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Bad News For Rosie O’Donnell

There is one problem with celebrities. They think that their opinion is more important than that of ordinary people! Well, they are wrong. Sometimes they have to pay for their actions!

In this case, Rosie O’Donnell stated a few months ago that she would leave the USA if Trump gets elected! She stays true to her words and leaves this country for good now that Trump is our new president!

But she is still in the USA and she even tried to start an open rebellion against our new president!
According to Rosie O’Donnell, martial law is the only chance to stop our new President Donald Trump. After that, she has gone one step further on twitter! (tweet below)

So first we gonna name few of Rosie sins!

The comedian previously tweeted she wanted to “stop” the inauguration and was also forced to apologize to future first lady Melania Trump after suggesting that Trump’s son, Barron, was autistic.

“I FULLY SUPPORT IMPOSING MARTIAL LAW — DELAYING THE INAUGURATION — UNTIL TRUMP IS ‘CLEARED’ OF ALL CHARGES,” O’Donnell tweeted on Wednesday, linking to another tweet from @MasterMarquette suggesting martial law. @MasterMarquette’s twitter description includes the words “#TrumpTreason.”
Luckily for us, her plans are stupid and they will never work!
Twitter followers unleashed their wrath on Rosie she received a nasty surprise!

Today she received bad news something that could affect her career!

Rosie offered up her services to Saturday Night Live saying she wants to play his chief strategist, Steve Bannon, on the show.

Rosie tweeted that she’s available to attack Trump’s adviser after she saw the performance on “SNL” by Melissa McCarthy playing White House press secretary Sean Spicer.(tweet below)

Only one problem – they don’t want her to be on the show. They know most of Americans hate her and will never watch anything she is in. Sorry, Rosie but you must have the talent to get back on TV. You have none, bashing Trump is not a talent.

Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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7 years ago

Perhaps Steve Bannon could play Rosie O’Donnell arguing with Baldwin’s Trump.

Lin Lam
Lin Lam
7 years ago
Reply to  Rico

“There is one problem with celebrities they think that their opinion is more important than the ordinary people! Well, they are wrong and sometimes they have to pay for what they said!”

Did you mean to write the following?
There is one problem with celebrities. They think that their opinion is more important than that of ordinary people! Well, they are wrong. Sometimes they have to pay for what they said!

What does the following sentence mean? “Sometimes they have to pay for what they said!”
Who does “they” refer to?

This article is written at a 4th grade level.

7 years ago
Reply to  Lin Lam

Think it is pretty clear of who “they” are referring to. Perhaps you have less than 4th grade reading apprehension. It’s okay. Hooked on Phonics doesn’t work for everyone.

Matt Crook
Matt Crook
7 years ago
Reply to  Angel

Poor grammar “apprehended” on 3/6/17.

T.C. Wolf
T.C. Wolf
7 years ago
Reply to  Lin Lam

No you are at a 4th grade level if you didn’t understand the sentence. “they” meaning the person that said the word has to pay for what they said. That doesn’t take a 2nd grader to figure out so what is your point unless you are a liberal troll

Fay Butler
7 years ago
Reply to  Rico

Instead of packing for a move out of the country, perhaps a better resolution to Rosie’s obvious “problems” would be a move to an insane asylum. Hopefully, not near me.

7 years ago

Let’s see. Her “wife” left her, her adopted daughter tried to run away, SNL has said “no thanks”, she SAID she was going to leave the country, yet she’s still here! I, along with several others offered to help her pack, but she wasn’t interested! She’s just a washed up celebrity, like Madonna, Ashley Judd, Cher & so many others who think they still matter! She has no clue about what the Constitution says or what Martial Law means or that you need to have “evidence” for impeachment!! I highly recommend that she goes over to the Middle East to get a first hand look at exactly how she would be treated, if she weren’t beheaded first! The rest of these celebrities should do the same! Then, if they make it back alive, I’m pretty sure they’ll be singing a different tune!!

mark from venice
7 years ago
Reply to  Corinne

well said, true to life. You restore my faith in humanity.

Gia Marie
Gia Marie
7 years ago
Reply to  Corinne

I couldn’t have said this better!

Robert wiley
Robert wiley
7 years ago

I don’t understand why we allow this nasty,ugly,no talent scank to continue sucking up our precious oxygen? Someone needs to buy that kahuna a hat with antlers and take her hunting! She is a washed up old beat hag. Leave the country you crumb. I hope people come to their senses and start throwing bricks at her, on site!

Robert wiley
Robert wiley
7 years ago

Its pretty sad knowing you are the one person the president of the United States hates more than anyone

s Fann
s Fann
7 years ago

They only person she could imitate would be Michael Moore. They are practically twins

7 years ago
Reply to  s Fann

Perfect casting!

Greg Stevens
Greg Stevens
7 years ago
Reply to  s Fann

You’re absolutely right .
Michael Moore has sold himself out.
Once upon a time he used to make some interesting documentaries but lately with what he’s been shooting out out his mouth just proves he’s sold himself out.

7 years ago

Hope Rosie doesn’t truly compare herself to Melissa McCarthy. Not even close. Rosie used to be funny but is now officially a HAS-BEEN. Melissa McCarthy could sneeze and have you on the floor laughing. Melissa is a genius and even in the middle of a skit beating the crap out of a guy, maintains her femininity. Rosie, on the other hand, oozes hatred, no class whatsoever and not a trace of talent. It’s obvious to everyone except herself that nobody gives a hoot what she thinks about Trump or anyone else for that matter. Do us all a favor, Rosie. Get yourself a complete makeover beginning with your soul.

Rosie Sucks
Rosie Sucks
7 years ago

Rosie is a fat disgusting pig and a total has-been. Get the hell out of America now!!

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