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Antifa Protest Planned At Gettysburg

When did our flag become unwanted and despised in our Country? I don’t understand what would drive an American-born person to burn the flag in public. I guess that’s the only way these people can get attention.

Antifa are planning to protest at Gettysburg National Battlefield on the anniversary of the historic battle and burn Confederate flags on a historic day.

Harrisburg100 reported:

Over the past few weeks, several US cities have been a hotbed of controversy over the removal of several Confederate monuments. After decades standing sentinel over New Orleans, the last of four Confederate monuments have been removed after being labeled as “Monuments of Racism and Hate”. New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu said of the removal of his city’s monuments: “To literally put the Confederacy on a pedestal in our more prominent places—in honor—is an inaccurate recitation of our full past, is an affront to our present and it is a bad prescription for our future”. The next state to follow in the footsteps in the movement is Arizona, where leaders call for the swift removal of six Confederate monuments around the state…

…A local group of self-proclaimed anti-fascism activists called “ANTIFA” are planning on holding a rally at Gettysburg National Battlefield on July 1st in protest of President Trump and asks it’s members to “Bring and Burn Confederate Flags”. The reasoning behind why this group picked the date and location for their rally is for the importance Gettysburg played in the American Civil War. The Battle of Gettysburg started on July 1, 1863, when Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia met General George Meade’s Union Army of the Potomac. During the three-day battle, about 165,000 soldiers clashed in and around the small town of Gettysburg. When the Battle of Gettysburg was over on July 3, 1863, 51,000 soldiers were casualties (killed, wounded, captured or missing) in what remains the largest battle ever fought in North America. There are approximately 1,328 monuments, markers and memorials that stand in both the cemetery and battlefield to commemorate the Union and Confederate troops who fought there.

In removing any monument or marker of history, to what purpose does that serve? History in every corner of the world while oftentimes ugly and heinous, still serves a purpose. It is a remembrance to learning from our past and not condemning ourselves to repeat it.

However, as these groups of the far left devolve further and further into disgusting, anti-American displays, they push more and more Americans to realize which party truly has American interest in their hearts.

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Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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Brenda Stilwell
Brenda Stilwell
7 years ago

It’s still the same old story. The blacks want to rewrite history. You can’t change the past. You can only do what’s right about the future. Those monuments are to remind us that we don’t want past actions to be repeated. History always repeats itself when true history is not taught. Parents need to check their books the kids bring home from school. They would be surprised what’s in them.

7 years ago

They would be more surprised at what is NOT in them!

7 years ago

You can not change history . History is done and over with .
The only thing you can do with history is learn and try not to repeat the same mistakes

7 years ago

Anti-fascism activists called “ANTIFA” that’s laughable, anti-American is closer the truth. Fascism is characterized by state control and extreme nationalism. That’s were we’ve been under BHO for the past 8 years!

The trouble with liberals is that they know so much that just isn’t true ~ Ronald Reagan

Leslie Davis
Leslie Davis
7 years ago

Start tearing down MLK Jr. Monuments because WE find HIM a Racist….. one for each of the Confederate Monuments….. BOOM!!

Tony K Keen
7 years ago
Reply to  Leslie Davis

I agree

Tare down MLK monuments

7 years ago

The NAAP & a Arizona State Democrat Rep. wanted the Governor to take down our mouments & flags. They said they offended them. I found the Reps. email and ask him if the Democrat Party offended him because the had the slaves and the Republicans didn’t? So far no answer.

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ly · 3 mins

7 years ago

I hope the KKKK show up armed and ready……..

7 years ago

History thru pictures ,books, statue s ,just show stuff of the past to have a future be it good or bad.Groups are groups be good or bad problem down road regret stuff done at the time.clowns destroying history in middle East besides people. My God don’t destroy people except thru a miracle to do that watch out could happen could happen this time will be a 100 percent know from him .

Marcial anzardo
Marcial anzardo
7 years ago

Mr.trump congrats great job and keep strong.ive have said this before these people will stop at nothing to the total destruction of america.obama wanted to weaken america by disarming america first and the military.for a total take over of islam.please sr look into heavy weaponry being droped in chicago to star chaos if you the evidence of that he is done for good.remenber kill the snake by the head.i will keep in touch as long as i can.amen.

Loleta Stanaford
7 years ago

Nothing but scum. Haters and losers.

steve johnson
steve johnson
7 years ago

that is a national park anyone defacing monuments im sure there is a hefty punishment

7 years ago
Reply to  steve johnson

How dare the antifa scum set foot on that sacred ground !!!

7 years ago
Reply to  steve johnson

I agree. I hope the authorities are ready with whatever force it takes.

7 years ago

If they touch an America soliders grave, shoot them.

Don watson
Don watson
7 years ago

I fear that there will be bloodshed at gettysburg on july 1 the start of the secound war.

Barb barger
Barb barger
7 years ago

So history can just be rewritten, and whatever parts offend someone can be obliterated? Who says so? How can this be? Doesn’t anyone want to take this on, all the way to the SC? Let’s do it!

Many things are being done by the minority groups with no room for input. Not good.

7 years ago

These people are so delusional. I am thinking that they are thinking that if they can remove a flag, or a monument, or any other thing that comes into their crazy, mixed up heads, that history will go away. BUT it really doesn’t matter what they remove, the history is still there. And you can’t change that; you can’t turn that around! You cannot undo something that has already happened. Again, people no matter what you remove, it will not change history. Only God could do that, and I don’t think He ever will. A mere human cannot do something this powerful – change the history of this nation. Or any other nation. History happened, and a lot of people lived to tell about it. So, you see, you can’t change it!

7 years ago

Antifa are the paid mercenaries that Soros is bringing to destroy America.

Anita H Gossett
Anita H Gossett
7 years ago

Never Remove Confederate Monuments! It is OUR history–you can’t change that or deny it! Those who wish it to be forgotten can’t undo it despite the fact they wish to. What do they wish to gain–it is their history TOO,, look how far we have all come. Stiil have a way to go but one day we will all unite.

Anita H Gossett
Anita H Gossett
7 years ago

I do not understand the mind thought of some people.

4 years ago

If this is where the fight starts, so be it. This group needs to be destroyed and put in the trash bin of history!

4 years ago

Soros needs to be brought to justice! You know damn well these assholes are being funded by his organization and other like minded toads!

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