Michael Moore and Joy Behar Went Over the Line – They Will Do Everything To Get Rid Of Trump! (VIDEO)

The View is an only hateful show that is sinking without a trace! That show went in the toilet when Barbara Walters left! It is now a trashy show that needs to be canceled.

Joy Behar is a loud mouth with no talent. She has attacked Donald Trump since the beginning of his campaign but this time host Joy Behar took things a step further!

Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore and Joy Behar said the electoral college needs “to go” because Donald Trump won the 2016 election. Watch the video below!

“Like you pointed out in your show last night, the electoral college is something the Democrats have not been able to get,” Behar explained to the 63-year-old filmmaker during his appearance Thursday on “The View,” The Daily Caller reported.

“It’s the second time in 16 years, the first with [Al] Gore, that we win and then we lose,” Moore exclaimed. “How does this happen? You know?”

“They steal it, that’s why” Behar interjected.

“The Democrats have won the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections,” the filmmaker said. “The Republicans have only won the popular vote once since 1988. The country we live in actually agrees with the Democrats on the issues: women should be paid the same as men, there is climate change, there should be a minimum wage, basic things.”

“That’s the good news of the country we live in,” he added. “But we have this archaic thing that’s got to go, the electoral college. “

“They are never going to get it go because it helps them,” Behar explained.

Moore then said that using the electoral college was how Trump “outsmart[ed]” the Democrats.

“I mean it’s hard to say this, but he did outsmart us, ” Moore responded. “He was smart enough to go to Detroit…he was smart enough to figure out how to convince 53 percent of white women to vote for him after the Billy Bush.”

The Liberals are fine with the Electoral College until it goes against their wishes.

Much like anyone who speaks opposition to their mindless chatter, if it does not support them, it must be eliminated.

Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini all practiced this method. For the uninformed, the term for this behavior is “fascism”.

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Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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geraldine slaght
geraldine slaght
7 years ago

As A Michigan resident.I am ashamed to have this Man? M. Moore in my state. He is a liar.

Lovera Curtis
Lovera Curtis
7 years ago

Thank you for saying what you did about M, Moore. Why do people think they can
say such things? Just let it go!!

7 years ago

Joy looks like an illuminati clone. Michael is just a slob with no hope of becoming a normal American citizen. I wouldn’t waste my time watching or listening to these two mentally impaired idiots. They can’t wakeup because they have been illuminated. They either stay that way or die. Just as MOST hollywooder’s do.

Kim diaz
Kim diaz
7 years ago

I think they should cancel the view because it’s just a democratic view

7 years ago

Joy & Michael make such a lovely couple! They sound nearly like they write each other’s speeches and tirades! You guys go for it. Trump isn’t going anywhere anytime soon!

Lois N Kratzner
Lois N Kratzner
7 years ago

They are both slobs and don’t know anything about American citizens. We voted for Trump because Hillary is a liar and a thief and a murderer! Simply put.

charles carver
charles carver
7 years ago

both of these anti Americans are nothing but spotlight hounds and should be banished from the U.S.A.

Beverly Fenton
Beverly Fenton
7 years ago

Both = Wacky slobs.

G Hicks
G Hicks
7 years ago

These two clowns,Joy and Michael.arejustpersons who have to have a cause to stay
On t,v. No one takes their trash talk about our pres. With any seriousness. It’s well
Known if Trump were a democrat they would be kissing up. Face time is their number one goal.

7 years ago

Drama queens, and crybabies.! They think they should be heard, but Tim Allen shouldn’t be.???. I bet they believe that Berkeley was complete in the right when they through their temper tantrum.. time to grow up and know what’s real and life is not show business.

7 years ago

they just cannot get over that Trump won” why this view is still on the the air I don’t know but they all have big mouths and need to be fired but nobodys got the balls to do it”’ makes me sick ‘ I want to vomit.

7 years ago

They are both so disgusting, how they can think that hillary is so great, with all the filth, lying, murders, she is a total skank! And these has-beens on the view should be cancelled. Where else can you have a show where all you do is slander, and lie, and be so stupid, and get away with it? I pray that trump can get Soros, and hillary, and stop the paying of the protesters, and call a halt to their whole disgusting plan to ruin our country, economy, and tear it to shreds. Cancel this dumb show, put these political witches out of business, and into the unemployment line.

arturo obiza
arturo obiza
7 years ago

The height of stupidity. They know nothing! No, investigations have shown that Trump actually won the popular vote too, by millions. Cancel this senseless show that lies and distorts the truth. Look on youtube for the investigation and tallies made by the states.

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