Donald Trump Responds On Meryl Streep Attack
Maybe y’all have heard by now that Meryl Streep went up in front of the Golden Globes last night and talked crap on Trump for a whole 6 minutes straight. She seriously couldn’t shut up!
President-elect Donald Trump fires back, after Hollywood actress Meryl Streep’s anti-Trump tirade during the Golden Globe awards!
Meryl Streep’s acceptance speech after receiving a lifetime achievement award at the Golden Globes turned out to be the opening volley in a war of words with President-elect Donald Trump.
The actress never mentioned Trump by name, but it was clear who her target was in pointedly saying that a performance from the past year that stunned her came from the campaign trail.
She noted an incident where “the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country” imitated a disabled reporter from The New York Times.
Well, if she thought she could get away with it, she was dead wrong. Not only did Trump come back swinging, but all of Twitter seemed to be on his side!
Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn’t know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2017
Streep accused of Trump making fun of a disabled reporter, lamenting that the event “sank its hooks in my heart.”
“It kind of broke my heart when I saw it, and I still can’t get it out of my head because it wasn’t in a movie; it was real life,” she said.
But Trump argued that he was simply showing the reporter “groveling” for changing a 16 year old story to make him look bad.
“Just more very dishonest media!” he concluded.
Hillary flunky who lost big. For the 100th time, I never “mocked” a disabled reporter (would never do that) but simply showed him…….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2017
“groveling” when he totally changed a 16 year old story that he had written in order to make me look bad. Just more very dishonest media!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2017
You know he is right too. I’m not saying Trump’s so-called “impression” of the guy was nice, but it’s the SAME damn impression he does of EVERYBODY!
PROOF that Donald Trump did NOT mock a disabled reporter’s disability! Here is your Answer Meryl Streep !
Posted by Donald Trump, America’s President on Monday, January 9, 2017
And, like I said, Twitter seemed to have Trump’s back. For instance, Meghan McCain tweeted,
Meryl Streep Speech is why Trump won!
While Breshna Mehsud said,
Meryl Streep Check your privilege. Talking down to American families, many of whom are living paycheck to paycheck
I think they pretty much hit that one dead on. Meryl Streep’s speech last night showed everything that’s wrong with Hollywood and the way they think of themselves.
She apparently thinks that because she knows people from small towns she is just like the rest of us and acting proves it. CRAZINESS!
If you didn’t get to check out her Golden Globes speech last night, don’t sweat it. I got a version right here that captures it beautifully.( video bellow)
Share this with at least 3 friends if you think Trump beat Hollywood again this time!
Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
Streep and most of Hwood are liberal crybaby losers….. So glad we have PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP.
They just don’t get it, that outside of Hollywood, no one cares what they think. Just a inflated opinion of themselves. Just make believe fools
10 days… President Donald Trump to make America great again.
Meryl Streep showed the world what is wrong with Hollywood actors/actresses. They think they are so loved and so special that when they don’t get their way all they need to do is throw a fit & make jerks of themselves. They need to grow up and think of others. Just because they wanted Clinton does NOT mean the rest of the world feels the same. There are millions of DEPLORABLES who LOVE TRUMP. We’ve watched the protest & riots, and listened to them spew garbage for several weeks and we’re starting to get pissed off!
No one has ever mentioned, to my knowledge, that we Republicans had to endure 8 years of an idiot President who funded his mother-in-law as the babysitter, and million dollar vacations halfway around the world.
Get over it people.
Well stated and AMEN Jeri!
Why in the hell do we care what a bunch of rich elite people who live in a world of fantasy and make believe think?? Time to come down from the ivory towers they live in and realize that because they speak lines from a script, what they say and do have no bearing in the real world. Face it, they are pissed because they gave millions to a loser and got nothing in return! They are hurting no one but themselves since many of us will no longer pay to watch!!! Narcissistic,self indulgent cry babies!!!
I won’t watch this video any sooner than I would watch a silly so-called awards show. Meryl Streep? Really? Is she trying to get a movie part since the only award she can be given is a lifetime achievement one? A life time achievement? What did she achieve, being able to read script and repeat the words? Some achievement. President Trump turned a million into billions, employs thousands, has world leaders respecting him, and she mocks that kind of success? Sad woman.
Meryl Streep has absolutely no idea what the truth is at all. She has only bought into the hype from her cronies and from the liberal press and Hillary the liar. We do not want to be lectured by her or anyone else in the entertainment field on our political views and who we know to be a true for America leader.
We have a King ? who is giving up his crown and Clinton was to be our Queen.
Poor Hollywood! They gave away tons of cash to buy the throne. Poor Hollywood!
Vera Wang gowns ordered by all. Poor Hollywood! They made taped speeches for all us stupid citizens to watch, but we didn’t listen. Poor Hollywood!
They giggled and made tapes about Ronald Reagan too. Poor Hollywood!
Reagan once said, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”, was alarming to the citizens . Well, now the movie and tv people are telling us their here to help us.
Poor Hollywood! It seems the recording people won’t sing for the Preident Elect, the actors won’t act, the t.v. people making tv tapes with a frenzy never seen before Reagan!
Poor Hollywood.
But alas, fear not citizens! Hear that noise? It’s the TRUMP TRAIN pulling to the station ready to take all those who threatened to leave us stupid citizens a free ride
to Clintonville!
COME ON YOU BIG BAD TRAIN, put Streep on first followed by Whoppie, Madonna,
Cher, Rosie, the Boss, sorry but Sting too. Many more …. and Captain Kirk will be the Engineer sending them where no man has been before. The final frontier people! Log book 2017. You go Jim. I can hear you now , warp speed Sulu!
Yah us! Poor Hollywood!
I have liked Meryl Streep as an actress but I lost all my respect for her after I heard her speech last night.
As an actress she should be a role model for moviegoers how to be respectful, accepting of different opinions and point of views and being objective.
Last night it was not an appropriate platform for her to voice HER own opinion and try to influence others. In my opinion she destroyed the purpose of the whole event.
The only thing she had proved last night was that she was a true friend of Hillary Clinton. Was it really necessary Meryl ?????
I wonder how these elite nobody’s would react if the respectable republicans acted like the children they are ACTING like, when the communist dictator obama was elected not just once but 2 X’s. You bunch of Hollywood self important ass holes, could take a page out of deplorable Republicans book of respectable behavior for
Social correctness, 1st, you never disrespect those that put you where you are! Be true to yourself, be an individual, group think is brainwashing when you just follow the elite standard, I’m with the money, I’m better than you! Funny, I never saw myself as better than these extremely self superior elites, I do see myself smarter than these small minded people. As long as we allow communist to infiltrate our country, we will be dealing with the ignorance of the wana-be rich and infamous!
Let’s not forget “MONEY IS THE ROUTE OF ALL EVIL”, for the shallow, greedy, self proclaimed superior beings. It will be very hard to watch Streep and not see the
Real Streep I saw (on the news) at the awards, i can’t see the talented Streep, or any Hollywood types with the self superior attitude of disrespecting the low life’s they have declared AMERICANS that did not want the obama communist dictatorship
In the country much less in office, will never be seen in the same respectable way before the uniting of America by obama! The maturity level in America has declined at the same rate as the racism has increased since the narcissistic, ego of obama has infiltrated our Government and declared he was the change agent for America, but did not have the balls to disclose what he really had in mind for America, like the desecration and dismantling of the fabric of the American values, and reputation
On the world stage. Even our enemies seem to understand obama is not of the typical American superiority and are just waiting for him to be out, just like the majority of the TRUE AMERICAN people!
Well I don’t need or want any of your opinions, And it’s all the rest of us that Put Mr. Trump in that most important seat and and it’s the rest of us that put you where your at M. Streep. But I won’t be supporting you anymore. I am sick and tired of Hollywood cramming Thier thoughts down out throats . So see ya!
The farther to the left you are, the more awards you get. The number of awards and nominations is not a measure of talent, it is a measure of how politically active and how far to the left you are. I stopped watching all of the left wing award shows when they gave Michael Moore the academy award for his fake and staged documentary. In 2003 he got the award for Bowling for Columbine, which was filled with scripted events, dialogue, and filming. A documentary can not be scripted in any way. It can be biased as hell, which this was, but it can not be scripted, which it was. After that, it was the final nail in the coffin. It was plainly obvious that all of the award shows were nothing more than a liberal love fest, something I do not need to waste my time on. Haven’t watch any of them after that.
Streep obviously didn’t bother to check any facts, opting to drink the koolaid instead. The Washington Post manufactured that fake story to cover up their bad fact checking regarding the behavior of the moslems on 9/11.
She used to be my favorite actress, won’t watch anymore of her movies. Tacky, classless, stupid speech. Buh bye Meryl. I can always watch Clint Eastwood rerun movies.
It was okay when Trump acted like a baby on Twitter for years and attacked Obama for years
But if another famous person attacks the president elect – it’s not okay
Oh right because the Hollywood elite is rich
Right Trump is just an average joe
All you ignorant “stars” out there, it might be wise not to take on any new scripts for awhile. I do believe there is going to be some boycotting going on, and you may give a wonderful performance, but no one, except your ass kissers will buy a ticket. I would not walk across the street to a movie with one of you anti Trump assholes in it, even if the tickets were free. We, the deplorables hold the purse strings to your success, just for your information, you need “we the people” much more than we need you.