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Liberal Heads Explode – Watch This Video from Last Night in France… Looks Very Similar to When Trump Beat Hillary

Right-wing parties saw the biggest swing of voters in this weekend’s elections, sending shockwaves through the political establishment and triggering national elections in France and Belgium.

Macron announced a snap election to take place on June 30th and July 7th, while Belgium’s leader Alexander De Croo announced he would offer his government’s resignation to the Belgian king today.

In Italy, Meloni’s party, the Brothers of Italy, gained 14 seats to become the largest party in the country; in Austria, the FPÖ party doubled its seats, becoming the largest party in the country.

In France, Marie Le Pen’s National Rally party won 31.5% of the vote, becoming the largest party in the country by a significant margin, while in Germany the AfD party took second place, ahead of Chancellor Scholz’s Social Democratic party.

Although mainstream center-right parties continue to hold the majority of seats in the European Parliament, the results show that voters are turning away from current EU policies.

Immigration, the war in Ukraine, and economic hardship were key issues right-wing parties campaigned on.

19 countries are yet to declare results.

But perhaps the reaction of Macron’s voters in France was the funniest!

It’s almost the same reaction from Hilary Clinton’s supporters when Trump won.

Watch the video below:

This is a map of the E.U. election results in France last night.

The brown is for the “far-right” parties.

Huge defeat of the globalist EU leaders.

This is just the beginning.

The EU has some battles that need to be fought.

They’re not the only ones though.

The world has to make some serious changes.

A rejection of the hard-left policies of EU “liberal” governments does not make the victors “hard right,” but rather its a reflection that the electorate want to back to normal, that is, preserve their respective national identities, without being drowned by illegal immigrates.

Today is the start of a new era in Europe:

🇫🇷 France: National Rally wins a historic 31.5% of the EU vote, forcing Macron to dissolve the national parliament.

🇩🇪 Germany: AfD surges to become the 2nd largest party, liberal parties tank.

🇧🇪 Belgium: Prime Minister resigns after his crushing defeat against the right.

🇮🇹 Italy: Meloni’s Brother of Italy wins in a historic landslide

🇦🇹 Austria: FPÖ doubles their seats and becomes the largest party in the nation.

🇪🇸 Spain: Right beating the left by 10%.

🇱🇺 Luxemburg: First ever seat for ADR.

The list goes on.
If our country follows suit with Trump getting elected, its gonna be interesting!

Opinion Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of this website. The purpose of this content is to educate and inform, not to mislead or incite negativity.

Michelle McKennie

Michelle is American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm.

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Ron Jaeger
Ron Jaeger
7 months ago

The first major repudiation of the globalist policies by the European Communists

7 months ago

This is a start, but it is not the victory. The left are a tenacious bunch, and they will not go quietly into a conservative future. They will fight back. They will riot, they will blockade, they will sabotage, at every opportunity. Treat them accordingly.

7 months ago

I think the world of Sane and Normal People have had enough with the WEF butt kissers and never ending Paid Malcontents, who just can’t seem to deal with Reality. People have had a Belly Full of the constant and never ending whining. The Leftists don’t realize it, but Leftism is dying an ignominious death because it stands for nothing, creates nothing, and betters nothing. All it is, is a handful of the worlds people who just cannot accept the fact that They are not the brightest and most intelligent people on the planet, but they feel because they have really Big Mouthes and aren’t afraid to use them that everyone should listen to them. They are being told by those Normal, they can go pound sand! Don’t worry though, as they are relatively stupid people you can bet they will double down and get more violent. It’s who they are and what they do!

7 months ago

hahaha we we… i mean oui oui

Ramet in Dallas
Ramet in Dallas
7 months ago

They require IDs to vote and don’t allow mail-in ballots so the Left can’t “fix” elections in Europe like the the Left in the US.

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