Shep Smith Gets Bad News At Fox News
Fox News host Shepard Smith has been trying to pander to liberals by regularly attacking Donald Trump for months. Now, however, it looks like this has finally come back to bite him.
On a recent episode of his show, Smith tried to make it look like Trump only won the election because Russia hacked it, even though there is no solid evidence to support this.
“There were lots of ways Russia tried to sway our vote. He testified that Russia used cyber attacks to target the Democratic National Committee — we know that.
He said they also used propaganda and disinformation, including fake news,” Smith said. “Fake news that the
He testified that Russia used cyber attacks to target the Democratic National Committee — we know that.
He said they also used propaganda and disinformation, including fake news,” Smith said. “Fake news that the Kremlin-commissioned and generated.
In other words, a pack of lies packaged up as news of the day in an effort to saw the minds of the American electorate. We don’t need a dictionary to figure out what he’s saying. He’s saying, ‘Putin knew this, Putin directed this. This is all about Putin.’”
We don’t need a dictionary to figure out what he’s saying. He’s saying, ‘Putin knew this, Putin directed this. This is all about Putin.’”
And then today, Trump said he’s a big fan of ‘intelligence.’ Apparently not this intelligence. He’s made that clear,” Smith continued. “Because this intelligence says that Vladimir Putin and the Russians tried meddling with the U.S. election to help him, Donald Trump, get elected. But why? Does Donald Trump not trust the intelligence agencies? Or is this a thank you to the Russians for all their help? We do not know. But it’s one of those.”
Unfortunately for Smith, it now looks like his days at Fox could be numbered. When Megyn Kelly left the network earlier this week, a source with Fox said they want a “Trump-supporting conservative” to replace her so that they can be pro-Trump across the board.If FOX news wants “Trump -supporting conservatives” on their team Shep Smith is definitely not one of them!
SHARE this story if you think Fox News should FIRE Shep Smith!

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
Liberal Megan Kelly is now gone, so it is time for Trump hater Shep Smith to go.
I agree. Now if they would just get rid of Juan Williams I’ll be happy.
Juan is a total lightweight. Really lost,…….and resorts to nonsense when he has no rational argument ( which is most of the time) Julie Roginsky, is the face of the evil, Bolshevik cunning Marxists. Devious and deceptive, she is far more dangerous. Bob Beckel, now gone,…was just a drunk and drug addict, who had no more understanding of politics than the union thug/good he is…..ready to win his argument by knocking in the head of his opponents.
I agree, he will just continue the hate for Trump, when he should be honoring the President of America. He is pandering to the left who lost due to corruption in the DNC, why on earth would anyone be that dishonest as to support the liberal lies. He should go to NBC where they apparently love tearing down our country and President.
Does Fox News suits read these comments? If they did, than Smith should have been gone long ago, Why do they keep him on, he is nothing but a loud mouth no it all opinion Est, Fire the jerk NOW before he can trash talk anyone else on the trump team.
Yes Fire Shep, Jaun, and Julie Resinski………so sick of these libtards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t forget Marie Harffe (aka Barf)
get rid of sheppard smith on fox news
Yes By all means Fire Shepard Smith,
yes shep should go too
This isn’t Just about Trump that Smith tries to Push.
He also tries to push His Gay Agenda on Fox News as well.
But Yes, I Am sick of Listening to him trash Trump.
I feel that I am Watching CNN or MSNBC when Shepherd Smith is on, and I Don’t watch those channels for a reason, and that reason is Exactly What Smith is Pushing…
I have also emailed Fox News Twice before on this Dipstick Liberal!!
Everyone needs to Send Emails to Fox, letting them know that we are Tired of Listening to this Liberal Windbag!!
In order for Fox News to maintain their excellent ratings, they should offer a disclosure before and after each Smith broadcast ” the opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily express the opinions of Fox News but rather are the opinions of Shepard Smith .” Smith cannot hide his hatred of Pres. Trump.R
What a GREAT IDEA, This Should be a must
Hell yeah get rid of that ass hole…
He should have been gone long ago. He is a biased hateful libiot not a journalist. Bye bye v
He’s never been someone to trust to begin with. Be happy he’s gone
As soon as Smith is gone the betterm
Fire the liberal bastard,he’s been at the wrong network for years.
It would be wonderful to see Shepard Smith go !!! I think he sensationalices the news to much. Watching his show is like watching a show in CNN, even his voice is quite annoying. Hopefully he will be the next to leave Fox. !!!! Maybe to be replaced by Mrs Harris Faulkner she is a pleasure to lessen too and she is fare in her reporting and comments. It would be nice not to have to switch the channel.
As being a Fox News advocate for 20 yrs, I am pleased to see Megan Kelly gone. Now let’s get rid of Shepard Smith, then work on getting rid of Geraldo. I mute my tv when he is on. He doesn’t report the news, he makes it all about him.
agree. I remember watching, send him packing with Kelly. You will get many viewers back. We like you interview the left along with the right and let us decide which is right, which is truthful. We don’t appreciate hearing lie’s and having hate pushed down our throats. If they are that far left they belong on the lefts main stream fake news stations.
I agree wholeheartedly. Geraldo and Shep need to go. So sick of those two
Especially Geraldo
A News organization has to established on its credibility. And that credibility must not be based on feelings & emotions. A news organization should be neither Liberal or conservative. IT SHOULD BE OBJECTIVE… Giving opinions without evidence (Not fake evidence) and making suppositions based on party loyalty and reporting anything as long as it serves your personal purpose is Yellow Journalism and loathsome.
Yes let him go, the sooner the better.
It’s time for Ms Smith to go, MSNBC is waiting. You should have stayed in your closet.
Let me just say this. IF, the Russians hacked the DNC ,and then reported that the DNC had illegally swayed the Democratic primary. wouldn’t that be a good thing that someone is exposing the crooked lying cheating Clinton based DNC? And IF Russians hacked Weiner’s personal computer and discovered that there were a lot more of Hillary Clinton’s emails missing than previously reported, and that he had a lot of classified information on his personal computer as result of his wife’s wrongdoing on Hillary’s behalf; would’t that be a good thing that someone exposed the lying cheating crooked Hillary for who she really is? I’m done now, so to Megan and Shep let me say….”Well, Bye!”
I’ve always like Shep, except when it comes to politics. He gives everything the Left spin. As for Megan Kelly, she built her audience by acting like she was Conservative, then switched to Liberal when she reached her goals of being the number 2 show on the network. I do not like the way she has treated Mr. Trump, nor do I like the way Shepard Smith treats Mr. Trump. So, basically, Megan stabbed her own audience in the back after they made her a star, and Shep, although charismatic and pleasant to watch (when the subject fits his own personal views), really should go to a Liberal news channel. I agree with the person who said Harris Faulkner would be a welcome addition to the evening lineup. She is awesome.
We (Fox) alzó needs to get rid of Heraldo and Juan Williams! Cantón stand them!
don’t forget Geraldo and Juan
The worst thing about Shepard Smith is that he is part of the journalism pure news reporter staff. He is not an opinion pundit like O’Rilley. Yet, if he did not have a distinctive voice, I would think the channel accidentally changed to CNN because the words I hear are those of a “fake news” biased reporter with a gig at a far left MSM outlet reporting personal opinion as facts.
Mr. Murdoch! PLEASE send Shepherd Smith packing! He is not only a disgrace to your network but to the profession of journalism as a whole. His inability to control his temper, use of profane language, and his very obvious hatred for the President of the United States, Donald Trump is totally unacceptable. Our family and friends will turn off the Fox channel on TV every time his show is aired.
He should be on CNN that way when I watch my Fox news I don’t have to listen to his BIASED. If I wanted to hear bias opinion I’d watch CNN. He is worse than most of the CNN reporters and they are the most liberal in the nation.
Lying and liberal partisan Shepherd Smith should be fired pronto! He would be an awesome addition to the alphabet soup networks.juan Williams is an open Democrat, at least, and the other kinda liberals, like Christopher Wallace make at least a modicum of effort not to blatantly attack our president and conservatives. He is a fifth columnist that gots to go.
shep julie geraldo and juan damage the cred.. of fox i understand fair and balanced but those idiots are mentally ill not fair at all they spew pure junk at the audience trump #1
I recently had a epiphany. I don’t get mad at politicians any more. They didn’t vote them selves in. This worthless pos will continue to poison the air ways, until PEOPLE STOP WATCHING HIM!!!
Fire the mangy faqqot shep smith.
Does this mean that Sheppard is going to accuse Roger of sexual advances towards him too–OH wait!! He’s dead !!! But that shouldn’t stop the liberal Shepherd Smith from making any accusations. Go ahead Shep. Take your best shot!!
Shep Smith must be eating a lot of crow because of all of the horrible and wrong things he has declared as the truth about our President. He just can’t seem to get it though; he has so much hatred for President Trump. He continues to dig himself in deeper and deeper.
Hey hey goodbye.. shep… it’s time. Go gracefully
Shep Smith is a faggot piece of shit and should be fired and black listed from any kind of news reporting
Fire the lil’ anti Trump snipe – he should go work for CNN or MSNBC
Get rid of Smith