Detroit’s Black Firefighters Did The Unthinkable For The White Recruit Who Was Fired over ‘Racially Insensitive’ Watermelon
A 41-year-old probationary firefighter Robert Pattison brought along a giant watermelon topped with a bow as he hoped to introduce himself to his peers at a Detroit firehouse. He wasn’t accepted well and he lost his job after this!
The 41-year-old firefighter, who just graduated from the academy told us he brought it as a nice gesture to meet his new crew. We’re told many firefighters were instantly offended and called it racially insensitive. The firefighter has been discharged.
Regardless, Pattison claims the gesture was not a joke and that he didn’t mean any offense, but he was still summarily dismissed.
“There is zero tolerance for discriminatory behavior inside the Detroit Fire Department,” said Fire Commissioner Eric Jones in a statement. “On Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017, at Engine 55, a trial firefighter engaged in unsatisfactory work behavior which was deemed offensive and racially insensitive to members of the Detroit Fire Department.”
It seems that even his black colleagues did the unthinkable and sent a message of support for their discharged colleague!
A number of black firefighters from the same department reacted to the incident with a big show of support for Pattinson, describing him as an “amazing dude” who had “good intentions.”
Just want to let everyone know he’s a real amazing dude and it was all good intentions,” firefighter Tadarius Spearman wrote in a Facebook post, alongside ten African-American firefighters. “And our entire class (is) supporting him in this. Especially us African-Americans and that’s all that needs to be said. Stay up brother. #DFD.”
This has to stop he didn’t do anything wrong and this racial divide has to end!
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Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
I really do love hearing of stories like this when blacks defend whites and whites defend blacks and come together to fight for good intentions!…….The negativity is being fuelled by those that are actually creating more of a devide and with that comes resentments and paranoia it is NOT productive or helpful one bit!……The law of attraction says when you focus more on the negatives of something then MORE negatives will happen and that if you want to change something for the better then focus on the good things like this story here! I’m proud of those wonderful black men who made a justifable stand for the wrong committed against the white firefighter him being sacked for bringing in a watermelon is just rediculous!
These are the positive stories we need to focus on and the same with the good police officers who do good things…..I love to see black and white come together!
Must be Libtards running the show. Watermelon is not a black, or white, or yellow thing. I love watermelon and every time I look in the mirror there’s a damned white man looking at me, so maybe whitey’s like it also.
Of course, it is ridiculous for the firefighter
to have been fired over such a nice gesture he made to his fellow firefighters. The head man took it in the wrong way but his fellow compatriots did not see anything wrong with what he did, and they are showing their support for him. He should be reinstated immediately with an apology from his chief!!!
I can’t imagine how horrible this poor, brand new firefighter to a brand new job, felt. In a job that close, personal, connections like the military – or family, is essential many times to their very SURVIVAL in extreme danger, especially they are BROTHERS. I thank God for the stand togetherness and proud of the fine young firefighters who fought for and welcomed this man back. THE NATION IS WATCHING WITH PRIDE AND “PAY IT FORWARD” every day, in every way. THAT WONDERFUL HEARTFELT GESTURE OF “STANDING WITH THE NEW GUY” MEANS MORE THAN JUST THE EVENT….
THIS photo is what STANDING TOGETHER is what it’s all about !!!! Brotherhood, sisterhood, and the all the strength it implies is THE MOST POWERFUL PROOF WE ARE ONE STRONG COUNTRY OF STRONG GOOD MEN AND WOMEN. THE SAME WARM RED BLOOD FLOWS THROUGH US ALL. THAT is what we can proudly, with peace and INTEGRITY, grow on TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER, AGAIN !
I love watermelon and love fried chicken. Does that mean I am black? Or racists? Or does it mean they both taste good and most everyone I know like them. This is a bunch of crap!! He meant well and some one came unglued for no reason. Lighten up for heaven sakes.
Proud of all these firefighters! It’s about time PC was shut down. Americans were not meant to live under constant paranoia, and micromanagement trying to divide us.