Video: Baby Hater Tried To Kick A Church’s Pro-Life Sign – What Happened Next Is Evidence Of God Having A Sense Of Humor
On Nov. 8, the state of Michigan will vote on Proposition 3, the most extreme pro-abortion bill in the United States. If passed, this constitutional amendment will allow abortion up until and including the day of birth in Michigan.
The bill also eliminates all previous pro-life laws, including those regarding partial-birth abortion.
Bishop Earl Boyea of the Diocese of Lansing, Michigan began a campaign entitled, “Fight Like Heaven“ in response to the radical bill. The campaign’s mission brings awareness to the bill and calls Catholics to pray, fast, and vote against it.
The bishop published an amazing video to his Twitter account showing an individual kicking a Catholic School’s “Fight Like Heaven” campaign sign.
(the video is censored now)
The man takes a hefty kick in the early hours of Monday at the Church of the Resurrection School’s anti-Proposal 3 “Fight Like Heaven” yard sign which sits in front of the Lansing school’s statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
If you want evidence of God having a sense of humor, watch this video:
Video below:
The odds of that happening are microscopic.
I mean, have you ever tried putting together one of those yard signs? It takes a special talent.
If God wants that sign there, it’s gonna stay there.
Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a “constitutional conservative”.
Was hoping it would spring back and smack his vajaja.
HER vajaja you bigot!!!
they’s vajayjay you bigot
You mean “its” (weg)
The picture above kind of made it look like he was hunched over holding his jewels. Imagine being so against childbirth that you rendered yourself incapable by being obnoxious and violent. Alas. Video is still worth it.
was hoping one of the tines eyeballed him and ruptured the brain and killed the dirt bag, but oh well, can’t have every wish.
Little radical, but uh . . . , sure.
God calls for the DESTRUCTION of the enemies of Israel (Deuteronomy 20:17). Please note that “Israel” is actually the white race, not the friggin impostor Jews.
There is nothing “radical” about wishing, praying, hoping for the death of the enemies of God. Nor is there anything “radical” about bringing these deaths about personally.
What’s “radical” is ALLOWING THEM TO LIVE.
I note the courageous downvoter can’t seem to speak a single word against what I said.
Ever heard of the New Testament, ding dong?
letmepicyou, you hit the nail right on the head! You are 100% correct.
That sign stuck the landing!
Must’ve missed some child support payments and lost his driver’s license as a result.
I am virulently pro-life, but have huge issues with child support laws in this country. They do not exist to ensure care for children, rather they exist to enrich the state and punish fathers.
Mad cause he just got ripped off during his drug buy.
What’s funny is, he thinks he knocked it down ans keeps walking.
The best part was when he looked back a second or two later and s hit himself because the sign was still there, looked up and then ran.
I was at least hoping it would smack him on the head. Still, nicely done there, God!
LOL, something about that.
She’s frustrated because she’s failed to get pregnant.
God is both full of humor AND merciful. He could have struck this evil person dead, but chose not to.
That was awsome.
It would have been better if it stuck in his head.
That is a good sign.