Bad News! GOP Senator Bob Corker Says He Will Invoke The 25th Amendment to Impeach Trump!
We have lived in a dictatorship of the bureaucracy for some time. Anyone that has taken the time to look knows this. The culprits in this are our elected officials who for years have given more and more power to the bureaucracy.
The culprits in this are our elected officials who for years have given more and more power to the bureaucracy.
Most of the regulations that we as citizens have to deal with in our everyday lives come from these nameless and faceless bureaucrats.
The MSM media labels Deep State as fake news and made up but they are real and they are in open war against President Trump!
Veteran Republican establishment figure Senator Bob Corke confirmed something that will prove the existence of this Deep State!
In an interview with reporter Jonathan Martin, Corker said that most Republican senators realized that Trump was a threat to the general world order.
“[They] understand the volatility that we’re dealing with and the tremendous amount of work that it takes by people around him to keep him in the middle of the road,” he said.
After the mild-mannered Senator came unglued on Twitter on Monday, he told the New York Times he was trying to send a message to “the good guys” — Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and the White House chief of staff, John F. Kelly
As long as there are people like that around him who are able to talk him down when he gets spun up, you know, calm him down and continue to work with him before a decision gets made, I think we’ll be fine,” he said.
On Sunday, Corker publicly shared the widespread view among Senate Republicans that the people around Trump were expected to keep him under control.
“It’s a shame the White House has become an adult day care center,” Corker said.“Someone obviously missed their shift this morning.”
Corker chairs the Senate foreign relations committee, and he sees Trump as a major threat to American safety. Corker said in a recent interview with The New York Times:
“Look, except for a few people, the vast majority of our caucus understands what we’re dealing with here. Of course they understand the volatility that we’re dealing with and the tremendous amount of work that it takes by people around him to keep him in the middle of the road. He concerns me. He would have to concern anyone who cares about our nation”
He believes that Trump is putting America “on the path to World War III” because of the way he is handling North Korea.
Corker added, “I know he has hurt, in several instances, he’s hurt us as it relates to negotiations that were underway by tweeting things out.”
The Daily Beast’s John Avlon appeared on CNN to discuss Corker’s comments with host Chris Cuomo. He said Corker expressed “what many Republican Senators are saying in private.”
Avlon stated, “The lawyer in me hears something different. I’m thinking of the 25th Amendment, Section 4, which speaks to a president who is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Let’s just reflect on some of the word choices that Senator Corker has made, because post-Charlottesville, he was questioning the stability of the president. Now he’s using the word ‘reckless.’ Now he’s using the word ‘chaos.’ Now he’s saying that ‘he concerns me.’ I think he’s planting seeds for questioning the fitness, the mental fitness of the president, pursuant to the 25th Amendment, to continue with his responsibilities.”
Watch the clip below:
President Trump is a threat to the ‘good old boy’ system and is showing the hypocrisy of Washington politicians. President Trump is definitely a threat to them. He’s showing America and the world that things don’t happen for a reason – lobbyists and the politicians’ personal agendas. MAGA by draining the swamp.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
And the band plays on.
MR Corker good luck being an asshole libtard
Corker is a RINO, literally.
Senator Bob Corker scores a F
Senator Bob Corker scores a D
Never heard of anything mr Corker has done.
he is on the same side as the POTUS?
Fire him now.
What u afraid he show how big hyposhit you people r. You asshole can not pass one bill or keep one promise. Just dumbasshole. Go back to Tennessee r wherever u from. Your mother must be so proud she produce such a GREAT PIECE OF SH$T & LYING ASSHOLE. HAY, HAY, GOOD BYE.
That could be a dangerous move. The majority of people in this country are really sick and tired of the professional politicians and you can clearly see that with who got elected. The swamp needs to be drained and that’s a fact if you would rather not have a revolution or political assassinations, like, a bunch of them.
If, you were to successfully remove President Trump from office, even if VP PENCE replaced him, you better be ready for the consequences and, there will be alot of them. Ya, he is threatening the “Good old Boy” system and to tell the truth of it, it needs to go bye bye PERMANENTLY. The level of outright GREED and HUNGER FOR POWER has rached a point that you politicians really are making feible attempts to hide it, if at all. I’m pretty sure if you asked, that you would only find 40 or 50 million volunteers to shoot Hillary for all the crap she’s pulled. The American people have had enough of manipulation, lies, theft, Treason, selling Government assets like Uranium mines to the Russians for personal gain, corruption, arming our enemies with hi-tech USA WEAPONS TO BE USED AGAINST OUR SOLDIERS, (Everyone with a brain and simple internet skills, knows about the Stinger missles Hillary sold illegally to ISIS and that was the Bengazi event), voter fraud, selling of information to outside parties, dirty backroom deals, treachery, more lies, Raping the Citizens of our own country by our own goverment, being fleeced by our own goverment, getting Royally SCREWED BY YOU BASTARDS (Elected officials), pertaining to Obamacare, you flat out Raped the working class because only you officials didn’t have to be Obamacare compliant. If you knocked on my door and I answered it and recognized you as an elected official, I give you an epic beating for that one and, I seriously doubt that anyone would want me to stop. Every working class family in this country got stabbed in the front from you jerks and you had the gaul to try to tell us that it was good and we were in a better insurance now.
The bottom line is this, the people who pay taxes for your salary are not going to put up with your crap anymore. Your going to do your jobs like they were intended to be done. No more lies, profiteering, lining your pockets at our expense, no more corruption, no more dirty deals, no more rapes, no more ripping people off, no more taking what isn’t yours,
And you will become emmidiatly honest to a fault. If you won’t abide by these rules and do things like the founding fathers intended, if you don’t fully support and protect the Constitution and the BILL OF RIGHTS along with all the amendments, get out of politics now or, you can be removed one way or another. If you think you can take President Trump down without and serious consequences, go check into a mental health facility ASAP because you don’t have a clue about reality and the feelings of the United States of America. Tread lightly or get out. I’m pretty sure that what I have expressed here is reasonably close enough to the majorities thoughts on this, for you to give it serious consideration. Half the people are willing to work to save our country and all its Citizens from doom. The other half wants to destroy what is left, create a communistic society so the can have everything others have without working for it. A very large portion of the remaining world, would like to see America’s position as the World Super Power country change into more of a secondary power which the U.N. Controls like a puppet or possibly become the first nation to fall to “ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Just a little clue here, most of the US citizens will not tolerate that as an option. Trying to force that, will start WWIII.
I invite others who read this to comment on it, expand on it, tell me I don’t have a clue, I’m pretty close or whatever. The point is that, most of the Citizens think we need to save our country now or it will be to late and many feel that it may already be to late.
Yes I agree 100%. Corker has done nothing for the people. He has always been crooked and he tries this 25 amendment he better watch himself. There is a few old Corker buddies but most know he is like all the swamp politicians, they need drained. Everyone in the swamp are wanting this one world government.
We all have a right to FIRE all GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, WE THE PEOPLE find guilty of wrong doing and illegal acts. All we have to do is DO IT!!!! TRY US!!!!
Robert you have said it perfectly. they really need to read and pay attention. most of us agree with what you have said.
Take them down! Every last RINO! RINOs are literally the “5th Column” of the Republican Party. They pretend to be something they aren’t. What they are in reality is simply a wing of the democrat party that isolates itself within the Republican Party. Working for themselves, and their own enrichment, and almost always in conjunction with the Democrat Party.
how about we replace all the useless house and senate members with people who say what they mean and mean what they say. we could indict most of congress for flat out lying to the people and use the MSM news clips to prove it.
again we see the arrogance of those in congress. they do not care what the american people want, they have thier agendas. they do not believe that the laws, the constitution. and our system of government is about them. they believe that we are the unwashed masses and that we do not count. they dont understand that we are tired of the them taking advantage of us . and serving us up the crumbs . these people have forgotten that this is a government of the people. they believe that they can say what they want during elections and then ignore it after its over. and it is not going to change. the people need to stand up and say enough is enough and flush the arrogant trash out of our system, they talk about the world order and they don’t get it. we don’t care about the world order. this is their game of control. they keep working to bring us under this world order. and what they need to understand. that this is not what the people want, and they are going to force things to a head. playing these games. and that is what they are, they are trying to fashion us to accept the out side interference of organizations that want to steal from us. The people are tired of it, they are tired of being stolen from. they are tired of watching our government giving away our hard earned money. we are tired of them working to dilute our citizenship. they want to give the vote to anyone that comes here, taking control of country from us. we are tired of them stealing our rights. we are tired of them working to destroy our culture. and we are tired of them promoting racism, They keep talking about keeping trump in the middle of the road. we don’t want this dick sucking attitude anymore. we are going to be Americans love us or leave us alone. period. we do not want the liberal crap anymore our system works. and that’s what we want, period. so the American people are going to have to turn the bucket up side down and shake the crap out ,and scrap the shit off the bottom. and i guess that means we the people are going to have to do what ever it takes to get that message across.
Corker is the scab on the butt of a pig!