Mom is Sick of School Sweeping Her Son’s Abuse Under The Rug

Pulling the kid out of school may fix the problem for the Mother, but the school is so far deep in letting this go for so long, the problem is still there. The bully would just pick on another kid. Let’s say that the Parent should take the school to court and maybe even have the school fined. and the money goes to the kid!!

According to AWM, one North Carolina mother has had enough of the direct assault on her son by a classmate, and the incompetent manner in which school officials have handled it. You should hear what she is doing to protect her child.

Recently, Jennifer Strickland-Stacy received a phone call from her step son’s school asking her to pick him up. They told her he had fallen and wanted him to go home for the day. She grabbed her keys and headed to the boy’s school.

When she arrived she found him in the administrative office covered in blood, scratches, and bruises. Clearly, this was no simple accident. Suddenly she realized that the version of the incident she was told by the school did not jibe with the reality of her son, Skyler’s injuries.

She says, “It was just gory. His face was bloody. I found out my son didn’t fall, my son was shoved by the boy who had been bullying him. The boy shoved him face first into the pavement.”

And this was not the first run-in with the same boy. This is the fifth time Skylar has been harassed by the same bully, yet the school has done little or nothing to protect him.

“The first incident was when he poured water on my son. The second incident, he took my son’s cell phone. The third incident, he spits in his face and shoved him. The fourth incident is when he repeatedly smacked my son in his face.”

So far, the only punishment the boy has received was a three-day ban from riding on the same bus as Skyler.

After this most recent assault, Jennifer took her 13-year-old stepson to get checked by a doctor and found out that when Skyler hit the ground, he was left with not only bruises and scrapes, but a fractured eyebrow bone.

She has tired of the school seeming to brush her concerns aside with a pat “we’ll handle it.” She has contacted the local police about the situation, taken to driving Skyler to school every day to avoid bus rides with the bully, and is even considering pulling him out of the public system to homeschool her child.

Charge the bully with assault and battery. Sue the school because they did not intervene and lied about what happened. Teach this bully a lesson because he needs it and the parents must not have handled it. Teach the school a lesson for condoning bullying and not protecting this child. Makes me furious.

What do you think about this? Have you ever been a victim of bullying?

Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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ED Conley
ED Conley
7 years ago

istratoBursy a ball Bat. Start with the bully and then the school admin. You will be so satisfied once you cave in their fucking heads.

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