Entertainment & Media

NFL Issued A New Ruling On The National Anthem Protests…You Will Not Like This One

If athletes can’t stand for the national anthem then they don’t deserve playing football and getting paid millions of dollars in this country. These days it is such an embarrassing shame what America has turned into.

Football is a sport played by athletics paid millions to do for the entertainment of the fans. It has nothing do do with politics, the Flag or the National Anthem. Most of the players are Black so where is the oppression for them to disrespect our Flag or National Anthem?

The sad thing is they aren’t protesting for a cause. I’m sure there are several players concerned about what they view as injustices but the rest seem to be going with the crowd.

However, on Tuesday NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, issued a statement in which he expressed the importance that this National Anthem fiasco caries for us all.

He wrote: “Like many of our fans, we believe that everyone should stand for the National Anthem. It is an important moment in our game. We want to honor our flag and our country, and our fans expect that of us. We also care deeply about our players and respect their opinions and concerns about critical social issues.

The controversy over the Anthem is a barrier to having honest conversations and making real progress on the underlying issues. We need to move past this controversy, and we want to do that together with our players.

Building on many discussions with clubs and players, we have worked to develop a plan that we will review with you at next week’s League meeting. This would include such elements as an in-season platform to promote the work of our players on these core issues, and that will help to promote positive change in our country. We want to ensure that any work at the League level is consistent with the work that each club is doing in its own community, and that we dedicate a platform that can enable these initiatives to succeed. Additionally, we will continue the unprecedented dialogue with our players.”

This move came only three days after President Trump posted a tweet that tax laws should be changed to prevent the NFL from getting tax breaks while players protest.

But now, Reuters reported the NFL does not plan on forcing players to stand, but instead, it will discuss an alternate solution during meetings with team owners Tuesday and Wednesday.

Joe Lockhart, an NFL spokesman, said Friday during a conference call:

“(Goodell) has a plan that he is going to present to owners about how to use our platform to both raise awareness and make progress on issues of social justice and equality in this country.

What we don’t have is a proposal that changes our policy, we don’t have something that mandates anything. That’s clear. If that was the case I doubt the head of the NFLPA would have put a joint statement out with us.”

It seems Goodell still doesn’t get it. He keeps flip-flopping back and forth depending on who’s blowing in his ear! If they are going to continue to let these whiners use the NFL games as a “platform” for their whiney bitchfest they must prepare to lose even more fans. That will be the measurement on whether or not they made the right decision and I don’t think they did.

NFL stands for nothing if they cannot follow their own rules. Actions speak louder then words and the actions during our anthem is disgusting and disrespectful and shows every one worldwide their real thoughts about our nation. Protesting is one thing but doing it during our anthem for any reason is horrible.

So bye-bye NFL!

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Natalie Washington

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a "constitutional conservative".

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7 years ago


7 years ago


Tony K
7 years ago

Cut All monies an breaks from the NFL….I fought for the right.. .They have not….Do Not use our money to support them

7 years ago

Stand up or don’t play, in fact don’t even show up for work that day, stay home,we have been doing this for,many years so why change now?? Your still getting your BIG PAYCHECK. .?Right!! Or give back the check, when your too tired to stand, we can decucd that amount from your check??OK??

7 years ago

Goodell continues to prove he is not capable of enforcing the rules !

Tom Boggs
Tom Boggs
7 years ago

I have never watched the NFL as a fan because I find it boring in comparison to a good college game! But this flag disrespect is much bigger than the NFL! This is disrespect of your country and to those who died to defend it! I spent many years in the military to keep my country and it’s flag flying! Do not disrespect my country and my flag for your sissy ass anti-America nonsense! Get your ass out of my country if you don’t like it!

7 years ago

I think Goodell needs to grow a pair!!!!! He’s like a little child going back and forth on issues!!! I really don’t think he knows how Fed-up people are with the stupidity that is taking place!!! Blacks are trying to use the NFL and the media to try and raise awareness to what???? They don’t understand that they are putting the NFL at risk!!!! People stop watching and stop buying or using sponsors it bye bye NFL and your incomes as well!!!

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