Protesters Gets Arrested When They Tried To Block The Road During The Day Without An Immigrant March
If you block roads and highways you have it coming. If someone was in a vehicle needing to get to a hospital or I don’t care. No one should be blocking a dam road.
Protesters are usually people who are paid to protest. I back the police. Let democrats and illegals wake up. Trump is president and he will make America Great Again.
It is a felony to block roads. They blocked & refused to move when police instructed them to move. They fought when police carried them out of the road.
Enough is enough, this has been going on for over a month. Want to protest use some brains. Those people you are blocking could have voted the same way you did or didn’t.
Why make everyone suffer because now that you candidate lost you don’t like it. Get yourself back on the side walk before some deranged person like you runs over your ass.
Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Tucson, Arizona for their “Day Without Immigrants” protest. When they blocked a road, local police warned them that they would be physically removed from the vicinity if they did not let traffic through. When the protesters refused to cooperate, the cops had no choice but to take action.
The video below this story shows the protesters pepper sprayed and taken down by officers who have had enough of their liberal nonsense. Four people were arrested for their roles in the violent protest.
When you block a road you are no longer protesting you are restricting other people’s right to go about freely. They deserved what happened and more. I will not stop. I will try to avoid the while driving but will not stop. They are all domestic terrorist willing to assault, riot and destroy. I would fear for my life.
They deserved what happened and more. I will not stop. I will try to avoid the while driving but will not stop. They are all domestic terrorist willing to assault, riot and destroy. I would fear for my life.
I will try to avoid the while driving but will not stop. They are all domestic terrorist willing to assault, riot and destroy. I would fear for my life.
Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
Fat Azz B*tch they should have put a damn GAG in your mouth !!!
Stay off the Fing ROAD !!! Dumb Azzes !!!
Am so proud of the police action taken here, need to see it in a lot more states. Did you all notice how much help the fat one got, They are good at doing shit when there are a bunch of them but when it’s just one they will throw you under the bus, that’s if the bus don’t run your dumb ass over.
Dis house has sho’ gon crazy!
LOCK THEM ALL UP. We are sick of you obstructing the pathways of citizens. Get a job!!!
Great Job Police! My Only complaint is – someone should have Muzzled that Squealing Pig!
About time we have a President that will not allow that. So next time Black Lives Matter protest in Baltimore City. I am going to enjoy watching them get arrested on the news for blocking roads.
There is a saying, “After your mother dies, no one cares.”