Poll: Would You Support Ted Cruz As Trump’s Attorney General?
The president-elect’s formerly bitter rival was spotted Tuesday at Trump Tower, where the two held a private meeting, according to Bloomberg, which cited a source saying Cruz, 45, may be tapped to be America’s top cop.
Cruz would not comment specifically about the possible gig.
“Ted is focused on serving Texans in the Senate. He was there today to offer help in promoting the conservative policies that were campaigned on and that he’s long fought for,” Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier told the press.
A former Cruz adviser recommended against taking the job if it’s offered.
“A thought: If Trump declared me a mortal enemy in the primary, I probably wouldn’t accept a fireable position from him,” said Amanda Carpenter, a former communications staffer for the Texas senator.
Given everything give us your opinion and vote in a poll below Would You Support Ted Cruz As Trump’s Attorney General?
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Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
Absolutely not. There are many more qualified and that I trust. Like Trey Gowdy, Rudy Guiliani (sorry about spelling), Judge Jeannine. Not Ted Cruz.
I agree that Ted Cruz is s turn coat, cry baby and I’m a true red dyed in the wool Texan and I’m ashamed he is a Texas Senator. He’ll knife President elect Trump in the back and I’m surprised he was even considered For any position much less AG. Cruz is never ever to be trusted. He’s part of that new world order crap and TPT.
Not in that position, but maybe somewhere else
Personally I think Mr. Trump should nominate him to the Supreme Court. Cruz is a conservative lawyer who believes in the Constitution. While I didn’t like the idea of him being president, I think that on the court he could do alot of good for decades.
Did we all forget who his wife is? Google Cruz’s wife if you need a reminder. You can’t tell me he didn’t know full well what his wife was up to, which begs the question why and what was his involvement. Here you have Cruz acting like a true conservative and then you have his wife acting like a true Globalist. Something’s wrong here… Something’s terribly wrong here.
Lying ted just hasn’t earned my trust after the way he treated trump before. There were a lot of things I noticed during his campaign such as both his kids seem to want nothing to do with him. One ran from him and when he tried to hug the older one she shrugged him off and pulled away. Also check the pic of him trying to kiss his wife and the expression on her face. Something really phony going on there. Att general is a perfect job for growely or rudi nit cruz
Coming from a person who can say things when getting hot headed, I can understand that Cruz gets passionate. Though I cannot say that impairs his business ethics or ability to preform. We all need that change once in awhile to prove ourselves and our credibility. Without that the nation nor humanity would have survived for so long. I trust Trump to make those decisions because our father in heaven has ordained him to make these decisions.