Republican Senator Is Doubtful That Funding For Trump’s Wall Will Be Included For Budget Package This Year!
Building the wall was one of the main reasons why people wanted Donald Trump in the White House. After all, we are tired of paying the way for illegals, medical, education, criminal trials, etc.
But not only President Trump has to put up with the Democrats who have already said they would rather shut down the government than fund the border wall, now even his own party is going against him on the things he promised to do in his campaign.
On Tuesday, Missouri Republican Sen. Roy Blunt told reporters that the Senate Committee on Appropriations will probably not consider Trump’s supplemental budget request, which includes funding to build the wall along the Mexican border, until the next fiscal year.
Blunt said: “All of the committees, the leaderships of the House and Senate, are working together to try to finalize the rest of the [fiscal year] ’17 bill. My guess is that comes together better without the supplemental.”
He also said that the Senate is working on the defense spending bill which would increase funding over the current Continuing Resolution. The government is funded through April 28, at which time Congress will need to pass, and Trump needs to sign, either another continuing resolution or budget appropriations for the military and domestic departments.
“We have the FY17 defense bill,” Blunt said, indicating that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’s priorities will be met.
When asked about the possibilities of funding the wall on Tuesday Blunt told the Associate Press: “They will not pass together. That’s just my view.”
We are all sick and tired of people who can’t take the fact that we have a president who thinks outside the box!!
All these people do is collect money and try to stop everything the people want. Why do they think we elected Trump. He said he would drain the swamp and that is what we want. If they chose to live in the swamp, I guess they have to go also. We certainly don’t need any of them in our government.
Remember, it is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people….. Let’s not forget where the money comes from unless you are taking money from foreign governments.

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a “constitutional conservative”.
take the sanctuary funding to build the wall!
and use the people’s money that shut down the government to help fund the wall too! they shut down the government.. they lose all rights to being paid! Voting next year. vote out anyone you can.. doesnt matter which party!