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Photos Of A Shipping Container “Evergreen” Goes Viral As It Cause A Huge Traffic Jam On China’s Busiest Highway, Days After The Ship “Evergreen” Blocked The Suez Canal

Days after the Ever Given became lodged in the canal, its rudder has been freed and dredging is complete. Some salvagers hope it could be freed this weekend, but the wait for shipping to resume continues.

Egyptian authorities Wednesday were engaged in a complicated effort to dislodge a giant container ship stuck in the Suez Canal, blocking all traffic on one of the world’s busiest shipping arteries.

The huge vessel got stuck in the canal sideways, with its bow wedged in one bank and its stern nearly touching the other, on Tuesday during a dust storm when wind speeds reached 40 knots, according to a person familiar with the incident.

When the Ever Given container ship ran aground in the Suez Canal on Tuesday, its bulk blocking shipping traffic through the key global thoroughfare, the world looked on, wondering how the authorities would manage to unstick the behemoth.

Days later, the vessel is still stuck, amid a frantic effort to free it, and fears over the cascading costs of the fallout. Already, shipping analysts estimated, the traffic jam has held up nearly $10 billion in trade each day.

Vessels packed with the world’s goods — including cars, oil, livestock and laptops — usually flow through the waterway with ease, supplying much of the globe as they transverse the quickest path from Asia and the Middle East to Europe and the East Coast of the United States.

Lots of conspiracies were told about the ship and it seems the news that we have from China will raise even more suspicion.

A photo on Weibo in mainland China went viral today (27). A truck carrying an “Evergreen container” was stuck on the highway, staged a road version of the “Evergreen” scene.

In the photo, it can be seen that the truck on the highway was photographed and downloaded with the “Evergreen Container”. A squeezed SUV stuck on the edge of the road. The car from the rear was affected by the accident, and it was difficult to pass and nobody could move. According to the monitoring data, the accident occurred at about 9:55 this morning, and the accident site was on the Nanjing section of the Changchun-Shenzhen Expressway which is one of China’s busiest highways.

Images below:

Long queues on the expressway due to car accidents are not very rare. But now that the Evergreen freighter is still blocking the Suez Canal, a similar accident is happening again, which inevitably makes everyone feel that the timing is too close, even it could be just a coincidence.

There were a lot of discussions.

People left messages saying, “Sea and land are blocked”, “Awesome, monopolistic enterprise, in a physical sense”, “Will Evergreen go to hell?”, “Evergreen should pay more attention”, ” It’s exactly the same as the posture of a freighter going sideways.

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Bruce Hoenshell

Bruce Hoenshell is a military historian, he is one of the most prolific conservative writers today, often churning out multiple columns per week. His writings tend to focus on international themes, modern warfare. Style Sampling: “ It is not that we need social networking and Internet searches more than food and fuel, but rather that we have the impression that cool zillionaires in flip-flops are good while uncool ones in wingtips are quite bad.”

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[…] Photos of a shipping container “Evergreen” goes viral as it cause a huge traffic jam on China’… If you look at the pics, it looks strangely like it could be some form of comms – though it is a big shipping company. Still Evergreen was a word Q promoted twice, asking us to define it, as if it had meaning to Cabal. Could this be saying to somebody that Evergreen, (ie Hillary’s SS codename) is some sort of blockage to something that needs to be dealt with? […]

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