After Jane Fonda Said That She’s Not Proud Of America Trump Jr. Hit Back Hard With Terrific Answer That Absolutely Shreds Her
Jane Fonda made it clear she is not proud of America.
During a recent interview with the BBC, Fonda was asked, “Are you proud of America today?”
She replied with an emphatic no.
Exchange as follows:
SACKUR: Let me ask you a simple question, are you proud of are you proud of America today?
FONDA: No! But, I’m proud of the resistance. I’m proud of the people who are turning out in unprecedented numbers and continue and continue over and over and over again to protest what Trump is doing. I’m very proud of them, that core.
Later in the segment, Fonda offered her thoughts on the NFL protests and was asked if she would participate. She said she would not only participate by getting down on a knee, but she would get down on both knees or on all fours if necessary.
Fonda, as you may recall, has a long history of anti-American sentiment. She opposed the U.S. war in Vietnam, as many patriotic Americans did. But she traveled to Hanoi in July 1972. There, “Hanoi Jane,” as she would later be called, posed for a photo on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun (the ones shooting down American aircraft) and called the returning POWs “hypocrites and liars and pawns,” claiming that Americans were never tortured.
So Donald Trump Jr. decided to give her an answer on what he think about her opinion on America!
Darn, we lost “Hanoi Jane”… again. I’m not sure how real hardworking Americans will be able to cope. 🙄
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 17, 2017
She has never shown pride for America. She damn sure takes the rewards and riches the country provides but then works against its system while under the cover of its laws of free and open speech.
As an American, I am not proud that she went to Vietnam or her lying rhetoric. She is a Traitor and should have been tried for Treason

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
Fondle should have been hanged. It’s not too late!!!!
Anyone who has done an underhanded deed that injured our country’s infastructure, finances, war efforts, liberties, constititution, American lives, offerring comfort to an enemy or passing private messsages to the enemy should be arrested.
Hooray for DT JR. He speaks the truth
Gotta love a good smart alec!
Send her back to Vietnam for a permanent residence.
Her father is spinning, in his grave!
Why is she still here?
She says she’s proud of the resistance (which if successful would make America a socialist state, with all the lowering of living standards that goes with that), yet continues to wallow in the riches that the entertainment industry has provided for her, which would assuredly not continue as before under the system she espouses. Sounds like hypocrisy to me.
How would she and her elitist Hollywood friends survive in a Socialist country? Wherever would those millions of dollars per movie ever come from? Better watch what you WISH FOR HANOI JANE….. you just might live long enough to get it👿👿👿👿👿👿
How would she and her elitist Hollywood friends survive in a Socialist country? Wherever would those millions of dollars per movie ever come from? Better watch what you WISH FOR HANOI JANE….. you just might live long enough to get it👿👿👿👿👿👿
As far as I’m concerned she’s still Hanoi Jane and should be deported as a spy and traitor. She’s a disgrace to humanity. Think that Mr. Turner finally wised up and dumped her after all what did she have to offer to humanity? Zilch
She should be arrested for Treason
Imagine being 19 yrs. old, having never his home state, but honorably served his country with pride. Then coming home to be called baby killers, spit on, and worse.
The first image on tv was Hanoi Jane, laughing, poking flowers down the barrel of U.S. Army tanks, all in her warped notion of patriotism. I think she’s a traitor and should be treated and remembered as such. Shame, shame, Hanoi Jane!
Because of her some of our POWs were beaten and put in a hot steal box for several days. How can anyone cause such inhuman treatment of their fellow citizens?
Who cares what she thinks or says?!
Jane is loving the lime light, she is getting attention, She is a disgrace to our Country, Jane is very disrespectful, and very unpatriotic,, she doesn’t rate being on fb our our news, we don’t care for her opinions…