Woman accused of trying to use mace on CPD officer
A topless woman is now facing, even more, charges after police say she tried to spray an officer with mace.
The video shows 26-year-old Quivonna Bonner handcuffed and without a shirt in the back of a Columbus police cruiser. The video shows her screaming, cursing and making obscene gestures.
Watch the video below!
According to Mad World News, she was originally arrested for disorderly conduct and drug possession, but her actions in the video brought the added charge of assault on a police officer.
“Officer Tackett had the rear window cracked and as he got close to try and mace Ms. Bonner, Ms. Bonner reached up and sprayed her mace through the opening of the window at Officer Tackett,” court documents said.
“Ms. Bonner reached up and sprayed her mace through the opening of the window at Officer Tackett.” The officer said he managed to avoid the mace spraying out of the window and was able to spray his own mace back toward the woman.
The officers said Bonner was being “so belligerent and erratic that she could not be interviewed or processed” and say she was taken directly to the Franklin County Jail in Ohio.
When will people learn that regardless of your skin color, it is better to cooperate than resist? If she cooperated with the officers, she would have been at home that night.
Most law enforcement officers would have let her go if she did not resist. When will people learn that these guys are just doing their jobs? Cooperate and there are no problems. Remember, they want to go home to their families when their shift is over.
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Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!