Liberals Launch Vicious Attack On Melania Trump Because Of Her Outfit In Texas Today! Here Are The Photos!

Absolutely correct! Melania always portrays herself with dignity, pride, care, and grace. She is never rude, or anyway, obnoxious or pretentious. I think she presents herself to the world as an excellent example of proper accomplishment in the USA. So, for all the degrading fools who try to put her down for appearing so outstanding for her job, their appearance is obviously as much a disgrace as their work.

The Democrats and the MSM just can’t get enough they attacked her look and outfit she wore today in Texas!

The real problem is that they reported what she wore on her way to Texas!

Here is part of the article made by The Mirror:

She boarded Air Force One with President Trump in aviator sunglasses (on a rainy, cloudy day here in Washington), an army green bomber jacket, and skinny, tall black heels.

Let’s hope POTUS and his wife aren’t going wading once they arrive in Texas.

Melania’s expression says it all — she’ll wear what she wants to.

“She looks chic AF,” a female journalist remarked to The Mirror.

Many were quick to criticize her for her shoe choice, but it looks like she already planned to change clothes for the trip.

Melania lost the jacket, changed shirts and swapped her stilettos for tennis shoes upon arrival in the Lone Star State. She also kept her sunglasses on and added a baseball hat with FLOTUS emblazoned across the front.

We are so blessed to have an awesome First Family in the White House. Melania is one of the few people that are beautiful inside and out. She always portrays herself with dignity, pride, care, and grace. She is never rude, or anyway, obnoxious or pretentious. I think she presents herself to The World as an excellent example of proper accomplishment in The USA.

You can help her by sharing this article and show to the whiny liberal media that we have classy FLOTUS!

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Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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Andrew Honeycheck
Andrew Honeycheck
7 years ago

A classy First Lady!

Marilyn Mitchell
Marilyn Mitchell
7 years ago

She looks aOK to me –like a real American

7 years ago

Yes I believe Donald Trump is one lucky man–Melania (his Wife) is a beautiful and very intelligent lady and I am sure she could have married any number of men–I also think that the United States of America is extremely lucky to have her as our first lady. Thank You Melania.

celeste white
celeste white
7 years ago

she is a classy smart lady and knows what she would have to wear on her feet when there is a flood. people just cannot leave her and the president alone let him do his job and enjoy the nice sweet woman who is our first lady

Susan Maciariello
Susan Maciariello
7 years ago

We love you Melania, you are doing a great job.!!!!!!!

Garry Earle
Garry Earle
7 years ago

These lowlifes have nothing else to write about. Murders in Chicago are old news. Hillary, Bill and BO are old news, but they wouldn’t write any disparaging remarks about them anyway. Donald has got tough skin and realizes the more they attack him, they are leaving some other poor bastard alone.

7 years ago
Reply to  Garry Earle

You have nothing else to write about except the outfits worn by Melania and Ivanka???

7 years ago
Reply to  Garry Earle

You’re a piece of work Alex. I just love how people like you group all liberals together. I don’t do that to republicans and all we have to do is look back over these past 200 days. There is plenty to be said. But, I don’t. I never critizised Melania over her outfit, regardless of my opinion. Nor did I say a word when she visited sick and poor children in Europe wearing a coat that cost more than most Americans make in one year. Yet, (maybe) you and for sure people like you were quick to criticize Michelle Obama no matter what she did. Trump himself criticized Michelle for wearing short sleeves in Saudi Arabia. Tweeted up a storm about her disrespect. Yet, both his wife and daughter did the same and not a word was said by trump or the rest of the republicans who had a party going after Michelle. So, you see Alex…..Always two sides to the story and your very biased side shows us exactly where you stand. Yawn. Same old “liberals are bad and republicans are good”. Maybe try writing an objective article next time and don’t group people together simply b/c they belong to the same political party.

7 years ago

Melania is doing a great job and a fantastic role model for our people. If she likes wearing stilettos so be it. Great for her. I know a lot of people who wear these shoes. I myself would not due to back issues. As far as what she wore to view the disaster in Texas……great job. I would have looked much worse with torn jeans and t-shirt. Melania looked elegant and relaxed. Leave her alone and look at yourself!!!

7 years ago

Get a life! At least in heels Malina missed a lot of water…ha, ha……then she changed into tennies, did that make you happy?!

Rl sandusky
Rl sandusky
7 years ago

She looked properly dressed,darn beautiful and courteous to me!

Greg Morris
7 years ago

We Have The Most Awesome First Lady!!!

7 years ago

She is beautiful and has so much class they are so jealous the can’t stand themselves

Susan Garrison
Susan Garrison
7 years ago

Love you Melania! You always look great, in everything you wear. You looked very appropriate for your flight to Texas. I don’t pay attention to people who criticize you or what you wear. I’m sure they are just jeolous!

Becky Sayer
Becky Sayer
7 years ago

You are perfect the most classy First Lady since Jackie Kennedy. I so enjoy your true intrest in our country. You always dress perfect as a symbol class and dignity that this country is about. Plus you are seen by President Trumps side always interested and a part of what he is doing. You put we the people first. God bless you
Becky Sayer

Hillary Clinton
7 years ago

“Hurricane Harvey” August 29, 2017 explains it all.
“I struggle. You laugh.”
#Hillary #Humor Subscribe!

carol Crosby
carol Crosby
7 years ago

Melania, is a beautiful, classy woman that represents our country nicely. Very proud of her!

Ann Whitfield
Ann Whitfield
7 years ago

The worst of a lowlife is one who criticizes one who is deep in water and danger to help all Americans survive this indescribable destruction while they sit home, warm, dry, safe and waited upon with not a care in the world for anyone else and criticize someone that is in the devastation trying to help. I see a picture of those burning in hell-fire and brimstone- asking for some water. The chasm is too far and deep, no water. Sorry, you lose.

Geraldine Slaght
Geraldine Slaght
7 years ago

You look fine Melania, I am Proud of our First Lady. -The Stars at Night are Big and Bright—— ——- ——–Deep in The Heart of TEXAS. GOD BLESS.

Sandra Sutter
Sandra Sutter
7 years ago

Love Melanie, our first lady. She’s nothing but class.

7 years ago

I am sure they will be blaming our President for the hurricane and all the disaster left behind before it is over.

7 years ago
Reply to  M

We will wait to see if trump has more than his scripted words to say. He went to Texas, yet not one time talked about the actual people going through this. He praised his cabinet, he praised himself (nothing new there), he praised the governor. Yet, not one story about any of the hundreds of thousands of people stranded. Not one word of sympathy for the lost lives. Maybe if trump actually cared about people it would show. Yet, once again he shows us that he is all he cares about. This horrible tragedy happening and all he can do is threaten congress to pass his tax bill, which is basically a present to the %10. His tax bill will hurt more people than it will help. All this while hurricane Harvey is going on.

Liz Brookshire
Liz Brookshire
7 years ago

She got on a plane and came to Texas! Who cares what she was wearing? She came.

Mary belle wilson
7 years ago

There was nothing wrong with the out fit she wore. Is the media becoming insane?. we have a terrible hurricane flooding thousands of homes . leaving people with out homes and jobs and in some cases people died. and the media comments about the first lady’s outfit.? you people need your heads examined. The news is about the the devastation and the losses people are idiots!

Mary belle wilson
7 years ago

cowards could not print it huh?

Lois Mccoy
Lois Mccoy
7 years ago

It’s noones business how she is dressed! What is wrong with this country! Leave these people alone, and start being thankful for them!

7 years ago

I am so very proud to have her as First Lady, she has real class. Fake news doesn’t have it in them to be ashamed. Instead of always trying to devide us, they should be trying to help this great country.

Sonja Hooks
Sonja Hooks
7 years ago

Beautiful, classy lady whatever she wears. Leave her alone and focus on the important things. The Trumps’ compassion in this disaster in Texas.

Alicia Rivers Cook
Alicia Rivers Cook
7 years ago

She looked just as beautiful in her tennis shoes and her hair in a ponytail an her FLOUS cap as her stilletos earlier.

Alicia Rivers Cook
Alicia Rivers Cook
7 years ago

She looked just as beautiful in her tennis shoes and her hair in a ponytail an her FLOTUS cap as her stilettos earlier.

7 years ago

Obama unlucky … wong woman !!!!!!!!

Ada Rives
7 years ago

Ian praying for our First Family, my beloved country and my beloved Fellow Americans. Will you join me. A little love goes a long way.

Ada Rives
7 years ago
Reply to  Ada Rives

I am not Ian, oops

7 years ago

Screw all you liberal assholes,

7 years ago

GOD bless our first family for showing up in Texas to encourage and support the people who are devastated by this natural disaster. Shame on the media for trying to stir up something negative. Thank you POTUS and FLOTUS 🙂 you have my 100% support. Praying for the people of Texas and our first family. Lift them up in prayer and stop all the negativism. Ain’t no body got time for that!

Ellie roach
Ellie roach
7 years ago

The “others” would find a problem with Jesus Christ, his white robe is not white enough or it should be of another color. I for one am very proud to have a perfect woman back as the First Lady of our country, and I adore her husband too.

7 years ago

You’re a piece of work Alex. I just love how people like you group all liberals together. I don’t do that to republicans and all we have to do is look back over these past 200 days. There is plenty to be said. But, I don’t. I never critizised Melania over her outfit, regardless of my opinion. Nor did I say a word when she visited sick and poor children in Europe wearing a coat that cost more than most Americans make in one year. Yet, (maybe) you and for sure people like you were quick to criticize Michelle Obama no matter what she did. Trump himself criticized Michelle for wearing short sleeves in Saudi Arabia. Tweeted up a storm about her disrespect. Yet, both his wife and daughter did the same and not a word was said by trump or the rest of the republicans who had a party going after Michelle. So, you see Alex…..Always two sides to the story and your very biased side shows us exactly where you stand. Yawn. Same old “liberals are bad and republicans are good”. Maybe try writing an objective article next time and don’t group people together simply b/c they belong to the same political party.

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