First White NFL Player To Kneel During National Anthem Destroyed His Career With His Explanation Why He Refused To Stand
Must be nice to guard a line or quarterback for millions of dollars. But, someone sons and daughters are guarding this country for virtually nothing and these multi-millionaire athletes who never did anything in their lives but play a game, disrespect it. It is time these NFL players to quit acting like self-entitled diva’s and show some respect.
Cleveland Browns tight end Seth DeValve became the first white NFL player to not stand during the national anthem during the recent movement of using that moment before NFL games to make a statement against social injustices.
DeValve, whose wife is African American said: “The United States is the greatest country in the world. It is because it provides opportunities to its citizens that no other country does. The issue is that it doesn’t provide equal opportunity to everybody. And I wanted to support my African-American teammates today who wanted to take a knee. We wanted to draw attention to the fact that there are things in this country that still need to change.”
He added: “I myself will be raising children that don’t look like me, and I want to do my part as well to do everything I can to raise them in a better environment than we have right now. So I wanted to take the opportunity with my teammates during the anthem to pray for our country and also to draw attention to the fact that we have work to do.”
He further explained how the kneeling prayer in a circle during the anthem came about.
“Just the other day, guys started to talk about it. We should come up with something that we can do and try to get as many people involved to show that we support Malcolm Jenkins, [Seahawks defensive end] Michael Bennett, other guys around the league that are trying to use their platform and also doing things in the community to try to help and show we all want to try to come together as a nation and do better for ourselves.”
Last week, it was Bennett who called on white players to get involved, saying, it ‘would change the whole conversation.
We don’t care how DeValve justifies his protest of the Anthem. The fans only see their sons and daughters in the military fighting for a bunch of pampered overpaid football players disrespecting their kid’s sacrifice and the country that made them rich. They are the ones that count and without them, you have no occupation, no salary, and no respect!
But if they continue with this behavior, pretty soon they’ll be playing in an empty stadium. No fans, no cheering, no nothing. They’ll have to wonder if it was really worth it as they’re being told they no longer have a job.
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Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a “constitutional conservative”.
Politics will destroy the game then these self-indulged players can get real jobs and work for a living without drawing million dollar pay-checks. Fans need to stay home and hit them in the pocket-book. Maybe that will teach them respect for the flag and what that flag represents…
I ageree with Janice would be horrible if they had to get a real job at less pay
Before you take care of your self you make sure that those who take care of you and your freedom to do the things you do, are taken care of! THE PROFESSIONAL arena is full of B.S. artist and some have a reason to protest, but not by degrading our National Anthem or berating Our Countries National Flag! Players are there for one reason and only one reason, TO PLAY AND DO THEIR JOB! NO WHERE ARE THEY TOLD OR ASK TO SHOW DISRESPECT TO OUR NATIONS NATIONAL ANTHEM OR OUR COUNTRY’S FLAG!
I know it’s only me but if the “only mes” out there start to ignore the NFL, maybe the “only mes” will develop into a ginormous WE. Watching Jay Cutler PRETEND (impersonate a professional QB) to play football for $1,125,000 per game really made me sick and I stopped watching football. Now this “taking a knee during the National Anthem” has cemented my feeling
I’m done with the NFL, got better things to do with my time & money!!!
I don’t care how good a player they are, they should get one warning to stand during the national anthem or be fired. There are plenty of talented players to take their place.
If they refuse to stand it is simple there last game in there career Sack them straight away there will be plenty of good kids to fill there place that will show respect
We do not need or require football players. They are entertainers only, non essential people so shut the NFL down we’ll be better off in the long run..
I believe that all players should stand and show respect for the flag of the country where they are earning a great paycheck. If they chose to not stand, then they should only get minimum wage for the amount of time they actually play that day. I believe they would understand that the “game” they play is just exactly that. A GAME. It will not save any ones life, or put a dangerous criminal behind bars, or stop a drunk driver from killing someone. IT IS A GAME. No life or death there. We will survive without them.
True , it’s entertainment not a need
I fully support their right to protest anything they want,…….once they take off the uniform and go back onto their own time. If I had an employee that protested “on the clock”, they would be fired.
easy fix. Play the national anthem before they come on to the field. and let the games begin.
Hitler also had followers. Sheep to the slaughter. Stupid.
They should protest either before or after the anthem
I would love to see him get kicked off the team for good.
They need to wake up and look around at what they do concerns everyone. The NFL need to put them on the sideline and start to fire them for the disrespect that they are showing to our country and the men that are fighting for them to have this freedom. I am a vet I severed my country how many of them can say that
Read the article again. He was praying during the anthem. Not necessarily a protest against the anthem. PRAYER is the only thing that will change America and Americans hearts. We have to quit hating and turn to the only source of forgiveness and healing. GOD!
I love to watch the game of football I have my teams like everyone else does but if this shit keeps up not standing for the national anthem and the people who died to keep this country free to keep these
I love to watch the game of football I have my teams like everyone else does but if this shit keeps up not standing for the national anthem and the people who died to keep this country free to keep these people give these people the right to make the money that you’re making play my game I think we should be done somehow they all passed a nice mall if you can’t stand for the national anthem then you will fight for fight for i these people the right to make the money that you’re making play my game I think we should be done somehow they all passed a nice mall if you can’t stand for the national anthem then you will fight for fight for it and then maybe you’ll see why people get upset with you sick six Terrace because that’s what you are Terrace
NFL AND ESPN is history in this house anyone that can sit or kneel during the National Anthem Doe not deserve any respect. They just as well spit in the face of the men and women who defend their rights to freedom.
NFL players should respect our flag and our national anthem. We paid to watch the game, not watch your stupid acts. Please get the politic out of the game. Thank you
Screw it. It doesn’t matter that they were praying. That isn’t the time for prayer. That is the time to stand and show respect for those who made the sacrifice so these assholes can be free. I want to watch football not watch some asshole protest or even pray
The NFL should get their act together..Send a message to all teams that as of today any player that does not stand will be suspended and fined and without pay!! When their on the field they are on the clock period..Employers have a right to tell their employees whats not allowed!!!!
If you think there are still things that need to be changed in this country, do it the righy way, and change them. Disrespecting your own country, flag, and the people who put their lives on the line so that you can live in this country, is not the way to do it. You are making yourself look like an entitled ass, a spoiled brat. Get a real job, and work your ass off to make the kind of money you do. Change laws by electing the proper politicians to do the right things to get the votes. Do it right.
If I could afford to buy a ticket to an NFL game this year I wouldn’t. I am retired Navy. My retirement pay is below the poverty level so every penny I have goes toward maintaining my home and family. My wife works and her income pays most of the bills. So, again all her money goes toward maintaining our home and family. In 38 years of marriage my wife had never attended a MLB game so after some saving she saw her first live baseball game last year for her birthday. She loved it. While it was a bit expensive, we could at least afford it. I had considered an NFL game this year but with this crap going on; no way. I spent many months away from my family, missed many family celebrations, holidays and other functions doing my job that I swore to do by protecting this country and the people in it. If these over-paid players can’t show the respect for what I and many other men and women have done for them by taking just a few minutes to show respect for our nation and the Flag then they don’t need nor deserve my respect for what they do.
Another person (not a man really) who decides to dishonor our country for his own personal reasons (his children will be mulano). What a joke these so called athletes are. All of them need to have to serve at least two years in the military. If these people had served their country maybe their thoughts would have been different, because they might not be here to protest. I myself am a Viet Nam Vet, 69/70, and also have son is half Flipino who has had to endure racism during his life. I have never dishonored my country during my 22 year career in the military or 30 years since retirement. America is still the greatest country in the world and if these so called flag protesters had ever seen how other countries treat their citizens they would never be kneeling and showing disrespect to ours.
Another person (not a man really) who decides to dishonor our country for his own personal reasons (his children will be mulano). What a joke these so called athletes are. All of them need to have to serve at least two years in the military. If these people had served their country maybe their thoughts would have been different, because they might not be here to protest. I myself am a Viet Nam Vet, 69/70, and also have son is half Flipino who has had to endure racism during his life. I have never dishonored my country during my 22 year career in the military or 30 years since retirement. America is still the greatest country in the world and if these so called flag protesters had ever seen how other countries treat their citizens they would never be kneeling and showing disrespect to ours.
English Premier Soccer!!!!!!