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U.S. Federal Court Rules Women Are Free To Publicly Display Their Breasts! Do You Support This?

Back in November 2015, the Municipality of Fort Collins in the state of Colorado passed an ordinance that banned girls and women older than nine from exposing their breasts in public unless they were breastfeeding. They justified the ban with an explanation that allowing females to publicly expose their breasts would likely cause distraction among drivers and pedestrians.

But in May 2016, the law was quickly challenged in court by the activist group Free the Nipple who believe barring women from showing their breasts in public is unconstitutional. Therefore who staged multiple protests throughout the city gathering topless in public spots.

Free the Nipple founder, Brittany Hoagland, and member Samantha Six filed for a preliminary injunction “alleging that the public nudity ordinance was one of the most restrictive and discriminatory against women in the city. The group explained that if the law was fair, it should have banned both genders from exposing their breasts in public.

When they presented the facts of the case before the court, District Judge R. Brooke Jackson granted a preliminary injunction on ordinance No. 134. and ruled that the law is discriminatory against women, as well as perpetuating stereotypes that sexualized female breasts.

The court stated that the primary difference between male and female breasts is the ability to breastfeed. Although the court noted the physical differences between the two, it stipulated that it was not enough to warrant different treatment from the government.

In his ruling, Jackson wrote: “I find that the ordinance discriminates against women based on the generalized notion that, regardless of a woman’s intent, the exposure of her breasts in public (or even in her private home if viewable by the public) is necessarily a sexualized act. Thus, it perpetuates a stereotype ingrained in our society that female breasts are primarily objects of sexual desire whereas male breasts are not.”

Although this is not the final ruling of the case, Jackson wrote that he granted the injunction in part because he believes he will ultimately find that the ordinance passed by the city violated the Equal Protection Clause.

He stated: “The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment bars state governmental entities from discriminating between the sexes unless they have an ‘exceedingly persuasive justification’ for doing so. In this case, Fort Collins has on the books an ordinance that on its face discriminates against women.”

As a female just because displaying my breasts in public is not illegal doesn’t mean we will display my breasts in public! Our lives should be governed by a much higher law than the imperfect laws of man. We should hold our self to a much higher standard than this.

So, we don’t need to see people walking around half naked. The way people dress is already exposing them in ways we would prefer not looking at. Our society is going down a very slippery slope. If for no other reason, we need to protect our children from such sleaze. Next thing we will see is complete nakedness in both sexes. Can’t anyone see that if they are covered, it leaves a lot to the imagination? Even Adam and Eve looked for something to cover themselves with.

What is your opinion? Do you support this?

Natalie Washington

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a "constitutional conservative".

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7 years ago

Moral decay of society.

7 years ago

I agree with the judgement but look at reality, not many are going to go topless, a lot don’t need to bother, same as a 400 lb guy going topless, not a good site! So for the women, the problem would be when does it turn to soliciting? Just saying! I am sure their will be a very fine line at that. I believe, New York already has the law in place.

Theuns Victor
7 years ago

Playing the Devil’s advocate is one thing but if the municipal ordinance was discriminatory why not just campaign and petition to have it removed? Town councillors are elected in service to the community they serve and if some councilor because of some twisted idea came up with an ordinance like this then it is time to remove the councilor together with the ordinance. However going to a Federal court to have the decision reversed and then opening up the road for woman to go public with their breasts is a little taking the idea a little beyond what is the meaning about freedom of choice.

Personally I have nothing against a mother breastfeeding her baby in public and yes I like a pair of good looking breasts as much as the next guy but this Federal court ruling now pave the way for courts around the US as well as the rest of the world to give women the right of way to go half naked in public. Yes, it does not mean that all women will eventually but let’s be realistic there are already those who even when dressed are revealing more than what is generally acceptable and this is what bothers the hell out of me. If they can go half naked even with some skinny piece of clothing displaying more in public than what morally acceptable then the souls who have no conviction about their nudity will eventually take the gap and run around in public displaying their half naked bodies to the world. This could have a lot of serious implications which among other things might just cause more accidents due to drivers not watching where they are going. Society determines moral value and if you really want to have the freedom of choice to go naked or half naked outside then do it in your own backyard or in a public area located for this purpose where the community of that area is comfortable with it. Do not go downtown and exhibit yourself on a silver platter as a “free for all”.


7 years ago

There are still many cultures where the women go around topless. It is nothing to them and as such, there is no great ‘OMG’ going on.
When a society AGREES that it is what it is, then what’s the big hubbub?

and when did it become OFFENSIVE for women to feed their children, that is the real question here.

Allen F.
Allen F.
7 years ago

I agree. However, I also expect the women who do this, not to complain about men who stare.

Joe bob
Joe bob
7 years ago

Adam and Eve didn’t cover up till they sinned!!!!

7 years ago

I believe there is nothing immoral about Human bodies. It’s not being naked that is immoral, it is the mind of those who are preoccupied with sex. Many European countries are OK with public nudity and think Americans are oddly prudish. Changing on a beach, or removing clothes in resort areas- places where it makes sense for comfort or common activities like sun bathing, swimming, strolling along the shore, are commonplace overseas. If parents would teach their kids that nudity is not sex, and what is sex is a private nakedness, then we would have a much more moral society based on understanding that female and male differences are natural. Sexual behavior should be private. There is a lot more nakedness with thongs and string tops that encourage sexual awareness. Nudity could simply mean uncovering breasts. A bare breast should be no different for men or women if the intent is not sexual.

7 years ago

You are forgetting the Communist Anti-American Democrats have flooded our country with Muslims who believe it is their right to rape women and children. This naked policy is asking for more trouble then those women are expecting. Furthermore the corrupt liberal judges let the creeps off, claiming they don’t understand our culture. Frankly women need to plan a way to kill any attacker, so the others can learn really quickly that American women will not tolerate their barbarism.

Josh Simmerman
Josh Simmerman
7 years ago

I fully encourage it. I love boobies.

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