Sarah Sanders Smacks Down April Ryan’s NFL ‘racism’ Narrative Faster Than You Can Imagine
Sarah Sanders is a strong woman who is not afraid to speak the truth. She is not that kind of a girl who will just stand there and listen to the liberal media constant attacks! No, she did something that made us all proud of her!
During her press briefing as White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders and April Ryan got into a contentious exchange Thursday over the protest of many NFL players during the playing of the national anthem.
CNN contributor April Ryan tried to make last week’s league-wide NFL protest of the national anthem about race while characterizing the issue as a battle between President Trump and the NFL, but Sanders is just too quick on her feet. Watch the video below!
Via The Washington Free Beacon:
Ryan and Sanders debated the actions of NFL players and President Donald Trump’s condemnation of the protests, which he says shows lack of respect for the flag.
Ryan said the protesting players had said it was not about the flag but about protesting for such things as women’s rights and civil rights.
“What does the president say when you look at history and see how people love this country but wanted to challenge the system to make it better?” Ryan asked.
“I think if we’re going to look at history, we should look at the thousands of Americans who have given their lives to protect that flag, to protect that anthem. We should be celebrating those people,” Sanders said.
Sanders said the White House would always be for a celebration of the American flag and that would not change.
“Just to clarify on that—” Ryan said.
“I don’t think there’s much to clarify,” Sanders said. “It’s pretty black and white.”
Sarah is one tough, sensible, and patriotic woman. She is appropriate and stands up for this nation’s values and principles. She is truly an asset to the Trump team. She takes no crap and always has an intelligent answer.
The left really needs to stop this rhetoric. Their partisanship is totally obvious. President Trump and millions of Americans are not going to back away from NFL fight.
Great job, keeping them in line Sarah.
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Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
Sarah Sanders is one loyal woman that speaks her mind and not just the President’s words.
If we look at the NFL we see that most players are black, true? And how did these elite athletes get where they are? I mean considering thousands of High School and College football players never make it to the NFL. The answer is they never gave up. They did whatever it took to make their dreams a reality. Put in the work, stay the course and never give up. Shouldn’t that be their message? They were never handed anything, they worked for it and this Great Country afforded them that opportunity. A message of Unity, Drive and Consistency would go further to bring about change that a message of division.
Good job Sarah. You do the Country, The President and yourself proud.
God Bless America…