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Watch! Sean Hannity Totally Destroys The NFL National Anthem Protesters They Will Not Recover Easily From This!

There is no bigger threat to our Democracy then watching athletes disrespect our country. The NFL players become a bunch of grown men making millions throwing around a pigskin, spitting in the face of the person who gives them the ability to make fortunes from doing nothing that contributes to society!

Sean Hannity did not spare words of criticism for the NFL players who knelt during the national anthem, as well as league commissioner Roger Goodell.

He said that the fans stop rooting for the teams who choose to disrespect the anthem.

Hannity said: “They are not interested in watching this behavior and sign of disrespect every Sunday.”

He also added that the “show of unity” with the players who demonstrated is now “cracking.”

Hannity also said NBC’s “Sunday Night Football” ratings were down once again and that Broncos’ star Von Miller had advertising gigs rescinded after the linebacker made statements supporting the kneeling players.

“These players have every right to protest, but some are massive hypocrites,” Hannity said.

Hannity is right! Some of these guys don’t even know what social injustice is. They are rich athletes who think they can do what they please. Turn the NFL off. Lets hit them where it hurts!

He also said that NFL commissioner Roger Goodell deserved some blame because he is reportedly ignoring league rules against such displays while enforcing other less important rules governing demonstrations.

“Nice try, Roger Goodell,” he said.


It’s their right to kneel, it’s the teams right to fire them, it’s our right to boycott any team, the NFL, and their sponsors that allow this disrespectful misguided unpatriotic protest to continue. Let’s see who wins. Keep it up!

NFL can’t stand for the truth! The game has lost its moral compass and it is irrelevant! Sad day for our Country when the ONLY true patriot has the moral character and courage to stand and do the right thing and be criticized! Bunch of spoiled children playing a game! Bet they have NOT been under direct or indirect fire risking their lives! The sad thing is our real heroes come home with that flag over their coffins. Spoiled athletes know nothing of sacrifice…

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Natalie Washington

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a "constitutional conservative".

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