least this article has a better picture than the other ones circulating this trash story.

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