Charles Krauthammer Tries to Tell Laura Ingraham That Trump is Racist, WATCH All Hell Break Loose
For the first time since Reagan, we have a President who loves America, has a true heart for the people and fights for us true Americans. Unfortunately, not everybody feels that way.
We need more truth tellers, people who are not afraid to stand up to power. One of them is Laura Ingraham – she always knows what she’s talking about and she simply states the right and the wrong of a thing and lets others sort out affiliations and titles and spin.
Conservative talker Laura Ingraham discussed President Donald Trump’s latest press conference where he condemned both sites for the latest riots and violence in Charlottesville!
Charles Krauthammer and Laura Ingraham exchanged opposing views over President Trump’s Q&A about the violence in Charlottesville, Va.
Ingraham said Trump would have been better served Tuesday to continue talking about infrastructure and not allow the press to “trap” him into talking about the unrest.
The debate was moderated by Fox News’ Bill Hemmer.
“I always like to think about it this way,” Ingraham began, “is he advancing his agenda with what happened this afternoon? And I will say when you had Gary Cohn up there talking about how they’re gonna hit the ground running on tax reform, we’re ready, we spent the whole day — I was like wanting to hear more, more and more. That’s great!”
“And we got sidetracked on this horrific event of the weekend,” she said, “which he had made the subsequent statement about that was, I think really really good. I think he could have been clearly more specific on Saturday, but when he said ‘we must love each other, show affection for each other, unite together and condemn that hatred, bigotry of the violence we saw,’ that was so great yesterday!”
“I think today he’s really torched about people conflating Trump support with white nationalists,” she said. “You can see it and hear it in his responses, and I understand that, but he’s not there to win every debating point. People want to see a calm president in the storm.”
I think today, I think he made some points that were factually right,” she explained, “there was violence on both sides of that event on Saturday. Anyone who’s watched the video could see it. But he’s not there to win every point. He’s there to calmly guide the nation through what at the moment is a very troubled time. And advance an agenda of economic empowerment, streamlining regulations, and keeping very optimistic and positive about the American spirit.”
“When he does that I think it’s very positive,” she continued. “Today, I think he got caught in kind of the ‘pundit trap’ like he became a pundit. And what I think people want is Trump the president. When he does that, he’s very powerful.”
“To critique what he did today on the grounds that it distracts from the agenda,” Krauthammer responded, “or it was a tactical mistake, I believe is a cop-out.”
“What Trump did today is a moral disgrace,” he concluded. (video below)
I have one sentence, don’t mess with Laura Ingraham! Watch what happened when Charles Krauthammer called Trump a racist then personally attacked her.
**Do you stand with Trump against these SICK lies?
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Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
I stand with Trump. In fact Id stand with anyone that tells it like it is.
I hate to keep blaming the media. But if the show fits and they do love to blame Trump for everything.
Where does it stop…
BAMN, Antifa, BLM are just as evil as the KKK, white pride groups.
Media doesnt label them as the same bad apple & they are!
Antifa and BLM are the spawn of Soros and Obama’s Deep State and purposefully are part of their “Destroy the U.S.from Within” plot…..along with Soros’s 200 plus other non-profits that bus in paid protestors on any and all issues. All in the quiet name of Globalism and One World Order. They have recreated racism for their very own pursposes and are more than adept at it! Ready, Set, Google! The media never mentions that, now do they?
Trump has nothing to do with it except he is, in his way, way behind in getting Sessions and Gowdy on it!
Well said!! Could not agree more! Hate is abs was on both sides and both sides resorted to violence. Neither view should be absolved of guilt fir the injuries and shame they caused. Sad to learn the Mayor is a left wing pasty who added fuel to the fire by firbiliddibg police to do their job. He is equally guilty and shoukd be tried with the driver of the car.
I like and have great respect for the distinguished Mr. K.
However, and sadly so, Mr. K. is 100% dead wrong here, absolutely dead wrong.
History is there in front of all the Worlds, to learn from, to teach those who come after us, how we were wrong, how we made terrible mistakes, all preserved so they who follow, do not repeat the bad errors we had to live with.
Amen Laura – you spoke the truth – but not many people want to admit the truth. They just want to see Trump fail. The left is evil and full of hate.
Sorry the man looks like a snapping turtle .ha and you are right..
Yes I stand with Laura Ingraham , yes yes !!
I did, I do, and I will continue to support our President ! …. I really like the person Donald Trump !
I believe that the President said what most of us were thinking: here we go again, anyone from the right is evil and the left wing nutjobs are made out to be sweet innocent victims. To me, and Trump, I believe, the conversation is about Hillary committing crimes and getting away with it, the DNC conspiring to give Hillary debate questions, and candidate trump being asked if he was conducting a comic book candidacy. It’s the continual bringing to bear the might of the media to protect and promote the left, while simultaneously conducting the most vicious, one sided hate campaign we have ever seen, against my President. It’s about fairness, which he is not and has not received.
Laura Ingraham is totally correct about Pres. Trump. Krauthammer is supposed to be some sort of intellectual. Intellect also contains common sense. Krauthammer is part of the major news Swamp that needs to go. I will never again watch a Fox newscast when he is an invited guest. There are a lot more intelligent people to hear from then the infamous Dr. K. As I’ve said many times, Fox is going to the liberal dogs. It’s time for Hannity, Carlson, Fox and friends and other true, fair and honest Americans to join the other departed Fox, fair and balanced, newspersonal and start a new network for free thinking Americans across the country.
I can’t stand him never could. Him and that Juan from the 5 can and shepherd smith should all be fired .
Should have said Juan from the 5 and Shephard Smith should all be fired . Can’t find an edit button .
Kudos to Laura. PhD Krauthammer happens to be Jewish and if he knows what’s in President Trump’s heart, than my three degrees must qualify me to know what is in his heart – hate of the POTUS. Fear of the NAZI’S. When you mix hate with fear you get war. In Krauthammer’s case, he uses words as his weapons. But, he was no match for Laura…
No wonder nothing gets done in Washington. If President Trump makes a statement that says I love America there would be 500 people ripping that state been apart trying to look into other meanings. When does the nonsense stop and when do we start addressing the real problems in our country and if the dams and some Republicans don’t like President Trump then in four years elect someone else meanwhile work together and get the problem solved Stop all this divisive Ness
You are so right!!!
Krauthammer is trying to defend his mistakes when he said Donald Trump would never be president and that he is not fit to be president. The violent left has been running rampant all over the country destroying public property and beating up Trump supporters. Krauthammer has shown his true colours and he is another McCain: We all have all seen the video and it was a disgrace to see the violence.
It takes two to tango and the violent right and the violent left went at it hammer and tongs.
Krauthammer has an idea that Donald Trump should be the president that he would like.
Trump was ambushed by the leftwing Media and only one person there asked about Infrastructure and even then with sarcasm. Trump told the people the truth. We could say this was premeditated violence and a set up for the media. No sensible person would condone the violence of these extremist groups. It is important to investigate who is financing them and take them to justice.
Charles Krauthammer has already vocalized his dislike of President Trump. Thankfully, Laura Ingraham has the intelligence and respect for President Trump to put Krauthammer in his place. President Trump was totally correct when he said there was hatred on both sides: Alt-left and Alt-right. It’s time to come together as a nation united. We can’t let evil Obummer, Soros and the Clintons destroy our country. This was indeed a set-up!
Krauthammer is looking more and more like Mason Verger these days.
Sounds like Mr. kraut is short two or three quarts of something in the upper atmosphere. But then, that’s much like the rest of the liberal thugs in congress. I have often heard of those a few bricks short of a full load, but these demos break all records of what I have seen in my 73+ years.
Why is it those on the left and those in government would rather to everything in their power to hurt Trump, derail his agenda and criticize his supporters? If they would spend half the energy they’re spending now trying to help, support and negotiate with him, our country would be so much further ahead. I have no respect for haters and the left at this point in time have become nothing more than that.
Sadly Krauthammer is part of the elitist. He has to keep himself relevant like Juan Williams, Bill Kristol, John McKain, Mitch McConnell ets. These are people that want to bring him down more than they did Obama. Remember when Rush Limbaugh said he hoped Obama would fail?? The left went nuts. The main stream media went nuts. Now they want Trump out and to hell with the people who wanted him in. This is no longer about America or Americans. It is power plain and simple. We have to wake up and get anyone in congress out that feels they need this President to fail. Only the PEOPLE can fix this. Period.
I stand with President Donald Trump.
Krauthammer has always believed that he is better than President Trump. I am so glad that Laura is not afraid to speak the truth. No matter what our President does, people like Krauthammer will try to twist his words and smear him. I am so sick of them. I am amazed that old Charles is so superior to Trump that he can tell us exactly what is in Trumps heart.
may be time for Charles to retire ! it’s pretty clear he does’n like Trump ! and is making bias comments ! I STAND WITH TRUMP ! PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like Laura said PHD ?? Such a Dumb Ass.. Shows His leanings more everyday.. TAKE Him OFF FOX.
krauthamer has become a deep disappointment for me. he is a “never trumper”, but i had thought he was he was honorable. i was surprised to hear him say recently that trump, from day one, lied about the size of the inauguration crowds, that they were a fraction of the obama crowds. truth to say, DJT crowds were immense, filling all of the mall. maybe the obama crowd was a little more dense in numbers, AND also brain power. krauthamer, you should be ashamed of yourself, putting yourself in league with the bad guys, the left.
PHD Charles Krauthammer lost a lot of respect from the real supporters of President Trump, this man has nothing more to do than come on TV and call our great President a racist . I have always valued his points and remarks about how the left will always lie cause chaos and make President Trump’s life miserable everyday he is in office. But after watching and listen to this he has no creditability at Fox as a analyst for the conservator view . He should pack up and move to CNN asap while he’s on a leftist roll.
I also am a former fan of the kraut but have often noticed his anti-Trump rhetoric. I don’t find his intelligence or logic any better than any of the other Trump haters. Sorry, Kraut, it’s time to take down the shingle. I’ll take Trump and Laura any day over this closet Trump hater.