Philadelphia Mayor’s Attempt at Eagles Chant Ends in Embarrassment – Spelling Fail Caught on Video
In a moment that has left sports fans and political observers alike cringing, Philadelphia’s mayor attempted to lead an Eagles chant but instead butchered the spelling in spectacular fashion. Captured on video, the mayor enthusiastically yelled out, “E-L-G-S-E-S!!! Eagles!!!” leaving the crowd bewildered.
Ah, yes—the legendary “Philadelphia Elgses.”
The video quickly went viral, with social media users having a field day over the embarrassing blunder. One commentator quipped, “At least she didn’t try to spell ‘Philadelphia’—that would’ve been an even bigger disaster!” Another joked, “Maybe she should stick to simpler words like ‘birds.’ Even Siri knows how to spell Eagles!”
This isn’t the kind of leadership one expects from the mayor of a historical American city, let alone during a moment meant to rally community pride. Instead, it’s a spelling fail for the ages—one that Eagles fans are unlikely to forget anytime soon.
Watch the facepalm-worthy moment here:

Bruce Hoenshell is a military historian, he is one of the most prolific conservative writers today, often churning out multiple columns per week. His writings tend to focus on international themes, modern warfare. Style Sampling: “ It is not that we need social networking and Internet searches more than food and fuel, but rather that we have the impression that cool zillionaires in flip-flops are good while uncool ones in wingtips are quite bad.”