Patriot NewsRight Perspective

‘Trust Women’ Signs Go Up In Mike Pence’s Neighborhood But Mike Gets Last Laugh

Pro-life Liberals have organized a protest of Mike Pence, and shamelessly they have chosen to protest at his private residence. Look, disagreements happen, but you keep the private, the family out of it.

But not liberals. They have flooded his quiet neighborhood of Chevy Chase, MD. with signs from the abortion rights advocacy group NARAL declaring “This Neighborhood Trusts Women.”

NARAL’s communications director Kaylie Hanson Long said.

“Part of our charge following the election is making sure that Mike Pence knew just how off base he was with the majority of Americans when it comes to abortion access.”

“The best way to let him know that is to go literally right to his doorstep and tell him.”

Some neighbors have put up rainbow flags since the Indiana governor moved in to protest what they call his anti-gay policy positions. The flag represents a symbol of pride in the LGBT community.
Roughly half-dozen pride flags are outside of homes on the block where Pence lives and neighbors say more are on the way.
“A respectful message showing, in my case, my disagreement with some of his thinking,” Ilse Heintzen told WJLA, a CNN affiliate.
“I have no idea what (the vice president elect) will think about, but I hope he will change his mind,” she added.

Really? The best way to do that is to literally go right to the Vice-President elect’s door?

As always Mike Pence gets the last laugh…in 25 days he will be moving to a more secure location.

Number One Observatory Circle, the official residence of the Vice President of the United States.

Good luck protesting there.

The Constitution of the United States and the Indiana Constitution both provide strong recognition of the freedom of religion but today, many people of faith feel their religious liberty is under attack by government action,” Pence said in 2015


Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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Robert Stone
Robert Stone
7 years ago

God has your back Pence, for YOUR sticking to Jesus and His love and word.
Our prayers of protection are with you as is the judgments on those who hate you will fall. Anyone who has the guts to stand up for Jesus in that kind of environment is a true hero.

7 years ago

I just read how planned parenthood has gotten a lot more in donations since the election. I know a lot of people were donating in Pence’s name. We need to do the same thing with pro-life organizations.

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