“There is nothing easy in being fit and healthy. I would never say: Eat what you want or do not Exercise. It’s not real. To look and feel their beautiful in my own skin , i have to watch on calories and exercise “- Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian ,is  one of the most popular stars whose face we see everywhere,she is not from that kind of celebrity personalities who say that their body is a gift from nature. Popular brunette repeatedly emphasized that beautiful body is a very hard  task that everything  needs to be put on the agenda.

Ким Кардашијан

Thanks to her unusual appearance, Kim is one of the most prominent women in the world. Its curves always attract glances and mostly positive comments, because she is proud of them and knows how to bring out in the right way.


Favorite coach of Kim Kardashian is Gunner Peterson, who has created and her favorite fitness program. Kim recently revealed his plan for fitness magazine “Shape”.

30-year-old star makes these exercises 2-3 times a week. Heat 5-10 minutes of cardio makes each exercise without a break and eventually making 50 jumps with a rope. This cycle repeats up to 4 times.

Kim makes exercises with medicine ball that weighs 5 kg (if you do not have this ball if you want to do exercises, take your weight instead of a ball) and two small tega of 2-3 kg


A. Stand straight and  put the feet on the same width as your shoulders. Keep the ball close to the right ear, so that your elbows are bent.

B. Step forward to the  left and kneel while you take the ball to the outside of the ankle of the left foot. Return to the original position.

Repeat this exercise 6-15 times to the left, and then as many times right


A. Stand straight and spread your legs so the toes of the feet to be directed slightly “out.” Hold the ball in both hands in front of chest. Squat low, so that you bring your butt close to the floor, and at the same time move the ball to the floor and tap.

B. Rise and straighten your arms high above your head. When you look up you should see the ball – it should be slightly behind you.

Repeat this exercise 6-15 times.


A. Stand straight and put the feet them on the same width as your shoulders. Hold the ball in front of chest, elbows so that you can be directed away.

B. Push the ball and begin to rotate the first left, then right.

Do 6-15 repetitions. The second set make with his hands stretched forward up to the chest.


A. Stand in a position for push-ups and set the ball field a few centimeters from his your shoulder. Set left hand on the ball.

B. Make 6 to 10 push-ups. Then, put the ball in the right hand and repeat .


A. Sit on the floor and take the ball in your hands. Lean backward and lift your feet off the floor. Keep your knees bent and your feet together. Place the ball in front of you.

B. Start turning the upper body and with your left hand bring the ball up the floor. Then do the same on the right.

Repeat this exercise 6-15 times.


A. Take one weight in your arm and put your feet at shoulder width. Kneel at an angle of 45 ° and move your elbows back so that the weights be located next to your breast.

B. Imagine that you are in the center of the clock and your face is turned towards 12 o’clock. Step forward  with your left foot to 7 pm and kneeling to the right foot. Left leg  need to be almost straight and right knee is in line with the ankle. Return to the original position, and then repeat the same on the other side.

Do 6-15 repetitions.


A. Take one weight in your arm, stand straight and place your feet at shoulder width. Hands should be directed to your body. Squat down so that the weights could be lowered to the floor to bring to the floor.

B. While you stand up,  lift the weights toward your shoulders and bend your hands (palms need to be directed to the body). Extend your arms forward, return them to your shoulders and then lower them down.

Repeat this exercise 6-15 times.


Kim is eating her food for several hours – breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, evening snack – for her metabolism to continuously operate accelerated.

This summer coach of Kardashian advises all enthusiastic who want to loose weight to choose at least one rule for feeding and adhere to it. That rule can be:

no food 3 hours before bedtime;
last meal should not contain complex carbohydrates;
protein at every meal;
eating breakfast 30 minutes after waking;
eating 30 minutes after exercise;
fruit at least twice a day.

Kim’s wedding was proclaimed  as worthy competition for the royal wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William. To this end, Kim and increased exercise as you can relinquish the sweet pleasures.

“Kim has been exercising twice a day for her wedding . She has been  coming  in my studio in Los Angeles 3 to 5 times a week, one hour she was  very happy working out “-  said Peterson and explained that he does not intend to reduce the weight of Kim, but to make it stronger and to strengthen her body.

Top 5 tips from Peterson preparation before the wedding

8 hours of sleep. I know it’s really hard, but your body will be stronger!
Breakfast. Do not skip breakfast or will encourage the body to store fat.
Exercising with weights. Raise widely, quickly lift and leave the gym – do not be slow! Raising weights will speed up your metabolism.
Vary the intensity of cardio. Fast, slow, fast, slow, it will do to burn like fire.
Water, and water.
There is no doubt that Kim will look wonderful wearing a wedding dress by Vera Wang

From the mouth of Kim Kardashian

Inspiration for training: “In the days when I need extra motivation, I think: bikini, bikini, bikini.”

Sweet, self-esteem, cellulite: “Of course there are times when I feel insecure in themselves. I wish I had not. But I love to eat! Especially sweets. I will say that I think my thighs are shattery and I have cellulite. When I put the time in workouts, get confident. I feel good to look good. “

Inspiration of fame: “While growing up, constantly watched skinny models that I could not get connected. Salma Hayek and Jennifer Lopez have proven that you can be curvy and proud of it. “

The time for exercise, “Exercise is the only time when I can not turn off. It’s the best feeling! When I see people in the fitness room to talk on the phone, I want to tell them: This is your time to be selfish. Take it!

Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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