If You Want Adriana Lima Body Follow Her Diet And Fitness
The angel of Victoria’s Secret, Adriana Lima, may have the most desired of the world body. Wherever she appear, her wonderful curves attract the eyes and lenses. What is her secret?
Beautiful line of Adriana Lima has not been maintained with a strict diet. She is a fan of diet control portions, in other word she eat everything she wants in small quantities. Adriana is not a person who gives up her favorite foods (meat, cookies and chocolate), but limits their consumption.
Her morning breakfast is the time when she eats the most as the day passes her meals decrease. According to her, the best sleep if you do not eat heavy meals before bedtime.
A typical day at Adriana
Breakfast: egg whites, oatmeal porridge with raisins or muesli with yogurt and honey, coffee and milk.
Lunch: one serving of meat (fish, chicken or red meat) with vegetables.
Snacks: raw vegetables like cucumber or carrot. Lima is a fan of chocolate, so do not miss to satiate their hunger for sweet with a few cubes of chocolate or a teaspoon of honey.
Dinner: a small salad bowl.
Adriana Lima when talking about dieting or healthy feeding, with two very useful tips:
1.Drink plenty of water.
2.Try to have a healthy and restful sleep.
Adriana Lima exercise so that she can always be in top form. Her favorite activity is a Brazilian military skill Capoeira, which is a combination of music, dancing, aerobics and special choreography mimics struggle. Also loves jumping rope and doing cardio exercises. You may be surprised, but one of its activities is the pits.
Because travels frequently, whenever there is no time for exercise Adriana running on a track about 30 minutes to not lose its top form.
Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!