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Trump Will Cut NEA and NEH That Fund Arts And Culture

Rosie O’Donnell, Debra Messing, Ed Asner and Michael Shannon are among the dozens of artists, entertainers, and activists who have attached their names to an effort calling for a month-long protest to stop President Donald Trump.

“No! In the Name of Humanity We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!” reads a full-page ad placed in the New York Times on Wednesday by the group Refuse Racism. “Donald Trump, the President-elect, is assembling a regime of grave danger,” the ad says.

Other Hollywood celebrities who have also joined the campaign, however, are calling for an all-out strike that would span the entire movie industry in the hopes that such a move would urge the President-elect to resign from his position as the newly elected President of the United States.

But it seems that Donald Trump gave them the perfect response!

While attending an inaugural ball on Friday celebrating the arts, celebrities lashed out at the new president for considering budget cuts that would eliminate art funding.

Trump’s team has been looking at a proposal that would drastically cut federal spending by $10.5 trillion over 10 years, according to The Hill.

On the cutting block would be the National Endowment for the Arts, which would be eliminated entirely.

The NEA was allotted $148 million from the federal government in 2016.

And while the amount seems inconsequential in a nearly $4 trillion federal budget, it has been targeted as an example of wasteful federal spending.

But Hollywood stars are already fighting back, slamming Trump for considering the budget cuts that would affect the arts.

The move would be a “huge mistake” according to actor Tim Daly, who is also president of the Creative Coalition, which hosted the ball being dubbed “the right to bear arts.”


Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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Taos Gringo
Taos Gringo
8 years ago

Well finally I agree with the Libs on something. They are calling for an industry wide boycott of the movie industry. I whole heartedly support them in this endeavor. In fact I would encourage every American I know to boycott movies. As far as I’m concerned, we should close down all the studios, so we can convert them to pig farms for America’s hungry Muslims.

7 years ago
Reply to  Taos Gringo

I’m with you! These actors no longer know what real life is like because of their make believe fake life they live.

Belinda koehler
Belinda koehler
7 years ago
Reply to  Taos Gringo

Well said touché!

8 years ago

We could use this wasteful spending in more important places like schools and children’s sporting activities. Honestly I don’t see why the government is handing them money hell the actors already get paid more than our military which is complete crap!!

Jonette Jones
Jonette Jones
7 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

I completely agree with you. If it’s that important to these celebrities them why don’t reach of them donate a million dollars they can afford it.

8 years ago

Its about time someone stands up to these over rated, over paid so called celebs. Iam for cutting these funds, less movies, TV equals healthier ppl. Ppl will not be sitting around watching the crap these ppl are feeding us from Hollywood. What these ppl need to know is that life will go on for Americans, we do not need them, they need us. Ppl will be healthier with more money in their pockets, thats a win win for the viewers. You go Trump take em down ?

L Shaffer
8 years ago

What goes around comes around.

8 years ago

In the last 5 years there hasn’t been a decent movie out as far as I’m concerned. Now you libtards can start living normal lives like the rest of us so you can see what it’s like.

Donna Ryan
Donna Ryan
7 years ago

cut the funding from the government budget and let everyone involved in the movies, writers, costumes, scenes , actors..editors etc…let them pay 1% of their salary for each time they work and get paid..there will be so much money for the arts..you will be amazed, the people paying streep to wear a dress pay 1% to the endowment of the arts…you can do this without the government.

Joe Qalomai
Joe Qalomai
7 years ago

Yep,it’s about time those Hollywood fairies get a real 9 to 5 job like the rest of us…see what’s it like living in the real world for a change

7 years ago
Reply to  Joe Qalomai

They seem to think the world owes them , well we don’t owe them squat . If it weren’t for us paying to go see these sex addicts pretend they wouldn’t have a job . I think there all way over paid . If they have to leave there cloths on then no one would waist there time on them. We are all disgusting porn .nudes . Get back to the good clean movies .

Esther Epley
Esther Epley
7 years ago

I would be so happy to see that someone will stand up to the people so called “STARS”. They should have kept their mouths shut. You know there are people that didn’t vote for President Trump (even though I voted for him, and I like him as our President) but they accepted it and I hope are giving him a chance. The “stars” don’t believe in anybody but themselves and I hope they will be punished for what they say. I use to stay up at night and watch Jimmy Fallon but shut all comics down when they just wouldn’t stop. There should be a law that Comics not be allowed to be stupid about our President of the United States. This country has lost all morals. Pretty Sad!!!!

7 years ago

Shuttung down the movie industry means Hollywood elites would have no work, no work, no money. I say boycott the entertainment industry. I don’t think they realize this one thing — if the American people don’t watch their shows ratings will drop and shows will be cancelled. If we don’t go to the theater their movie will bomb at the box office. We hold their job in our hands, without us they are nothing.

I say Boycott away, PLEASE!

Jean walker
Jean walker
7 years ago
Reply to  Patricia

Totally agree!!!!!!

7 years ago
Reply to  Patricia

Yes. 2nd emotion

Pietro Sebellin
Pietro Sebellin
7 years ago

The President said that he will give work to the american people…..,why he ,in meantime have to paid welfare to people with a lots of money that spend same time to made a movie and nothing else….?????

7 years ago

This is what those overpaid so called actors deserve! How about they try living week to week trying to survive like the rest of so many true Americans. As far as the movie industry, never have I enjoyed so little of the movies they have produced in many years.

rafeal marino
rafeal marino
7 years ago

I am still wondering, who asked Rosie O’Donnell, Debra Messing, Ed Asner and Michael Shannon and the dozens of artists and entertainers their opinion!! With the high prices at theaters, Hollywood can easily cover the endowment which the government should and will cut. Too bad A-HOLES like those mentioned in this article ruined the program by inserting politics into it!!!

7 years ago

Shouldn’t all these actors be able to support NEA with all the money they make themselves? Why should they get taxpayers money too?

7 years ago

I’m sorry but for this to become a protest? This is NOT a necessity!! If this fund is so important they can fund it, Oprah could fund it with her end of day change!! Give me a stinking break, trillions???? RIDICULOUS! the money can go into SS so those of us who have worked our butts off can at least SURVIVE!! I’m not saying they don’t work. I’m sure it takes hard work and talent, but these are millionaires bitching about another millionaire making decisions, I’m sorry so maybe they only get 10 cars a year instead of 20..,GEEEEZ!! Get over it Hollywood

7 years ago

They don’t understand democracy….the people have spoken!!! With all that negative media out there, Donald Trump still wins….without the negatively he should have won with sc landslide victory…..

David Daily
David Daily
7 years ago

If the Hollywood crowd is so upset they can fund the arts themselves. They can afford it. Instead give the federal money to the VA instead. I personally am sick and tired of all the baby crying from these people.

Peggy Hart
Peggy Hart
7 years ago

Sounds to me like they are cutting their nose off to spite their face! They are doing their industry more harm then ever by continuing to cram their political view down our throat and thinking that we will believe and react as they do because they feel they are the voice of America! I am embarrassed by their childish “bratish” behavior over an election that they lost.

7 years ago

You are doing great. Good decision. Keep up the smart and wise choices.

P Black
P Black
7 years ago

Why is the government funding “the arts”? The movie industry makes millions-let them fund themselves. and he is President Trump not president-elect Trump–

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