Jorge Ramos This Is The New America, Get Used To It Or Go Back To Mexico
Jorge Ramos once said that Donald Tump is not his boss! Ramos is right that Trump is not his boss.
Univision’s viewers are, and this most recent performance review is vicious – something that Ramos should humbly take into account going forward.
What he has to understand is If he came legally, he should be backing that all others do the same.
He stated all the reasons that it is better to live in the USA than Mexico, but now that isn’t good enough. Here’s your participation trophy now go back to Mexico If you hate it so much here.
Jorge himself never talked about why if he hates Trump’s America he didn’t go back to Mexico!
At least not until now!
“I no longer recognize this country. I’ve always publicly acknowledged that the United States gave me opportunities that Mexico, my country of origin, did not. But decades after I arrived here, the anti-immigrant rhetoric being turned into policy under Donald Trump has made me realize that I just don’t recognize this country anymore.”
“In the early 1980s, moving to the U.S. meant that I could speak freely. As a journalist in Mexico, I was censored. Moreover, the U.S. provided me with a job and economic opportunities that I couldn’t have found anywhere else.
With boundless generosity, America protected me and granted me the same rights as any other citizen, even though I was an immigrant. I work here. I vote here. My children were born here.”
“All I want is for new immigrants to enjoy the same opportunities that I—and millions of others throughout American history—have received. But for the moment, Trump is making that impossible.”
Ramos had a student visa, and he used the system to had a residency and eventually a citizen.
So Jorge if this is the country that you can’t live in, you are free to go back in Mexico!
Share this article if you think that he should go back to Mexico!

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
Jorge he has not done anything that the past 3 presidents haven’t done. The only difference is he said it to all of America instead of hiding it from us. Grow up! The ban is only for 90 days and will not let terrorists in. Would u rather have your loved ones blown up? Then u would really have something to bitch about!
If your background is okay why the worry? It isn’t a lifetime ban it’s to keep this dangerous bunch that want to harm American’s , Christians, People in general There are enough as it is..President Trump is Trying to Save this country from becoming a full fledge 3rd World Country..God Bless American!
The “NERVE” of this “IDIOT” He says he is so thankful for the “OPPORTUNITIES ” this Country has given him but yet he has the “NERVE” to complain about our PRESIDENT TRUMP!!! you “STUPID” “IGNORANT “HACK”go back to Mexico and try to have a decent life over there…see if you can….you are nothing but a big mouth!!! I seen how you try to embarrass Ann Coulter but she sure put you in your place at you own show you dumb ______!!!!!
Screw Trump, you probably have paid more taxes than all the welfare crowd who wants you to go back. Remember technical advancement US has made has a lot to do with immigrants and not the uneducated racist group of people who are Trump supporter.
Remember they are on welfare because of the hard working Horst, successful immigrants pay enormous taxes. YourPresident has never paid taxes and have screwing United States treasury for a very long time.
Somebody has to tell Maria Filipino that someone in her family
Immigrated to US, so she should shut her ugly big mouth.
If you understand the system in place for taxation you wouldn’t bring this issue up about Trump but it’s apparent you do not. You have the same opportunity he has to invest and defer taxation as he does by a system that he did not set up but knows how to use to his advantage . It’s available to you also and everyone else . You can be mad at him if you want for your inability to use this same system but you’ll be forever locked into your tax bracket at your own expense by your own inabilities and no one else’s . The majority of people who work and pay taxes are not immigrants but in fact are United States citizens. Almost everyone in the USA is an immigrant or a descendent of an immigrant through many generations . If your a citizen of the US then it’s a given that you came to be here through immigration . Which is the point stating now your either legal or illegal. If your here illegally your using our tax money that we work extremely hard to make and Are not contributing to the burden that the legalized citizens are required to do . Charity is one thing paying for those that don’t contribute is another . Don’t complain , get in right and help out or get out
The whole world is made up of immigrants, some would say we are all out of Africa! The problem is we also have sovereign nation states with laws and different territories & borders. They don’t want to recognize that, they still fight the war of 1847. When you lose a war borders change, just look at Europe over the last 150 years.
if you can’t stand the heat get out of America
Did he really say he isn’t censored here? Wow he is in Lah La Land?? And if he thinks America is against him because “America” is no longer lawless against illegal criminals then he really doesn’t understand our laws. This isn’t Presidents Trumps immigration laws its the US Constitution which is now being followed. So understand what you’re talking about before you speak out, you make yourse look foolish.